View Full Version : Christmas!

4th December 2011, 18:55
It's this special time of year again as we celebrate the birth of our Lord.
So what's everyone doing for Christmas?
I have the usual with my brothers and thier families here with us and I will chat with my mahal. Hope we don't get any snow like last year.
Also it's my birthday this Friday coming :D

4th December 2011, 19:19
Advance HAPPY BITHDAY!!!! then Nick:Jump: mine is on 12-12:)

Arthur Little
4th December 2011, 19:52
It's this special time of year again as we celebrate the birth of our Lord.

:iagree: ... that SHOULD be the case, Nick; :yeahthat: unfortunately - all too often - it's NOT! :NoNo:

Arthur Little
4th December 2011, 20:02
the birth of our Lord.

As far as Myrna & I are concerned, that's the TRUE meaning of Christmas! Sadly ... :bigcry: ... the proper significance of one of the two [singularly] most important festivals in the Christian Calendar has all too readily been forgotten by the vast majority of UK residents.

4th December 2011, 20:57
Oh no....not again ! :cwm3:


4th December 2011, 21:01
happy birthday nick for friday, and xmas day with my kids then off on holiday, yippi:)

4th December 2011, 21:04
Not in our household Arthur :)

It's the most wonderful time of the year...yehey

I thought for a moment Graham was going to jump on Apo's mantel :icon_lol:

4th December 2011, 21:44
Im working.:doh,

5th December 2011, 02:33
Im working.:doh,
My employer has kindly granted me Christmas day off on compassionate grounds....because of baby!

Father Christmas will still be long gone by the time I get home in the early hours :NoNo:

For my penance ill be working all through the new year

5th December 2011, 07:19
it's pajama day on xmas day in our home....just a lazy day with lots of cuddles, food and pressies for our little man.

5th December 2011, 08:03
it's pajama day on xmas day in our home....just a lazy day with lots of cuddles, food and pressies for our little man.

i would not call your man little hes taller then any of us:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

5th December 2011, 10:41
Happy Birthday. Sounds like you've got a good Christmas planned.

My parents are out with us this Christmas, hopefully and BBQ and a chilling out on the beach.

5th December 2011, 11:13
Happy Birthday and Happy Christmas to everyone!!

Well,...husband and I will be @ Mum's house for a '' BIG'' dinner :):xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th December 2011, 13:02
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes :)
It's not until Friday but it's fine.
I'm having a little birthday party with friends and my mahal will be joining via webcam :D