View Full Version : Hi guys just a update on how things are going

4th December 2011, 21:39
Well now my wife has passed her English a1 we wait her certificate the test centre promise me that city and guild will post the certificate to there office in Cebu so I hope to god it's there by next week as I really hoping to have my wife's visa sent soon. I need to start getting documents in order to send to my wife things such as our chats logs phone records and letter from my work also I need to try get 6 months payslips bank statements dame they looking for so much sometimes I just don't know were to start any pointers would be great from some of the veterans here how have seen it and done it all before.
I really missing my beautiful mahal rotsen

Gentle Brother
4th December 2011, 21:55
Wishing u good luck. Keep up the great effort. Nothing good comes easy.