View Full Version : Rip off Britain

5th December 2011, 10:55
No season of goodwill from the sly and greedy Big 4 supermarkets. This programme should be worth watching

The Truth About Supermarket Price Wars: Panorama is on BBC1 at 8.30pm (Monday, December 5)

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069932/Four-largest-supermarkets-face-prosecution-misleading-shoppers-grocery-price-war-lies.html#ixzz1feVly1vW

5th December 2011, 11:52
you can have a good :laugher: at some of their prices, you wonder what :crazy: people stick the labels on, i think its tesco, sometimes, they display what the price is, in morrisons and its nearly always the same price :laugher:

5th December 2011, 12:04
They're up against it when I walk into their 'Superconmarkets'. :)

I started my sales career at the age of 16 and graduated into the cut and thrust of the FMCG field at the age of 20 (Sales Representative), just as the cosy 60s was morphing into the cut and thrust of 'American-style' marketing from the early 70s and beyond.

At that time ASDA (Associated Dairies) had only 4 stores, and all them were on my call list.
The original Morrisons on John Street in Bradford was also a customer of mine.

Tesco had a lot of stores, but they were still in the 60s at the that point....about the size of your average modern Tesco Express, and still high street based.

I've watched with great interest the development of the 'Hypermarket' over these past 40 years and all the hyper everything else that goes with them.

Everything is hard-nosed about these places and their management teams, the corporate culture within, and the manipulative marketing without.

That's how they have succeeded in gobbling up the market and all the family businesses that used to give variety to our high streets and the general shopping experience. Whether that is a good or bad thing is another subject of course.

Anyway, back to today; I enjoy the challenge of 'reading between the writing' as I stroll around Tesco, every prospective purchase being a challenge, a process of weighing (often literally) cost against benefit and need.
The result is VALUE....the magic word of the sales and marketing world, and my little pot of gold as I emerge from the exit.

The worst thing that can happen is getting home and realising that I missed that pack of expensive re-chargeable batteries that slid down and hid under those spare bags on the till chute. :bigcry:

5th December 2011, 12:20
I usually shop at Aldi these days, no special offers, just low prices on most items. I only buy what I need or what I fancy as a treat for me and the kids.
If I go to one of the larger supermarkets, it's only for specific items that I can't get at Aldi such as decent deodorant, razor blades and other non food items, and even then it's straight to the aisle I need, pick up the item and head to the till. I never take any notice of the 2 for £2 or BOGOF offers as they are usually on things I don't need or want.

5th December 2011, 12:33
The biggest Tesco in York just happens to be within walking distance...otherwise. :D

5th December 2011, 12:43
Aldi are great :xxgrinning--00xx3: - although they're a bit sneaky when it suits them - an area manager told me in the main pricing of their new essentials range is pitched to match not undercut JS Basic/Tesco Value/Asda Smartprice

Sainsburys must think we're all mugs - Muller Fruit Corner Yoghurts - twice in the last 6 weeks or so chopped down to 30p each for a few days very shortly back up to 61p each or "Special Offer" 4 for £2.00.

5th December 2011, 13:43
Two questions;

How do you think our prices for food and clothing compares to the other major economies in the EU?

What do you think are the net profit margins of the major supermarkets?

I think a few people on here will be surprised to see that it is NOT rip off Britain at all.

5th December 2011, 14:01
I believe most of the big chains work on around 5% net on general groceries....compared to 17-20% for the same items in your corner shop.

Of course they buy in at vastly different rates, related to quantity.

Naturally 5% of a few billion nets rather more than 20% of £100,000. :)

Arthur Little
5th December 2011, 14:13
hyper everything else that goes with them.

:rolleyes: ... "hype" you mean? :gp:!

5th December 2011, 14:22
oh i shopped here a few times in my past,:icon_lol: The original Morrisons on John Street in Bradford

5th December 2011, 14:26
I usually shop at Aldi these days,.

there use to be a netto near me, but within a couple of weeks this happened to it :cwm24:


5th December 2011, 14:28
The original Asda was at Pudsey (W.Yorks)

In style it was more like a warehouse/cash and carry....goods in original cases, but neatly cut open to display what was inside (by me), or flour, sugar etc, opened up and stacked up brick-laying fashion on the pallet it had arrived on...again, stacked by me. Every item individually priced.

At their stores I was expected to do 4 hours merchandising (shelf-filling) before being admitted to the (brutal) buyer's office. During that time I would price and stack around 200 cases of our various brands.

He had a rep's signing list on the wall of his 'waiting room', and you were admitted depending upon your original time of arrival at the store.

Since my company insisted that i was always number one on the list, I had to be there by at least 7.30am. :cwm3:

5th December 2011, 14:42
You chaps dont know how lucky you are. Supermarket prices in the UK are so much lower than here on the IOM. Oh for an Asda and / or a Lidl here!

5th December 2011, 14:47
Two questions;

How do you think our prices for food and clothing compares to the other major economies in the EU?

What do you think are the net profit margins of the major supermarkets?

I think a few people on here will be surprised to see that it is NOT rip off Britain at all.

I agree with you, I've been saying on here for a while that I think the UK is cheap for many non food items compared to many other places. Now that GBP/Euro exchange rates are circa 1.15 the UK is considerably cheaper. The internet retailers like Amazon have meant that prices are standardised globally for electronics goods and other large consumer items.

5th December 2011, 14:59
You chaps dont know how lucky you are. Supermarket prices in the UK are so much lower than here on the IOM. Oh for an Asda and / or a Lidl here!

Ahh, but the IOM income tax structure makes up for that in 'shed loads'. :bigcry::bigcry:
Especially for a couple

You 'Manxies' don't know how lucky you are :D

Incidently do they have a name for residents on IOM? I'm sure it's not 'Manxies'

5th December 2011, 15:00
Ahh, but the IOM income tax structure makes up for that in 'shed loads'. :bigcry::bigcry:
Especially for a couple

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on an individuals income. The poor get hammered and the rich are laughing.

5th December 2011, 15:04
Maybe, maybe not. Depends on an individuals income. The poor get hammered and the rich are laughing.

Don't laugh too loud then lastlid :D

5th December 2011, 15:05
Ahh, but the IOM income tax structure makes up for that in 'shed loads'. :bigcry::bigcry:
Especially for a couple

You 'Manxies' don't know how lucky you are :D

Incidently do they have a name for residents on IOM? I'm sure it's not 'Manxies'

Well, I am English. But those indiginous to the island are Manx. Having said that, there are a good few Scousers here.

I would add that if I am on the mainland visiting etc I normally fill up at Asda on both petrol and food for the week as it is more expensive on the island. There is also a much greater range of food products, clothing etc on the UK mainland. There are many pluses to living here but also drawbacks too.

5th December 2011, 15:19
Don't laugh too loud then lastlid :D

My boss, who is also my employer, isn't really affected by the higher supermarket prices at all as where he loses on the one hand he more than gains on the other. A bit like you described in your earlier post. Those on lowest incomes don't get the big tax breaks so they are affected by the higher supermarket prices. In truth I don't sit in either of the two camps. So I wouldnt say I was laughing.

5th December 2011, 15:34
Anyway lastlid, you are a full member that exclusive club of 'silly-smile-husbands' married to a Filipina wife :D

Sorry to be off-topic again folks.
That's forum life :D

5th December 2011, 15:42
Anyway lastlid, you are a full member that exclusive club of 'silly-smile-husbands' married to a Filipina wife

I think that can be said of all of us. Thankyou kind sir. :D

5th December 2011, 17:34
Two questions;

How do you think our prices for food and clothing compares to the other major economies in the EU?

Dunno - but this March 2011 UBS report states "UK food prices are rising more rapidly than most other OECD economies’ food prices, and have significantly outstripped food retailers’ cost inflation" - I read this that the price fixing supermarkets are ripping off UK consumers.


I don't care too much about clothes prices they've not risen as much as food in recent years. Our spend on them is not as significant as the week in week out constantly rising food outlay.

What do you think are the net profit margins of the major supermarkets?

Tesco's 2010 net profit of £2.6 billion was 10% up on 2009. All this is being achieved by putting independent retailers out of business as they increase the land bank they sit on and open up Tesco, Metro, Macro and locals in every nook and cranny of the country.

Graham is 100% correct in saying "Naturally 5% of a few billion nets rather more than 20% of £100,000"

I think a few people on here will be surprised to see that it is NOT rip off Britain at all.

I don't walk around thinking the big 4 Supermarkets are some sort of Charitable Demi Gods "helping us save money" as Asda nicely put it so I'm happy to carry on knowing we live in Rip off Britain

5th December 2011, 17:48
Tesco's 2010 net profit of £2.6 billion was 10% up on 2009. All this is being achieved by putting independent retailers out of business as they increase the land bank they sit on and open up Tesco, Metro, Macro and locals in every nook and cranny of the country.

Interestingly Tesco is just about to open a branch of Tesco Express on my doorstep, after opening a full blown branch in the main town Douglas. It is certainly rattling some of the natives and others are super happy. Mixed emotion on that one. It just depends on ones circumstances as to how these things affect the individual. Personally I am pleased to see Tesco here as it brings more choice and variety to this part of the Island but I still hanker for an Asda and / or a Lidl as I have always found the latter cheaper.

And yes, it might well affect the local retailers...that is one of the concerns. But on the flipside Tesco Express might give a better service etc.

5th December 2011, 18:10
To answer my question raised earlier food and non-alcoholic beverages in the UK are cheaper than in France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland and Sweden. Bulgaria has the cheapest food prices of the 27 member states.

From my experience of UK supermarkets compared to those that I've visited abroad the UK ones have fresher, better quality produce and more variety. That in itself comes at a cost especially considering the rising transport costs of importing the goods.

Looking at the percentage increases doesn't show the whole picture. As far as increases are calculated if you start of from a lower starting point the percentage increase is going to be greater.

A 10 point increase on 10 is going represent a larger percentage than a 10 point increase on 15. Therefore if you start at a lower price point but increase it by the same amount then it will appear as a larger percentage increase.:doh

When it comes to clothing only Malta, Hungary and Bulgaria are cheaper than the UK.

Rip off Britain - I don't think so.

The net margins are between 3% and 5.8% (Tesco). The size of the turnover is irrelevant. The point I'm making is that if the supermarkets were ripping consumers off with high prices the profit margins would be much higher.

At those margins you'd be better off putting your money in the bank account (until a couple of years ago anyway).

Fortunately I don't rely upon dumbed-down, selective media such as the Daily Mail or BBC to form my opinions.

5th December 2011, 18:44
From my experience of UK supermarkets compared to those that I've visited abroad the UK ones have fresher, better quality produce and more variety. That in itself comes at a cost especially considering the rising transport costs of importing the goods.

So none of these costs are taken into account when calculating retailers cost inflation which the UBS report mentions. Do these nice charitable UK supermarkets absorb the cost of aviation fuel from Africa and diesel from Spain so we are able to buy string beans and strawberries all the year round ?

The net margins are between 3% and 5.8% (Tesco). The size of the turnover is irrelevant. The point I'm making is that if the supermarkets were ripping consumers off with high prices the profit margins would be much higher.

Sir Terry Leahy former CEO of Tesco trousered £1.4 million in 2009 - -if I'm not mistaken Fat Cat salaries are deducted from GP before you get to the net. No doubt on top of his declared salary will be share options, houses, substantial expense accounts etc

At those margins you'd be better off putting your money in the bank account (until a couple of years ago anyway).

Fortunately I don't rely upon dumbed-down, selective media such as the Daily Mail or BBC to form my opinions.

One wonders why they spent many years building up huge chains of retail temples when they could have run squealing to the Nationwide Building Society with truck loads of cash. :crazy:

Which Supermarkets Press Office do you work for ? :D

5th December 2011, 18:53
'The size of turnover is irrelevant'.

Now that's silly talk.:NoNo:

5th December 2011, 19:12
Which Supermarkets Press Office do you work for ? :D

Boots ? :Erm: . :D

5th December 2011, 20:31
'The size of turnover is irrelevant'.

Now that's silly talk.:NoNo:

Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th December 2011, 22:21
Just watched the programme some fairly despicable practices detailed - I hope the Office of Fair Trading or whoever takes these shysters to court.

One example :-

Tesco Chickens widely advertised at £4 Jan - June 2011, increased by 25% and advertised at £5 July - Aug 2011 - Big Price Drop Sept 2011 slashed to £4 - what do you think about that Andy n Grasya ? (Tesco being charitable again flogging them at £4 ?:icon_lol:)

5th December 2011, 23:03
I just watched it too. Nothing there I didn't already know.

That's what 'customer service' is all about today Dedworth.

Con the consumer from every angle...with a smile. :)

Marketing = manipulation.

Selling =shafting.

Professionals against amateurs.

5th December 2011, 23:18
i am very careful when it comes to shopping and spending money, not that i am tight or anything just carefull, do i want, and i have to convince myself that its what i need, farmfoods, aldi, wilkinsons and pak shop, not paky shop Graham, Pak shop here in derby, the trouble at the mo is farmfoods are doing 3 loaves for £2, i cant eat that much bread before it goes green,i did not realize this until i asked em why my bread was getting smaller the slices she was cutting the mould off, so the ducks are happy near me now they have the extra loaf,

5th December 2011, 23:21
i am very careful when it comes to shopping and spending money, not that i am tight or anything just carefull, do i want, and i have to convince myself that its what i need, farmfoods, aldi, wilkinsons and pak shop, not paky shop Graham, Pak shop here in derby, the trouble at the mo is farmfoods are doing 3 loaves for £2, i cant eat that much bread before it goes green,i did not realize this until i asked em why my bread was getting smaller the slices she was cutting the mould off, so the ducks are happy near me now they have the extra loaf,

You're a sensible man Steve not letting them rip you off - there's better things to spend your money on than blindly filling Tesco's coffers

5th December 2011, 23:22
I just freeze the bread. :)
You can even put it straight in the toaster still frozen.

I got a whole load today at about 20p a loaf. :D

5th December 2011, 23:26
never walk in tesco for over 3 years , the ex worked there so never go in and i hate frozen bread too,even when its thawed:)

5th December 2011, 23:27
anyway the freezer is full of farmfoods:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

5th December 2011, 23:39
But we live on bread and water. :D

6th December 2011, 09:13
Saw the programme last night. Nothing new there. Again, I too would like to see some prosecutions.

6th December 2011, 09:39
I got a whole load today at about 20p a loaf. :D

When I was living in Aberdeen last year I could do a weeks shopping for under tenner at Asda, whole lumps of fish for 10p etc etc. Just bunged it in the freezer. I used to time it right, about 7pm at night, just after work.....

6th December 2011, 09:50
Saw the programme last night. Nothing new there. Again, I too would like to see some prosecutions.

You are quite right but at least by broadcasting it along with accompanying news reports it may open the eyes of thousands of mugs to the underhand and devious practices of the supermarkets.

I've seen them on BBC Watchdog before but I do laugh at Tesco's yellow "multibuy" stickers £1.50 each or 2 for £3. A Psychologist said people are attracted to the so many for so much bit and switch off to the individual price - Tesco have the front to repeatedly claim that these stickers are down to human error.

"Never give a sucker an even break" :D

6th December 2011, 10:07
Oh come on guys everybody makes mistakes. Its only a sticker. Whats another few pounds on a shopping bill? :laugher::laugher::laugher:.

6th December 2011, 10:16
They do makes some cracking mistakes in the buyers favour. Last year I bought a Blu Ray DVD for £3.00 that should have been £13.00 at Asda. When they priced a heap of them up they inadvertently put two prices on each set of Blu Rays. And of course they are (to a degree) obliged to sell at the lower price. So I got mine for £3.00. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2011, 10:26
Oh come on guys everybody makes mistakes. Its only a sticker. Whats another few pounds on a shopping bill? :laugher::laugher::laugher:.

The programme shows it as being a cynical and deliberate ploy - with the volumes they shift and the number of stores those few pounds are multiplied by thousands. Where would you rather have those £'s Andy your pocket or Tesco's ?

6th December 2011, 10:39
They do makes some cracking mistakes in the buyers favour. Last year I bought a Blu Ray DVD for £3.00 that should have been £13.00 at Asda. When they priced a heap of them up they inadvertently put two prices on each set of Blu Rays. And of course they are (to a degree) obliged to sell at the lower price. So I got mine for £3.00. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

How can you live with yourself ? :icon_lol:

South-east boy
6th December 2011, 11:31
The UK isn't cheap or the rest of Europe expensive when you live in each country. Prices in the UK haven't gone down or prices in Europe gone up loads. The prices here have gone up a lot here, especially over the last 3 years, but instead of things going up a few pence like it used to, it's been 10, 15, 20 or even up to 40/50p on some things! It's just that the £ to the Euro rate dropped a lot 3 1/2 years ago and has never regained, so it's only when you travel to Europe, convert your cash and buy things that you'll get stung and get less value than you used to. Of course it will be the opposite for when anyone in mainland Europe comes here to buy as it will be better value once they have converted their cash than over there.

Why the £ has never risen to like the 1.3-1.4 Euro's to the £ like it used to be given how badly many countries in the Euro are doing such as Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Ireland beats me!

6th December 2011, 11:39
How can you live with yourself ? :icon_lol:

Well, yes. I think the guy who priced them up got a real roasting from his supervisor......:icon_lol:

6th December 2011, 11:59
On the plus side, the Tesco in Douglas is one of the biggest employers of Filipinas on the island.......

6th December 2011, 11:59
Why the £ has never risen to like the 1.3-1.4 Euro's to the £ like it used to be given how badly many countries in the Euro are doing such as Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Ireland beats me!

The value of £ vs € isn't directly linked to the economic fortunes of UK vs EUzone. It is far more complex than this, but in simplistic terms, the value of Sterling started falling when bank base rates tumbled. As BoE BR fell, sterling became a less attractive investment to the institutions who buy billions of foreign currencies every day. As ECB BR is higher than ours, the Euro is still more attractive to foreign investors than Sterling.
Whilst a weak pound isn't good for us when we go on holiday, it is actually very good for British business' who export to the EU as the price of British goods are cheaper and therefore more competitive.
The only way the pound will regain it's losses against the Euro is for the BoE to increase the BBR:yikes: No thanks, I'm on a tracker mortgage.

6th December 2011, 12:04
many years ago :rolleyes: i did some work experience at CWS (co op wholesale) and i spent some time in a department working with a guy, who job it was to try and squeeze as much as he could on the shelves, and certain brands (ones who paid money ) went at eye level, and their own brand went just below these or just above, and the cheap brands at the bottom :D

they do :censored: sometimes thou.



6th December 2011, 12:07
they do :censored: sometimes thou.



LOL Nice one. :icon_lol:

6th December 2011, 12:48
That's a good one, but how can anyone eat 657 chocolate oranges:repuke::action-smiley-082:

6th December 2011, 12:53
Consider how much perishable and out of date stuff gets tipped out the back door every day though. :)

South-east boy
6th December 2011, 13:14
Consider how much perishable and out of date stuff gets tipped out the back door every day though. :)

Yeah! Some supermarkets have slightly damaged or nearly out of date things on a reduced shelf, but a lot just chuck it out. Seen it before when I've worked at supermarkets on Saturday and temp evening jobs. Seems especially bad when there's charities that feed the homeless etc. Sure things like meat, fish and dairy stuff could be dodgey to sell or give away, but there's plenty of things that would be ok. But worse than that is things like veggies and fruit that aren't the correct shape, so don't even get to the store and are dumped! I'm sure some people would buy them if they were at a cheaper price?!

6th December 2011, 13:19
Too right.

What does the shape matter anyway if it's going into a fruit drink or soup ?

The amount of waste in this country is truly scandalous considering those in need of a few crumbs in this world, just to keep themselves alive. :NoNo:

6th December 2011, 13:24
The tidiest and most waste-free environment I ever saw was at the Carreras Rothmans cigarette factory in Basildon. (When I was a rep' of theirs).

Duty was charged on tobacco as it came out of the attached govt.bonded warehouse for processing.

Any waste tobacco that went back into the warehouse (even 'dust'), the duty was refunded.

At that time on 30p worth of tobaco leaf there was £5 duty.

Nuff said. :)

6th December 2011, 13:34
Too right.

What does the shape matter anyway if it's going into a fruit drink or soup ?

The amount of waste in this country is truly scandalous considering those in need of a few crumbs in this world, just to keep themselves alive. :NoNo:

If they offered a smaller range of products like the German hard discounters (ie Lidl & Aldi) there would be less stuff to skip. Seemingly some people don't mind paying the price in their shopping bill for the huge "choice" that gets thrown away

From my experience of UK supermarkets compared to those that I've visited abroad the UK ones have fresher, better quality produce and more variety. That in itself comes at a cost especially considering the rising transport costs of importing the goods.

6th December 2011, 14:16
It was only yesterday afternoon at Waitrose

Tasty seasonal snacks on offer at 3 for the price of 2

Quite a few were reduced to £1.50 from the original price £4.99 (short dated)
I bought 3 which I thought would cost me £4.50


The computer/till took £4.99 off for the free one.
Means waitrose actually paid me 49p to enjoy them. I went back to get some more but none left on reduced price.

They tasted so so good.

6th December 2011, 14:36
even HP do :Cuckoo:things


i didn't get one for £89, had to pay £100 for it, as work managed to get about 10 for £89 each :D

6th December 2011, 17:31
The programme shows it as being a cynical and deliberate ploy - with the volumes they shift and the number of stores those few pounds are multiplied by thousands. Where would you rather have those £'s Andy your pocket or Tesco's ?

Sorry dedworth you either have to laugh or cry mate. Its been going on for a long time. And it wont stop.

6th December 2011, 17:34
Sorry dedworth you either have to laugh or cry mate. Its been going on for a log time. And it wont stop.

I know what you mean Andy.....

6th December 2011, 17:54
I know what you mean Andy.....

If they were prosecuted regularly and the penalties were heavy enough they would see the error of their ways and trade in a moral manner. Rolling over and accepting that it's always been that way plays into their hands.

6th December 2011, 18:03
If they were prosecuted regularly and the penalties were heavy enough they would see the error of their ways and trade in a moral manner. Rolling over and accepting that it's always been that way plays into their hands.

They should start dishing out fines like they do in the Financial Services sector when companies rip off their customers. HSBC were fined an eye watering £40Million yesterday, which might sound like a lot, but when they make £20 Billion profit a year from ripping off their customers it's a tiny percentage. Hit the big supermarkets with £100Million fines for ripping off their customers, it might reduce our national debt a bit quicker then:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2011, 18:57
Mps have probably got shares in these big supermarkets.?????.

6th December 2011, 19:10
Mps have probably got shares in these big supermarkets.?????.

:icon_lol: Labour have got Lord Sainsbury and his chum Shaun Woodward MP (he's the one who used to sit next to Bottler Brown grinning inanely and nodding his head). Scouser Leahy ex Head Honcho of Tesco was Labour but I think he saw the writng was on the wall and wriggled his way into some sort of advisory role with the Tories

6th December 2011, 19:26
Court adjouned. :laugher::laugher::laugher:

6th December 2011, 22:32
If they were prosecuted regularly and the penalties were heavy enough they would see the error of their ways and trade in a moral manner. Rolling over and accepting that it's always been that way plays into their hands.

I agree. I would like to see prosecutions. I think what they do is fraudulent.

Peter D
6th December 2011, 23:58
Two questions;

How do you think our prices for food and clothing compares to the other major economies in the EU?

What do you think are the net profit margins of the major supermarkets? "

I shopped at Tesco in Ireland today ( prices charged in Euros ) and can get to Tesco Derry in 20 minutes and pay in £ stg at normal UK prices . In August we spent three weeks in France and shopped in Carefour / Mamouth / Aldi / Lidl etc . I find it difficult to see any price difference between UK and Ireland using todays rate of 1.167Euro/£ , vat is going to 23% in Ireland which could increase prices but if the Euro drops due to Sarkozy and Merkel not getting it sorted it could go the other way for a short period but then we will get price inflation. Compared to France I find UK prices cheap , all the time we were there we did not find a single bargain in short dated price reduced food and no 20P loaves , in Ireland you can eat for very little cost by picking up the short dated items . I found supermarkets in France on average 10 to 15% more expensive than UK and for childrens clothes over 100% more expensive . We have Primark in Ireland and UK , they seem to have the market at the moment for cheap clothing and in Ireland there is a place paying Euro 60c / kilo for your old clothes and shoes ( which means on some of the stuff Primark sells you could almost make a profit ) . Needed a pair of jeans in France and paid 30 Euro from Carrefour that would have been 5 Euro or less in Primark Ireland . When I worked in the Philippines we had sandwiches every lunch for some reason I cannot remember , buying tinned tuna in mayo from Robinsons I remember it costing double what we would pay in the UK and the tins being only filled less than half and thinking how do they get away with that ? My favourite is fresh mango , I cannot see that being available anywhere else in the world better or cheaper than the Philippines ?

7th December 2011, 00:00
I was watching Asda's new Xmas TV ad' with a wry smile today. :rolleyes:

Of course any fines payable would be added on to our shopping bills, so bit of a stalemate there.

Criminally prosecuting and jailing some of the fat cats at the top would however be a much better deterrent. :D

7th December 2011, 16:51
Two questions;

How do you think our prices for food and clothing compares to the other major economies in the EU?

What do you think are the net profit margins of the major supermarkets?

I think a few people on here will be surprised to see that it is NOT rip off Britain at all.
Excellent post, a rep on its way.

I agree some of Tesco's yellow price labelling can be misleading.

Its upto the consumer to work it out themselves. In fact we experienced that this week buying wet wipes....what was special offer a month back was no longer...another brand had taken the yellow label, thus taking the attention away from the previous special offer...after doing some calculation, it was still cheaper to buy the brand I bought a month ago.Ty

In the past we've tried Sainsburys (on our doorstep) and Asda...neither offer the the same choice as Tesco.

For example we can order filleted and whole Talapia the week before we want it....just like the fishmonger, that was in the high st.

'rip off Britain'....not at Tesco :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th December 2011, 18:09
I agree some of Tesco's yellow price labelling can be misleading.

I was having a banter with a Tesco Stratostore Manager in the pub last night and he confirmed that the yellow shelf edge multibuy labels are deliberate not human error

7th December 2011, 18:17
Did we ever doubt it ? :)

7th December 2011, 18:25
Did we ever doubt it ? :)

I didn't....im sure Tesco's aren't the only ones doing this.

7th December 2011, 18:27
I didn't....im sure Tesco's aren't the only ones doing this.

I think they've got the copyright - Watchdog don't ever show any similar viewers pics taken in other Stores.

Tesco - every rip off helps

7th December 2011, 18:33
I think they've got the copyright - Watchdog don't ever show any similar viewers pics taken in other Stores.

Tesco - every rip off helps

:icon_lol:..you make me laugh, Ded. ...your good value...I grant you that :icon_lol:

7th December 2011, 18:34
:icon_lol:..you make me laugh, Ded. ...your good value...I grant you that :icon_lol:

But not Tesco Value G :D

7th December 2011, 19:30
I just had a thought about your Tesco manager mate in the pub

Back in the summer while shopping alone I came across a wheat biscuit promo.

I gathered 2 boxes and off I trot...I did look at the price of the branded weetabix but, I didn't do the price comparison until in cash out queue.

It was actually cheaper to buy the weetabix...I hurried back to change them while thinking aloud, robbing .......s.

It just so happened a multi skilled manager was replenishing the shelves with the promo wheat biscuits...I said to him what id noticed...'yes I know' was my answer.

7th December 2011, 19:34
I didn't realise the B word (children born out of wedlock) was deemed a swear word :NoNo:

8th December 2011, 10:14
I was having a banter with a Tesco Stratostore Manager in the pub last night and he confirmed that the yellow shelf edge multibuy labels are deliberate not human error

Doesn't surprise me. Too many and too frequent to be human error.

8th December 2011, 10:50
Careful guys, we might already be marked men . :omg:


8th December 2011, 14:19
Careful guys, we might already be marked men . :omg:


:Erm: is that scousers keith mob number :yikes:

:doh :Cuckoo: Tesco is too upmarket for him :rolleyes:

:cwm24: i hope the misses doesn't see this :yikes:

10th December 2011, 00:09
Tesco just can't stop the deceptive practices

For Christmas shoppers watching their pennies, the offer of a half-price frozen turkey sounds too good to miss.

Unfortunately, Tesco’s heavily promoted deal is not all that it seems.

Rival supermarkets are selling their own frozen turkeys for around the same price – without the supposed 50 per cent discount.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2072301/Half-price-Tesco-turkeys-cheaper-price-rivals.html#ixzz1g581NLf8

10th December 2011, 00:17
They can get stuffed. :angry:

10th December 2011, 00:47
Tesco.... I won't do our main food shop anywhere else.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Its up to the consumer not to pay any attention to the flowery words and to take the time to do some simple arithmetic while loading your push cart...see, you'll be exercising your grey matter at the same time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th December 2011, 00:51
Me too.

I'm pretty much impervious to all marketing....miserable git that I am. :icon_lol:

10th December 2011, 09:35
farm foods, aldi, pak shop come on, save you all loads of cash,beleive me

10th December 2011, 17:56
farm foods, aldi, pak shop come on, save you all loads of cash,beleive me

In there Swindon stores they just dont stock the same variety as Tesco's...yes, we would save money...the downside being, spending precious time and fuel chasing around getting what we couldn't get at the stores you've mentioned.

10th December 2011, 19:11
You don't really have to chase round but grab stuff if you're passing whipped into a Farm Foods today - out in 10mins £20 lighter would probably have cost at least 50% more in Tesco. No queue at check out, free parking. As I said before you're paying through the nose for Tesco's massive and ostentatious choice, tonnes of which ends up in landfill.

10th December 2011, 19:18
Farmfoods is actually closer to me than Tesco ( I can almost see both from my house). Only been there once before, but might give it a look again. :)

10th December 2011, 19:29
Farmfoods is actually closer to me than Tesco ( I can almost see both from my house). Only been there once before, but might give it a look again. :)

Theres a fair bit of unhealthy crap there but also decent buys if you pick & choose

14th December 2011, 12:51
My tuppence worth ....

Took my son down to Gatwick Airport this morning.
Arrived in short-term car park at 07.37, departed car park at 08.10.

... and those 33mins cost me
£5.60 !!!!!!

14th December 2011, 15:49
"TESCO don’t deserve to be in business if they don’t even respond to letters, said Castletown Commissioners’ chairman Jerry Ludford-Brooks this week.
The local authority has twice written to the supermarket giant requesting a meeting – first when there were rumours a Tesco Express would open in the town’s Callow’s Yard development and a second time after the rumour was confirmed"


14th December 2011, 16:39
"TESCO don’t deserve to be in business if they don’t even respond to letters, said Castletown Commissioners’ chairman Jerry Ludford-Brooks this week.
The local authority has twice written to the supermarket giant requesting a meeting – first when there were rumours a Tesco Express would open in the town’s Callow’s Yard development and a second time after the rumour was confirmed"


Sounds like sour grapes from the Local Authority who might now be regretting giving Tesco planning permission :icon_lol:

They're a bunch of mugs

"Commissioner Alwyn Collister said: ‘I still think it’s the wrong place. It was never envisaged this would happen. If someone tried to get planning permission for a store like this they would not get it.’

14th December 2011, 16:41
I dont think Tesco applied for planning permission....thats part of the big debate.

Castletown, Isle of Man
Tesco is planning to open a second store in the island. Concerns have been expressed about the impact of the new store on the town’s existing retailers and the scheme has come under fire from the chairman of the town’s commissioners.

"Tesco has confirmed it has signed a 20-year lease to open an Express outlet at the Callow’s Yard development in Castletown. Work is already underway to remove four existing shops at the Malew Street entrance to provide space for the 5,000 square feet convenience store. No planning consent was needed for the interior works which he expected to be completed by mid-December with the shopfitters coming in during January. For further information please see an article in iomtoday, 5th November 2011."

Tescopoly (Every Little Hurts)


14th December 2011, 16:46
I dont think Tesco applied for planning permission....thats part of the big debate.

It says this :-

The department’s director of highways, Richard Pearson, confirmed the development has planning permission for retail use.

Might be some sort of outline permission

14th December 2011, 16:49
Yes. I think it was permission for retail stores in general but not specifically Tescos or a Tesco Express.

Big Trouble in Little China

14th December 2011, 17:00
Naturally Tesco will employ some very clever people in their property and legal departments. ;)

15th December 2011, 16:53
Get one over on the big 4 supermarkets - Aldi just got cheaper :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Daily Mirror today Thurs 15 Dec vouchers for Aldi £5 off a £30 spend plus other item specific money off vouchers all valid till 22/12

15th December 2011, 17:41
Ohoooooooo Price war!:laugher:

15th December 2011, 17:48

Aldi 4 Bird Roast £6.99 (£9.99 less 30% - coupon in the Mirror)

Suck on that Tesco :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 17:55
Got to be right!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 19:34

Aldi 4 Bird Roast £6.99 (£9.99 less 30% - coupon in the Mirror)

Suck on that Tesco :xxgrinning--00xx3:

That sounds rather interesting. Must take a look. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Tell you what Dedworth, down to your postings I've spent more time in Aldi this year than at any other time since I came back to UK :rolleyes:

Haven't bought much though the best bargains seem to sell out very fast. Better get up earlier next time.

BTW, I spent 2 hours in a queue last Thursday at our local Aldi to try and get hold of a special bottle of Whisky. Didn't get it though. The first person to buy one said only 4 bottles were available. So I went home.
They sold those at a pinch under £50. Bargain of the century.

BTW, the best bargain (imo) for champers is now at Lidl ---Comte de Brismand Champagne at £12.99
Not that I'm an expert, but this is just stunning. Yes I already tried it then went back and bought 10 bottles.

I also bought Saint Emillion Grand Cru AOC 2008 for just £12.99. This is NOT for sharing. Nothing more to say.

15th December 2011, 19:46
No ones mentioned Waitrose :Erm:

15th December 2011, 20:00
No ones mentioned Waitrose :Erm:

I mentioned Waitrose. Maybe you missed my post #56

It was only yesterday afternoon at Waitrose

Tasty seasonal snacks on offer at 3 for the price of 2

Quite a few were reduced to £1.50 from the original price £4.99 (short dated)
I bought 3 which I thought would cost me £4.50


The computer/till took £4.99 off for the free one.
Means waitrose actually paid me 49p to enjoy them. I went back to get some more but none left on reduced price.

They tasted so so good.

I actually like it at Waitrose.

I generally shop there more than anywhere else as it's only 20mins each way from my village. It's OK and they often have some good promos and reductions (short date)
They have plenty of foods I love and can't get anywhere else.

The only shop in our village is Co-Op.

Dedworth has tempted me to drive further afield to our nearest Aldi and Lidl stores and I can only say, what a revelation!!!. Some of the stuff they have is wonderful and at lowest prices ever. Wouldn't do my whole shop there but have found some absolute gems.

15th December 2011, 21:01
No ones mentioned Waitrose :Erm:

I did as you know on another thread in connection with goings on outside their door :D I actually don't mind Waitrose and go there now and again they have some decent special offers and sometimes absolute steals with the running out of date stuff on the pikey shelf.

Their quality is first class and they've always on the pricey side but make no bones about it. They're a pretty ethical outfit and wouldn't get up to the underhand and shafting supplier practices that Tesco thrive on.

15th December 2011, 21:13
That sounds rather interesting. Must take a look. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Tell you what Dedworth, down to your postings I've spent more time in Aldi this year than at any other time since I came back to UK :rolleyes:

Haven't bought much though the best bargains seem to sell out very fast. Better get up earlier next time.

BTW, I spent 2 hours in a queue last Thursday at our local Aldi to try and get hold of a special bottle of Whisky. Didn't get it though. The first person to buy one said only 4 bottles were available. So I went home.
They sold those at a pinch under £50. Bargain of the century.

BTW, the best bargain (imo) for champers is now at Lidl ---Comte de Brismand Champagne at £12.99
Not that I'm an expert, but this is just stunning. Yes I already tried it then went back and bought 10 bottles.

I also bought Saint Emillion Grand Cru AOC 2008 for just £12.99. This is NOT for sharing. Nothing more to say.

Glad I've converted you Terpe and you are spending some of that money you saved on fags getting some cracking deals :D

I didn't make any attempt to try and buy that old malt as I'm not a spirit drinker - saw some of the 24 year old they were selling 4 or so weeks back. Aldi & Lidl as you rightly say have some seriously good deals on quality alcohol, I think they're my main supplier nowadays :party-smiley-012:

They both have some top spec products (fruit & veg, chilled food, frozen, cleaning stuff etc) at very fair prices unlike the reviled big 4. IMHO anyone who doesn't try spending their money there either has more £'s than sense or is a brand snob (and we know brand snobbery is a fairly common Filipina trait :rolleyes:)

15th December 2011, 21:14
I did as you know on another thread in connection with goings on outside their door
Thats why I mentioned it,good enough for Romanians its good enough for us eh :icon_lol: I was in Waitrose downstairs in John Lewis in Kingston yesterday and didnt see a single big issue seller,maybe they were all over the road getting dolled up in christmas finery in TK-Maxx :icon_lol:

15th December 2011, 21:17
Thats why I mentioned it,good enough for Romanians its good enough for us eh :icon_lol: I was in Waitrose downstairs in John Lewis in Kingston yesterday and didnt see a single big issue seller,maybe they were all over the road getting dolled up in christmas finery in TK-Maxx :icon_lol:

Maybe they were pouring pretentious overpriced coffee down their necks at Starbucks. The M'head one often has a large cup from Costa Lot - nice to have a surplus of cash to splash out :icon_lol: