View Full Version : driving ban

5th December 2011, 20:21
well folks here is a story, 1 of our drivers has had a gfew problems over the last few years and he was up at court today for driving without due care, he had a accident up yorkshire knocked over a traffic light, anyway he had 9 points before and hes got a 6 month ban today so hes lost his job, the thing is, is it right, hes a single parent bringing up 2 kids, a mortgage and so on,the court said they could have imposed a £500 fine and 12 months ban and 6 points but they were lenient they said, so 4 points, 6 months ban and £500 fine, to me thats wrong yes up the fine but never a ban, another thing when he was in court for speeding last feb doing 35 in a 30, he had to fill in a form of hardship, this time the court said you have used that up already and cannot use it again, i thought that form was to see if you could pay a higher fine, yes the law is the law and i am the first to complain about speeders but thes days its the 5-7 mph over you get court not thes idiots doing 30-40 mph over the limit, anyway i do feel sorry for him and anyone else and a great time just before xmas,

5th December 2011, 20:29
It's tough for him and his family just before Christmas Steve, but the law is the law.

I drive a lot for my living too, and have driven a lot of very expensive and fast sports cars over the years, but I've not had any points on my licence in the last 15 years.

The golden rules I always stick to are never jumping an amber or red light and always stick to 30 or 40 limits.

I stick to these limits, not because I don't want a fine or points, but because 30 and 40 limits are usually in urban areas where kids or pedestrians may be around. I would never forgive myself if I hit or killed one.

5th December 2011, 20:43
i know it may offend but he can only blame himself i have 6 points from a accident not my fault but police said it was so i make sure i dont take risk and this guy should have done same he could have pleaded for licence to keep his job as a ban will put him out of any griving jobs as most will ony accept max 6 plus insurance goes sky high sorry 4 his familey but not him

5th December 2011, 21:08
not offend anyone at all, yes his own fault

5th December 2011, 21:17
I concur with Englishman - In a previous life as a salary man and company car jockey I drove about 15000 miles a year 2 x 3 points in 3 months for doing 34 in a 30mph whilst driving through unfamiliar towns taught me need to be careful. It was 12 years later I was unjustly given 3 points for supposedly jumping a light on the A45.

There are untold professional drivers about who manage to keep clean licences - a great shame for the individual concerned to lose his job but rules are rules unless you are wealthy enough to engage Mr Loophole

5th December 2011, 21:25
Sorry but personally I also agree with Englishman (and the courts).

However, having said that there have been cases where the ban has been avoided by a smart lawyer pleading a good case and relevant caselaw.
Whatever we think about it sometimes money can buy happiness:doh

5th December 2011, 21:36
How ironic I just got 3 points on Saturday for speeding first points in 10 years:bigcry:

5th December 2011, 21:42
How ironic I just got 3 points on Saturday for speeding first points in 10 years:bigcry:

And I thought taxi drivers had immunity :D

5th December 2011, 21:51
Charm did not work this time:icon_sorry:

5th December 2011, 21:59
Charm did not work this time:icon_sorry:

Sorry les, bad humour. I am sorry to hear that.
I only ever had one speeding ticket in my life, many years ago.
I can't even remember how many points I got. It was 34 mph in a 30 mph area.
Everyone said I'd be OK, but I wasn't.:doh

Everyday I see blatant high level speeding :NoNo:

5th December 2011, 22:00
Getting like the 4 Yorkshiremen sketch this.:D

Apart from my spells in the Phils I've been driving at least 20,000 miles a year for the past 40 years.

I've had a clean licence TOUCH WOOD since my only endorsment (3 points) came off in 1973. :)

I put it down to luck, sharp eyes, and much later in life....sensible driving or being behind women. :rolleyes:

Yes it's the law, and to amass so many points does suggest rather a lot of carelessness....sorry.

5th December 2011, 22:17
How ironic I just got 3 points on Saturday for speeding first points in 10 years:bigcry:

Bad news Les - there's a couple of people I've spoken to recently who were offered a "speeding awareness" course instead of the points when they were doing a paltry amount over the limit. A couple of hours "course" would have suited me instead of the 3 points for alleged light jumping that cost me £70 per year on my insurance for 3 years in addition to the fixed penalty.

5th December 2011, 22:24
i total agree with all, its the outcome that gets me, another person whos going to claim alsorts , so it ends up we are going to keep him, he will not get another job, just makes me laugh, £500 fine, whos paying that yes will £5 a month be ok and take that out of his dole money or what ever you call it too, many of us have been very lucky in the past and hopefully the future too, like i have said its not going 20+ mph over its the 5mph and yes we all have done it

5th December 2011, 22:40
i total agree with all, its the outcome that gets me, another person whos going to claim alsorts , so it ends up we are going to keep him, he will not get another job, just makes me laugh, £500 fine, whos paying that yes will £5 a month be ok and take that out of his dole money or what ever you call it too, many of us have been very lucky in the past and hopefully the future too, like i have said its not going 20+ mph over its the 5mph and yes we all have done it

Don't think for a single minute that life on welfare has any benefits for most.

5th December 2011, 22:51
thats my point, fine him more but keep him in work

5th December 2011, 22:53
thats my point, fine him more but keep him in work

Whilst thousands of uninsured Eastern Europeans can use the roads for demolition derbies

5th December 2011, 22:54
There are people who have more than 20 points on their licence...apparently. :Erm:

5th December 2011, 22:56
Whilst thousands of uninsured Eastern Europeans can use the roads for demolition derbies

Not to mention all the ones from the Indian Sub-Continent or Africa who appear to share one licence between the whole family. :rolleyes:

5th December 2011, 23:00
yes there is, we was suprized he was banned for 6 months, but the law is the law they say, but commen sense should have played a big part with the way the current job situation is, and before you all say its his fault, again i totaly agree with you all, they should have fined him more, thats just my thought

5th December 2011, 23:01
Not to mention all the ones from the Indian Sub-Continent or Africa who appear to share one licence between the whole family. :rolleyes:

It's the same person under that burhka on the photo:icon_lol:

5th December 2011, 23:07
It's the same person under that burhka on the photo:icon_lol:

we will give him a job if he comes dressed like that tomorrow

5th December 2011, 23:13
It's the same person under that burhka on the photo:icon_lol:

Certainly makes for interesting dating sites.:Erm:


5th December 2011, 23:19
we will give him a job if he comes dressed like that tomorrow

He can always get one of them to re-take his test

5th December 2011, 23:21
i am sure number 6 looks like you graham, you can see your bushy eyebrows:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

5th December 2011, 23:24
....and my enormous forehead. :laugher: