View Full Version : Online photo storage

7th December 2011, 20:27
After my external hard drive gave up the ghost the other month I've been thinking about online photo storage, I think they call cloud storage don't they? Anyway does anyone have any experience / recommendations of these?

7th December 2011, 21:42
I been using imageshack for years with no problems, and also photobucket (pics and videos).
The majority of photos I post here are from my storage sites because I find the quality is much better than when you upload to this site direct from pc, plus you can alter the size of the pics to suit the forum, and if you have second thoughts about the pic appearing on any particular site, then by deleting it from storage it also goes from the post. :)

I also have 3 hard-drives on this pc, + an external one. :D

The original is still going strong after 8 years though.

8th December 2011, 00:12
Graham thanks for that. I'll have a gander.

8th December 2011, 00:22
I still prefer using external hard drives than storing them online :)

8th December 2011, 09:54
I still prefer using external hard drives than storing them online :)

Me too:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I feel safer knowing they are on my storage and if I loose my internet connection can still acess them:Cuckoo:

8th December 2011, 10:00
That's why I use both...got photos all over the place, so then no danger of anyone missing out on my rubbish photography. :icon_lol:

9th December 2011, 07:29
I use photobucket for my baseball card collection, I'm not sure I would use it for personal photo's though.

9th December 2011, 08:23
I still prefer using external hard drives than storing them online :)

Me too:xxgrinning--00xx3: I have security concerns with storing too much personal info on line and would prefer to store photo's on several hard drives/memory sticks so that I have back ups of back ups.
The major drawback of storing items like this is that it is difficult to upload decent images to the forum - any chance of changing the settings for photo's Keith?

9th December 2011, 11:16
The photos stored online are only available to those who you wish to see them, and even if marked 'public', only available to those who have a link to that particular picture.

I don't have anything rude stored there...or anywhere for that matter :Erm:...or compromising, state secrets etc.

I don't know what you lot are hiding of course. :D

9th December 2011, 11:59
Hmmmm all intersting stuff. I think I'm leaning back towards external hard drives now though. I'll buy 2 and use one as a back up I think. Saying that my local computer shop said that due to the floods in thailand recently the price of hard drives has increase by approx 30%!! Apparently they make some of the componants out there,.

9th December 2011, 12:00
I don't have anything rude stored there...or anywhere for that matter :Erm:...or compromising, state secrets etc.

I don't know what you lot are hiding of course. :D

:icon_lol: me neither. I'm just very cautious about the wider public having access to photos of my kids, home, possessions ...etc. I'm sure many burglaries have been planned as a result of people showing off their treasures on Facebook and other social networks.

As we all know, the internet is not secure despite what service providers say. Anyone who is determined to find out about you can if they have the right criminal connections and the technical know how.

How often do we hear about peoples credit card details or other login details being sold on by a crooked call centre worker?

9th December 2011, 12:14
:icon_lol: me neither. I'm just very cautious about the wider public having access to photos of my kids, home, possessions ...etc. I'm sure many burglaries have been planned as a result of people showing off their treasures on Facebook and other social networks.

As we all know, the internet is not secure despite what service providers say. Anyone who is determined to find out about you can if they have the right criminal connections and the technical know how.

How often do we hear about peoples credit card details or other login details being sold on by a crooked call centre worker?

True. your right about information being available on the internet if you know where to look and are crafty enough. Mind you peoples stupidity doesn't help. I had a mate who plastered all over facebook a week before hand that he was going away for the weekend to watch a wales / england rugby match! You might as well leave your front door open and a plate of biscuits out for the burgulars!!!

9th December 2011, 12:27
:icon_lol: me neither. I'm just very cautious about the wider public having access to photos of my kids, home, possessions ...etc. I'm sure many burglaries have been planned as a result of people showing off their treasures on Facebook and other social networks.

As we all know, the internet is not secure despite what service providers say. Anyone who is determined to find out about you can if they have the right criminal connections and the technical know how.

How often do we hear about peoples credit card details or other login details being sold on by a crooked call centre worker?

I agree, for those who have such things as credit cards and valuable possessions, but since I have neither, and am a relative pauper living in a slum...not really an issue. :D

As with pikeys, I only deal in cash nowadays, and anyone stealing my ID has my deepest sympathy. :icon_lol:

9th December 2011, 13:11
As with pikeys, I only deal in cash nowadays, and anyone stealing my ID has my deepest sympathy. :icon_lol:[/QUOTE]

How much will you give me for a couple of old rusty wheel barrows, an old fridge and some broken garden spades in my shed:icon_lol:

9th December 2011, 13:57
How much will you give me for a couple of old rusty wheel barrows, an old fridge and some broken garden spades in my shed:icon_lol:

He'll nick 'em and not give you a penny


Doc Alan
9th December 2011, 15:31
I ... prefer to store photo's on several hard drives/memory sticks so that I have back ups of back ups.
The major drawback of storing items like this is that it is difficult to upload decent images to the forum - any chance of changing the settings for photo's Keith?
Agreed, Englishman :xxgrinning--00xx3: Facebook friends who saw my original full size photos from Luzon and Bohol last month will have noted the contrast with those I uploaded to the forum, after the necessary downsizing.

9th December 2011, 17:19
online i use the msn sky dive to store photos, also photo bucket and pimp and host,
i think its best to have both online storage as well as offline storage, just to be safe

9th December 2011, 17:53
'pimp and host' ? :Erm:

What kind of photos have you got ? :omg:

9th December 2011, 20:25
'pimp and host' ? :Erm:

What kind of photos have you got ? :omg:

ah just because there is a large element of punters using it for those photos :omg: as you put it, doesnt mean everyone does,,,, i see you know the name then :icon_lol:

9th December 2011, 20:29
NO...I DON'T know the name. :icon_lol:

9th December 2011, 20:38
darn it ,,, my secrets out :doh:laugher::laugher: