View Full Version : Just had 3 slightly drunk 18 year-old girls in the back of my car

11th December 2011, 01:26
That hasn't happened since I was 20.

The things I do for my son and his fan club. :)

11th December 2011, 18:59
had is a worrying word :icon_lol: but i do know what you mean :laugher::laugher:

11th December 2011, 19:57
I should be so lucky. :icon_lol:

11th December 2011, 20:02
brought back many memories that did graham, but can you remember being drunk in the back of some ones car:)

11th December 2011, 20:25
Nope...if in someone-else's car....most likely unconscious. :D

11th December 2011, 20:29
Nope...if in someone-else's car....most likely unconscious. :D


11th December 2011, 22:58
That hasn't happened since I was 20.

The things I do for my son and his fan club. :)

I bet he can't wait until he can have 3 drunk 18 year old girls in the back of his own car without his old man in the drivers seat:icon_lol: No doubt his car will frequently break down on a deserted road miles from anywhere:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th December 2011, 23:07
It was his car....just that he hasn't passed his test yet. :)

I did point this out to the young ladies, so as to boost his social standing. Most of the time of course I'm just an embarrassment to him. :cwm3:

And yes, I'm offering advice where I can, but it seems he's way ahead of me already in the women bagging stakes. :rolleyes:

12th December 2011, 13:14
I hope his back seat wipes clean:icon_lol: