View Full Version : Hair hair every where

12th December 2011, 08:15
Hi all talk about hairballs, why is it that everytime i clean the hoover its full of hair , that amount of hair my em should be bold by now, but it still looks the same, and finding hairs in all sorts of places, you name it i have found one there, and the lenth too, all over a foot long:yikes:

12th December 2011, 09:44
Same with my missus as well Steve. Between her and the dog molting everywhere its getting a bit mad. Still I've managed to knit a nice cardigan

12th December 2011, 12:05
Shower plughole needs regular monitoring :D

12th December 2011, 12:37
Shower plughole needs regular monitoring :D

That's something I don't have to worry about since I've lived on my own:xxgrinning--00xx3:

When there was a long haired female in the house, the shower and bath plugholes had to have regular treatments of hydrochloric acid to clear them out.

The worst thing now are my cats, everytime I clean their basket I gather up enough fur to make another cat:icon_lol:

12th December 2011, 13:44
SAme thing with me... A lot of hair everywhere. I started drinking iron vitamins to reduce hairfall :)

12th December 2011, 13:51
We need less hair threads. :cwm3:

12th December 2011, 19:27
my bf starting to complain about my hair every where too ha ha ha :Cuckoo:

12th December 2011, 20:52
We need less hair threads. :cwm3:

would you like some graham:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

12th December 2011, 21:48
I already ask the barber to save it for my toupe. :D

12th December 2011, 22:28
mine too i wont be surprised if i got 3 hairs left in the next few years :icon_lol:

13th December 2011, 01:57
same thing for me.....I guess it's normal that women lose hair more though we dont tend to go bald, it's called thinning for us. sometimes it bothers me and I dont think I loss 100 strands a day, more likely 500 or so...especially when I'm stressed....so every weekend I treat my hair with aloe vera for my hair to grow, it actually works :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
13th December 2011, 02:37
Hi all talk about hairy balls

EH? :cwm24: ... What talk? :anerikke: - at least you've got hair somewhere ELSE as well! :doh

Arthur Little
13th December 2011, 02:46
Aye ... 'tis a hair~raising topic right enough! :icon_lol:

13th December 2011, 05:01
not enough hair eh ha ha ha

13th December 2011, 08:07
hair today gone tomorrow they say, i thought i would say that before Arthur says it:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

13th December 2011, 10:35
Don't worry too much Steve, Keith has the same problem with my hair too...hahahaha :icon_lol: :D

Arthur Little
14th December 2011, 00:39
hair today gone tomorrow they say, i thought i would say that before Arthur says it :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Aww ... :cwm24: ... Steve :rolleyes: ... you've managed to beat me to it! :yeahthat:

14th December 2011, 00:48
My hair is starting to wave............ goodbye.:Cuckoo:

Arthur Little
15th December 2011, 03:32
My hair is starting to wave............ goodbye.:Cuckoo:

:bigcry: ... MINE'S long gone on top ...

Arthur Little
15th December 2011, 03:41
... once tried a free sample of a product called - of all things - 'Topik'; turned out to be NBG! :NoNo: