View Full Version : Somewhere to stay in Edinburgh

12th December 2011, 12:02
My new company want to send me on a course in the new year up in Montrose. They are letting me take the missus and I'm planning on staying for a few days in Edinburgh before coming home. So where do you good folk think is a nice place to stay. I should mention that this is a week or so after our anniversary so I don't mind paying a little bit for a nice place.

12th December 2011, 13:11
Have a nice time up in Scotland with your missus Stu:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I haven't been to Edinburgh for about 20 years and can't recommend anywhere. However, I did go to Sterling on a course about 10 years ago. It's about half an hour out of Edinburgh and really is a beautiful old historic town with a lovely castle. I stayed in a nice hotel just by the castle, sorry I can't remember what it was called, but it was really old and I can remember it had about 200 different Malts behind the bar, it was how you imagine an old Scottish bar to be with a big open fire, old furniture....etc, and no drunk Glaswegiens in string vests nutting each other:icon_lol:

12th December 2011, 13:34
Can't help with a plce to stay as we normally just go up for the day but can recommend a nice filipino resturant. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Rice Terraces - 93 St Leonard’s Street Edinburgh EH8 9QY

www.rice-terraces.com (http://www.rice-terraces.com)

13th December 2011, 05:57
Thanks both. I've actualy got a mate who lives in Stirling so I've been uo there a few times. Your right Ian it is a nice to go. We went up the Wallace tower there and they've made a statue of William Wallace near the car park. Thing is the statue has an amazing resembelance to Mel Gibson!! I think certain students at Sterling uni take exception to this as his nose is knocked off on a regular basis!

13th December 2011, 08:10
there is a nice place , never stayed myself its on the hill over looking the city,think its called the castle:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

13th December 2011, 09:35
Thing is the statue has an amazing resembelance to Mel Gibson!! I think certain students at Sterling uni take exception to this as his nose is knocked off on a regular basis!

It must be a garden gnome if it's a life size statue of Mel Gibson:icon_lol: