View Full Version : Big man throws fare dodging scrote off train

13th December 2011, 12:20

Excellent - that's the way to deal with ignorant, gobby scum


13th December 2011, 12:34
Too right ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's because the do-gooders expect us to meekly put up with scumbags like this that a lot of youths don't give a damn.

There were young kids sitting nearby on that train having to listen to those obscenities.

I'll tell you this, if my family had been there that .......'s feet wouldn't have touched the ground on his way out the door, and if there'd have been no other witnesses around he'd probably have had a broken jaw too. :cwm23:

13th December 2011, 12:37
good one:Cuckoo:

13th December 2011, 12:48
Good for him:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th December 2011, 13:14
They should have trapped his hand in the door with him outside and sent the train on its merry way :D

13th December 2011, 14:10
Very good - shame it takes the public to do this but I do hope the chap isnt prosecuted now this is on you-tube!

13th December 2011, 14:30

13th December 2011, 17:00
A weird foreign girl who sounds like she's on medication or illegal drugs giving her take on it


13th December 2011, 17:31
shame shame it was a train and not a plane :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th December 2011, 17:40
I can't believe that the guy that was thrown off is now trying to fight his corner and is in the papers now as well.

13th December 2011, 17:59
I can't believe that the guy that was thrown off is now trying to fight his corner and is in the papers now as well.

what a joke, he proberbly sue and get compensation :NoNo:

13th December 2011, 18:57
I can't believe that the guy that was thrown off is now trying to fight his corner and is in the papers now as well.

Shows the state of Broken Britain - 50 or so years ago the Transport Police would have nicked him , he would have been birched for foul language and fare dodging, learned his lesson and become a model citizen

13th December 2011, 21:03
its a shame more dont stand up, but you never get the back up from others that are around you

13th December 2011, 21:07
there you go , did you here the lady say no need for that, well she is right but the lad should have got off, end of,

13th December 2011, 21:56
Yes, there'll always be some hand-wringing fool who wants to perpetuate the disgraceful behaviour of so many today.

She has probably been in trouble herself at sometime, because any 'right-thinking' citizen would have applauded the action of the 'bouncer'.

14th December 2011, 01:40
:bigcry:A shame the big man didn't put the boot in

14th December 2011, 08:13
:bigcry:A shame the big man didn't put the boot in

then he would have been done, what most off us folk saw was this younger man helping a older person do his job, he walked this young man off the train, it was only when he tried to get on that is when there was a altercation, anywell, thats what i will stand up in court and say,plus i think the railway should award this chap, with free travel for helping there worker

14th December 2011, 12:16
The hand-wringers and namby pamby do-gooders are out in force now.

Maybe they would change their tune after having been burgled, or assaulted by one of the thousands of drunken vermin populating our towns every evening.:angry:

14th December 2011, 12:35
The hand-wringers and namby pamby do-gooders are out in force now.

Maybe they would change their tune after having been burgled, or assaulted by one of the thousands of drunken vermin populating our towns every evening.:angry:

Typical - I only hope for the worse from the pondlife for these morons so they have a taste of it, they wouldn't be so keen on cautions and community service then.

The Big Man should be given an OBE for Public Service in the New Years Honours List

14th December 2011, 13:40
see a complaint has been made and that the transport police are now looking into it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-16177725

it was in the papers up here that the 'big man' could be charged with assault :NoNo:

14th December 2011, 14:22
A weird foreign girl who sounds like she's on medication or illegal drugs giving her take on it
Thats a perfect description,she is on a go-slow :icon_lol:
The kids been on TV,his cheek is bruised,he said he had two single tickets but the conductor didnt give him a chance to explain:icon_lol:He wants his "Attacker" prosecuted :Erm:The kid actually wants BANNING from public transport,that might teach him manners in public :)

14th December 2011, 17:15
Is the scrote going to be prosecuted for the public order offence that he clearly committed...including using foul and obscene language in a public place ?

Didn't think so.
Appears that's acceptable nowadays. :rolleyes:

14th December 2011, 19:32
That kid has just been on TV again,angling for public sympathy showing scratches on his hands and face,he is all meek and mild,very apologetic,totally different to the kid who swore and was abusive on the train,british transport police are going to question the guy who threw him off the train:NoNo:

14th December 2011, 19:42
its come to light this kid did have a ticket but issued the wrong one,

goes to show we have to be 100% certain before finding someone guilty of a crime without the proper facts,

although his abusive mouth was out of order, you cant but feel sorry for him if it was a genuine ticket error issue ,

ah well he will be rewarded when he makes his claim against the railway service :NoNo:

14th December 2011, 19:50
I don't care whether he had the correct ticket or not.

He was committing a crime responding in the way he did !

Why oh why do we have to put up with this sort of behaviour in public places ?

I'll tell you why...because it is tolerated and goes unpunished, even after having been broadcast to the whole nation.

No wonder parents have an ever more difficult job trying teach their children to obey the law, behave in a civilised fashion and to respect those in authority. :angry:

14th December 2011, 19:58
if he had explained about his ticket in a civalised manner them im sure it could have been sorted amicably,
its his manner his attitude that got him thrown off rather than the ticket

14th December 2011, 20:00
He swore and cursed in front of a crowded carriage of passengers, including several young children sitting a yard away. :angry:

14th December 2011, 20:36
its come to light this kid did have a ticket but issued the wrong one,

goes to show we have to be 100% certain before finding someone guilty of a crime without the proper facts,

although his abusive mouth was out of order, you cant but feel sorry for him if it was a genuine ticket error issue ,

ah well he will be rewarded when he makes his claim against the railway service :NoNo:

and you believe that tosh :laugher:

14th December 2011, 20:45
its come to light this kid did have a ticket but issued the wrong one,
At this precise moment in time we only have the kids word for this,he blamed the railway company for issuing him with two one way tickets instead of a return,sounds a likely story to be honest and it will be interesting to see if he conjures up proof in the form of both tickets,but something tells me he wont :rolleyes:

14th December 2011, 21:29
Fair play to the big guy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th December 2011, 11:47
Kelvin Mackenzie with some common sense comments about the germ and his excuse of a father

Could I urge you, if you haven’t already done so, to go on to YouTube and watch the actions of a modern-day hero?

Alan Pollock did what I have always wanted to do but lacked the courage. He threw a drunken, swearing, fare-dodging student off the train so the rest of the passengers could get home in peace.

And thanks to the fact that we all have the ability to become TV film-makers these days by using our mobile phones, the incident has been given a wide airing and has been recorded for posterity.

As a commuter, I always marvel at the courtesy of ticket inspectors when they face loutish behaviour. I couldn’t take that kind of thing without responding physically and would have lasted a nanosecond if confronted in such a manner.

Train companies specifically train their employees not to respond. In this case, 19-year-old Sam Main, who admitted he was drunk, didn’t have a valid ticket for his journey between Edinburgh and Polmont.

He argued for ten minutes with the ticket collector while the train was stationary (on a train ten minutes at standstill is a lifetime), saying he had given a ScotRail employee the ‘****ing ticket’ and the like.

Finally, Mr Pollock, a burly chap, got up from his seat and grabbed the oik, pulled him down the carriage and then dumped him out of the door on to the platform to the cheers of other passengers. When I watched the clip on YouTube, I cheered, too.

Mr Main, a second-year surveying student at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, suffered some minor scratching to his face. Excellent.

He didn’t want to make much of the incident afterwards but his dim-witted father, Lenny, said Mr Pollock should face a court for assault.

Is it any wonder that there is a steep increase in this kind of behaviour with idiot parents like Mr Main senior?

If he wonders why his son is such an idiot, could I suggest he look in the mirror? The answer is looking back at him.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2075291/Fare-dodgers-dad-goes-right-rails.html#ixzz1gmtXe3wB

Elsewhere in the paper is a sickening report about the Transport Police investigating the affair & Scotrail suspending the ticket inspector :-

Hounding of a first-class hero: The banker who threw a foul-mouthed student off a train could end up in court

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2075258/Hounding-class-hero-The-banker-threw-foul-mouthed-student-train-end-court.html#ixzz1gmuNs7bv

17th December 2011, 11:57
I don't think you need to guess what my views are on this. :rolleyes:

However, there was also a report on the radio this morning about a similar incident on a train, but with a more predictable outcome in this day and age.

Southern England, 2 or 3 youths asked to leave train for non-payment of fares.

Rail employee stabbed in back. :NoNo:

21st December 2011, 16:51
Here you go - the "big man" got charged!


Stupid F'ing idiots...

21st December 2011, 17:13
Here you go - the "big man" got charged!


Stupid F'ing idiots...

It could only happen in UK 2011 - what an absolute farce :cwm23:

21st December 2011, 18:21
It could only happen in UK 2011 - what an absolute farce :cwm23:

:crazy: i hope the police\cps drop any charges

21st December 2011, 21:24
What ever happened to 'not in the public interest' ?
...Or does that only apply to covering up the misdeeds and law-breaking of those supposedly running this country ? :rolleyes:

21st December 2011, 21:30
What ever happened to 'not in the public interest' ?

Went down the pan Graham when Blair introduced Political Correctness and Human Rights

22nd December 2011, 13:00
this is just typicle of the country we live in, a genuine bloke doing wat he thought was best at the time , now been charged for his act,

gone from hero to villain

thats why many take the mind your own buisness approach and turn a blind eye :NoNo:

22nd December 2011, 18:13
he should be awarded free travel , and the tw-t should be fined very heavy, for the foul langauge

22nd December 2011, 18:31
He will get free travel. In the back of a cop car. Its beggars belief.:NoNo:

22nd December 2011, 18:56
in my days if you did wrong , you expect a clip around the ears, then when you got home and told your dad you get another one, did us no harm, yes we where buggers, but nothing like the yobs of today, i dont know what the answers is but manners are what is missing from todays people

8th February 2012, 20:24
And now for some good news :-

'Big man' video: No charges over passenger thrown off train

Scottish authorities have decided not to prosecute a passenger who removed an alleged fare dodger from a train.

A mobile phone recording by a passenger on board the Edinburgh to Perth train on 9 December was viewed around the world on YouTube.

It showed Alan Pollock - since dubbed "Big man" - throwing 19-year-old Sam Main off a train after he argued with a ticket inspector.

The Crown Office said it was not in the public interest to prosecute the pair.

Two weeks after the incident, British Transport Police said a man had been charged over an alleged assault.

Mr Pollock, 35, from Stirling, was named as the man who removed Sam Main from the train at Linlithgow station.

Mr Main, from Falkirk, was not charged but was reported to the procurator fiscal for allegedly breaking the Criminal Justice and Licensing Scotland Act (2010), which relates to threatening or abusive behaviour.

However, the Crown Office now has no plans to proceed in either case.

Mr Pollock's father Jim, who lives in Wishaw, said he had not spoken to his son yet, but said the whole family would be delighted with the news.

He said: "It's been hanging over Alan's head for weeks and we're glad it's all over with."

Last week the train conductor who featured in the video returned to work.

It is understood Alan Mitchell, 63, had been on sick leave.

His employer First ScotRail would only say that Mr Mitchell had been on leave since the incident.


8th February 2012, 20:32
Sanity has prevailed. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th February 2012, 20:33
Good news - I still hope the scrote gets a good hiding one dark night

8th February 2012, 20:46
there should be a medel for the big guy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th February 2012, 21:04
Even a medal :xxparty-smiley-004:

8th February 2012, 23:28
Even a medal :xxparty-smiley-004:

:Erm:i stand corrected medal :D :icon_lol:

8th February 2012, 23:31
Or just some sort of aword ? :)

8th February 2012, 23:38
im in shack and amazed , a spouser can speel :xxparty-smiley-004::icon_lol::icon_lol: