View Full Version : Channel 5 at the moment??

13th December 2011, 21:31
Theres a program on about London,a westminster housing officer has just been called by a tenant,an islamic immigrant,she wants to complain that the house we are renting for her isnt big enough:Erm:Looks like she has at least 5 kids?Its a house in Westminster,how many of us are lucky enough to live there?Anyway,the council have decided to rehouse her :icon_lol:

13th December 2011, 21:36
its strange world full of strange people:Cuckoo:

13th December 2011, 21:38
She was in a house in Westminster of all places,there were matresses around so lord knows how many people were residing there,the child in her arms pulled her headscarf off :icon_lol: I think she was somali?But she had called the housing officer to complain the property wasnt big enough for her family :Erm:

13th December 2011, 21:44
and they say beggers cant be choosers :laugher:

13th December 2011, 21:47
beggers cant be choosers
I now realise thats not the case :Erm: Only in the UK eh?:NoNo: She had one of the most prestigious areas in the country yet she complains :NoNo:

13th December 2011, 21:51
i remember when the ugandan asian refugees came, i was contracted to council through my employer ,
i went to repair a warm air heating system , where a ugandan family had moved in,they where on bennefit, cooking curries to sell i might add, and the heating on full, the temperature in the flat was too hot for the heating thermostats to kick in lol,

i saw their first requirments needs list for the social, one item i do remember was,,, colour tv :icon_lol:

13th December 2011, 22:10
They have been accustomed to living in mud huts in Somalia or somewhere similar, poor people. Good to see the move hasn't affected their libido or encouraged the use of those nasty contraceptives.

I'm eagerly awaiting Dedworth's report on the gypsy wedding/christmas...currently on ch4. :D

13th December 2011, 23:27
They have been accustomed to living in mud huts in Somalia or somewhere similar, poor people. Good to see the move hasn't affected their libido or encouraged the use of those nasty contraceptives.

I'm eagerly awaiting Dedworth's report on the gypsy wedding/christmas...currently on ch4. :D
I'm recording that too it's a must see:omg:

14th December 2011, 01:38
I've been out so not had a chance to watch C5 rag heads or C4 pikey scum but I'm a glutton for punishment so will stock up on sick bags and suffer on the catch up internet TV over the next few days - something tells me I ought to know what to expect

14th December 2011, 01:40
Damn...and I stayed up specially for your post Dedworth. :icon_lol:

Here's another treat before you turn in....what a MAN. :)


14th December 2011, 01:41
Patience Graham :D I will review in due course - assuming I've not put an early fist through the screen

14th December 2011, 01:43
Check out the above link.

14th December 2011, 01:48
Check out the above link.

:xxgrinning--00xx3:I did have a look earlier, top man - was telling my drinking chums it was a must watch. The sweatie's a slippery character but he got put down good and proper

14th December 2011, 11:42
it took me nearly one year of waiting to be offered a council house :NoNo:, and some of you know my circumstances at that time, and for that year the council took the :censored: from keeping me from being a priority.

many of you might not know there are factors that decide if you are eligble for council housing and many use a points system.

being a brit, lived in my local council area all my life and paid taxes i still was made to wait so the council would hope i would give up and go private :angry:

14th December 2011, 12:12
That's because everyone who is considered more needy/more likely to create a stink for the council (asylum seeker/druggy/irresponsible teenage mother) is moved to the top, and everyone else moved down.

I have lived in my city since I was 15 years of age, and my chances of getting a council property are zero. :NoNo:

14th December 2011, 13:54
penalized for being british :doh:NoNo:

14th December 2011, 14:04
penalized for being british
Who said britain wasnt a racist country :icon_lol: Anyone born here should henceforth play the race card :icon_lol:

14th December 2011, 14:07
a sickening state of affairs , i cant say im proud to be british, but i should be able to,

my country lets me down :NoNo:

Arthur Little
14th December 2011, 14:14
penalized for being british :doh :NoNo:

:anerikke: ... that's about the size of it, Stewart ! :doh And yet, folk of European extraction - other than British, of course - can bring their foreign partners here without the need to part with so much as a penny ! :icon_sorry: ... for repeatedly raising this old chestnut :rolleyes: ... but it's something that really makes my blood b~o~i~l ! :furious3:

14th December 2011, 17:51
Sorry, but material possessions and higher 'living standards' (ie. labour-saving appliances, no need for physical exercise anymore except at the gym), mobility of our labour force (ie break up of the extended family and of communities) cheaper goods (ie imported, so leading to us only manufacturing 10% at home), embracing the 'Global Economy' and 'Human Rights' (ie allowing other countries to buy up our assets and offload their poor and troublesome people onto us), instant credit for all to 'boost jobs and our economy' (ie encouraging everyone to get themselves up to their eyes in debt until the country goes bust, along with almost every citizen in it), pursuing hopeless foreign military campaigns that have achieved a big fat zero.....all have been deemed far more important than the rights of the born and bred British voter over the past 30 years. :rolleyes:

South-east boy
15th December 2011, 12:02
Theres a program on about London,a westminster housing officer has just been called by a tenant,an islamic immigrant,she wants to complain that the house we are renting for her isnt big enough:Erm:Looks like she has at least 5 kids?Its a house in Westminster,how many of us are lucky enough to live there?Anyway,the council have decided to rehouse her :icon_lol:

No wonder this country is in so much debt when they do things like that! I remember reading in the paper about this african immigrant family who were living in a property rented by the council in a select area of London worth over £1 million, yet they still complained and also wanted money so they could have a holiday!:cwm23: Can there be any other country this stupid? When will they ever realise?! Seems the idiots allowing this to happen don't care about helping to destroy the country and making it tougher for people who don't take advantge and scrounge like these do.

I'd like to see the response that we'd get if we moved abroad and asked for the same things that they did!

22nd December 2011, 01:07
i remember when the ugandan asian refugees came, i was contracted to council through my employer ,
i went to repair a warm air heating system , where a ugandan family had moved in,they where on bennefit, cooking curries to sell i might add, and the heating on full, the temperature in the flat was too hot for the heating thermostats to kick in lol,

i saw their first requirments needs list for the social, one item i do remember was,,, colour tv :icon_lol:

I've just watched the programme with the Somali sponger - 7 kids and she looks like she's just about to bang out another. Nice to see she's got a huge 50 inch TV

22nd December 2011, 01:44
Yeah, shame she hasn't got time to wipe up some of the muck and grime in the place....too busy watching tv and pro-creating I suppose. :rolleyes: