View Full Version : Finally Ended - thank you my friends for all your past advice

14th December 2011, 19:17
i thought it was time to give an update on my situation,
first i do thank you all for reading and the kind advice you all gave me on my post back in august
which i posted in The Girls & Boys S C Room,

i did listen to your advice but soon after
i was talking to her again and thought we had resolved any problem,
and so plans were once again put in place, though i trod cautiously,
anyhow at that time early august she told me she was back in phil,
since then untill now she was telling me of a weak signal,
and on 3 or 4 occasions said she had been in hospital, blood tranfusions ect
saying this was why she had not contacted me,
on these occasions i would get the odd yahoo message saying she just back from hospital,need to rest call you later,and saying she needs me there, but as before she never called back,
on 2 occasions i got txt messages suposedly from her brother saying she missis me and crys a lot, and she is just back from hospital,(obviously it was her posing as her bro)

she has a second facebook account supposedly for family which is private,
i have no access,i accidently came across and old message i sent there, while deleting old messages,
at this time i wasnt able to get intouch with her,and not heard from her for over a week,
the profile photo was visible her and a guy in embrassed,over the next 4 days the photo was changed 3 times,
on the 4th day there was a link showing which took me to one of her friends fb profile,and photo albums,

all the dates albums and fotos where dated and matched to the dates she told me she was ill and in hospital and of course saying she was in philippines,

the photos were of her on different occasions from june untill november,some with this guy,
and out having a real good time ,looking realy well and looking very much in love, still in israel,

i managed to confront her, i told her i knew everything, but still she was trying to lie her way through it,
and saying he was tempory and she thought when we was to be together in phill this january, i would never know,
she accepts shes done wrong and that i will never trust her or belive anything she says,
(exactly true i wont and without trust theres no relationship,)

she told me she was to travel home to phil today 14th and has tickets,but she is online invisible now,( thanks to visch for the link for invisible detecter,)
i dont need to detect her anymore

all these were cold cruel lies and the kind you would expect from someone who is obviously accustomed to liying,and to have me worry of her health believing she was very ill,

its over at last its over ,

14th December 2011, 19:36
Stewart, I'm really very sad to read your post. As you know, I can't put my hand on heart and say I'm surprised.
Like you I always tend to see the best in people and give benefit of the doubt. Like you I also get hurt, but life goes on and great experiences and great times are always there just waiting for us to grab them.

I'm sorry you had to be hurt Stewart, but happy to know that you can now find closure and start afresh to live life to the fullest.

If I can help you in any way at all just let me know.

Chin up mate.

14th December 2011, 19:38
its over at last its over
Finally you see the light,cold hard brutal truth is she played you like a fish,kept you hooked and online in case her relationship fell through,pinays play these games sometimes,search online for filipina scammers,theres page after page,they arent as smart as they think they are nor are some guys as dumb as pinays think they are,you got your fingers burnt,just be careful next time,tread carefull ;)

14th December 2011, 19:48
thanks terpe and tawi,

hurt yes but actualy its also a relief, i guess i needed that hard evidence

14th December 2011, 19:58
Sorry to hear about this Stewart, but also relieved for you that you now have closure. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

If you can't trust, then that has to be the end mate.

Looking on the positive side....you're now a free man again ! :D

Anytime you need someone to carry your bag to the Phils...let me know. :icon_lol:

14th December 2011, 20:12
thanks graham,
my bags are packed
lets go :icon_lol:


14th December 2011, 20:23
Sorry to hear this. Hope you have a great Christmas and are then ready to be up & at 'em in the new year, there's plenty of decent fish in the sea.

14th December 2011, 20:34
thanks dedworth:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2011, 20:40
guy dumps her,gives her the old heave-ho she might be looking for a fallback,that would be you :NoNo: Dont even answer her again,you owe her no replies,no response,no civility,absolutely nothing whatsoever ;) Go forward not backwards in 2012 ;) There are some perfect women out there who will indeed tick all of your boxes,its just sorting the wheat from the chaff,she was chaff as you found out but no rush,take your time and find that perfect one for you,that fits your heart and soul like a key in a lock,they really do exist ;)

14th December 2011, 20:47
guy dumps her,gives her the old heave-ho she might be looking for a fallback,that would be you :NoNo: Dont even answer her again,you owe her no replies,no response,no civility,absolutely nothing whatsoever ;) Go forward not backwards in 2012 ;) There are some perfect women out there who will indeed tick all of your boxes,its just sorting the wheat from the chaff,she was chaff as you found out but no rush,take your time and find that perfect one for you,that fits your heart and soul like a key in a lock,they really do exist ;)

a very bewitching chaff , im ok the spells broken :icon_lol:

it could have been worse, imagine waiting at manila airport for someone who isnt there :Erm::icon_lol:

14th December 2011, 20:48
time to move on my friend, time does heal all things, and to tell you what, look on here how many beautiful ladies are looking for a partner,never give up on your dreams find that ladie and make new plans together:):)

14th December 2011, 20:56
thanks steve , your a good man my friend

in some ways its a pity i didnt take up the offer in august for me tagging on to phil this christmas,
but i think i would always have been wondering if i had done the right thing, at least now i know for sure,
the evidence i have now gives me no doubt at all ,
so for me now is a new year and a new start, to look forward and not back

14th December 2011, 21:03
so for me now is a new year and a new start, to look forward and not back
Do you have any real idea how many women would give their eye teeth for a guy like you?I dont think you realise mate,value yourself,your a decent human being,you deserve similar,I know there are a number of women on this site who would be only too pleased to introduce you to their friends or family female members,the world is filled with single people all wanting to be double,next year is your year,just watch ;)

14th December 2011, 21:12
Tragic mate I feel really sorry for you. Love is blind sometimes. Keep your chin up mate. There are lots of genuine girls out there.

14th December 2011, 21:30
cheers for that tawi, thanks andy,

i guess i have escaped the tradgedy, imagine i had gone further , married with her in phil then found her true colors :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2011, 22:01
Or even worse.....got her preggers before the big day. :D



Another one I bought back in the 60s.

14th December 2011, 22:06
Or even worse.....got her preggers before the big day. :D


in that case i would know she was lying :laugher::laugher::laugher:

14th December 2011, 22:59
Sorry to read about your troubles Stewart, but I'm pleased you know the truth and have been brave enough to walk away. I was in the same position myself with my first Filipina g/f, I knew that she was cheating and lying and using me as a cash machine but I wasn't strong enough to walk away when I found out. I was at a particularly low point of my life that time, I was going through a messy divorce and I really couldn't have coped with any more heartache (as it goes she actually caused me even more heartache). In the end the games went on for another 6 months until I finally plucked up enough courage to say enough is enough and walked away.
It's never easy to walk away from someone you have feelings for, but time is a great healer. From what you've written, I know you've done the right thing. Keep your chin up my friend, we're all behind you on here:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2011, 23:26
thanks englishman, true it wasnt easy but its now done :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2011, 23:32
take your time and find that perfect one for you,that fits your heart and soul like a key in a lock,they really do exist ;)

I agree with this, it's true they really really do exist. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's sad to read this, did you ever meet in person, I don't think you did? I was quite excited, when you were making plans to upsticks and move over there, without ever having been to the Phils...Went against all sound advice, but somehow seemed right for you at the time.
Try and get to the Philippines soon if you can, who knows what's out there for you...Follow Tawi's advice.

Probably not many, who haven't experienced heartache, along the journey. :)

14th December 2011, 23:57
Mate we have never met....but I'am sorry to hear your story....but all I can say is it looks like you are moving on just fine now.

The best cure is get your self on a plane and come over here and just relax and take in all the beautiful people here in Phil.

It won't take too long before you forget about the past and start a new future.....Being here is the best remedy out.......a lot of people on this site would love for you to meet their families and maybe get the ball rolling.....

you will never never know if you don't give it a go....just to it..

All the best


14th December 2011, 23:58
Probably not many, who haven't experienced heartache, along the journey. :)

seems to be my life story so far :ReadIt::icon_lol::icon_lol:

thanks Sim :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 02:23
Sorry to hear your story but pleased you found out before it was too late :xxgrinning--00xx3:
The first Phil "lady" I emailed I had found on a UK dating site and thankfully found out she was playing games and sending the same email to a few guys. :omg: She made a big mistake saying she was visiting her sick mother back in Cebu but her emails had been sent from the UK ? :D ... Older and wiser by the day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Eyes O'Donnell
15th December 2011, 03:34
Move on. :) It is just a chapter in the past.... Surely there is someone out there who will love you more :heartshape1: :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 09:13
Hey there Stewart,

So sorry to hear your news. Don't worry, its not the end of the world...:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: Its never too late...Be happy as you can be! You are free man! The truth will set you free.:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
15th December 2011, 09:41
Stewart, thanks for your update, and let me join the other members in wishing you all the best for the future.
Pretending to be ill in any circumstances is not only dishonest, it deserves contempt and is despicable when you yourself had a serious illness last year.
Please be reassured by the supportive messages you have already received. Don't blame yourself - we have all made judgements which, with the benefit of hindsight, have proved not to be for the best.
Please also remember that there is nothing in your " lifestyle choices " which could have caused your particular cancer. From what you have told us, it's likely you're cured, both from cancer and your recent relationship.
Sincere good wishes for 2012 and beyond :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

15th December 2011, 09:52
i know if i was in your shoes,like i said lots of very nice ladies on this site looking so chose from here, you then have the insite that they are true and we all know most of them already, just enjoy talking to them first, then who knows what may happen, good luck:)

15th December 2011, 10:49
time will heal, did in my case

chin up its a big bright world out there with a lot of possibilities

15th December 2011, 11:49
:NoNo: your not the first and will not be the last Stewart to be used, but hopefully you can move on and forward to a better future, sometimes :censored: happens for a reason and you might not know now, but oneday you'll look back and be :D with how things are now :rolleyes:

15th December 2011, 13:49
sim, terpe, tawi, graham, dedworth, stevewool, andy, englishman,

koala, stevie, eyes o donnel, febmary, doc allen, worthing male, joe blogs,

thank you all for your supporting words,:)

your all a great bunch and appreciated,:xxgrinning--00xx3:

sim you asked if i had managed to ever meet her in person, i tried many times to meet her in israel, only to be put off each time by excuses of her being ill ,

15th December 2011, 14:15
sim you asked if i had managed to ever meet her in person, i tried many times to meet her in israel, only to be put off each time by excuses of her being ill ,

i kept my misses waiting for near 2yrs :NoNo: before i went to see her, she gave me a number of deadline dates to go and see her or dont bother at all , each passed becuase of various reasons.

common sense, you really need to meet
asap :rolleyes:

15th December 2011, 19:57
Stewart, I'm sorry if I've been a bit insensitive, posting my thread...It just coincided with the dates.
I really hope things pick up for you. :)

15th December 2011, 20:19
Stewart, I'm sorry if I've been a bit insensitive, posting my thread...It just coincided with the dates.
I really hope things pick up for you. :)

not at all my friend, i wasnt sure whether to post mine what with christmas coming on,
but hey , i want to hear good news , makes me smile, no problem mate, theres no need to be sorry bring it on, :xxgrinning--00xx3: im really happy for you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th December 2011, 23:54
Hi Stewart

It takes a lot of courage to face up to a failing relationship and especially sharing it publically. Well done you, I'm glad that you put an end to any further heartache this awful woman may have caused you in the future. Cheats and liars never prosper in the end and I am so glad that you found out before it was too late. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Sending you a big hug, take care and best of luck for your future happiness
Rosie :)

17th December 2011, 01:50
thank you Rosie , i could have looked passed the cheating on the grounds we had never met and it being over 2 years, but the deceit and the kind of lying she did was calculated and cruel, that i cant look past,
there is no place in a relationship for lies, trust and honesty are very important, it hurts to finish, but i know im saving myself from further heartache, and to be honest though i hurt now its easier than it has been knowing something wasnt right all this time, il get through it and il be fine, iv got my sense of humour and laugh so im half way there :icon_lol:

thanks again rosie for you kind words :)

17th December 2011, 06:46
Sorry to hear, but it gives closure now,time to move on, most of us its happened to, reading through this forum from time to time there seems to be some nice Filipino girls looking for a descent honest man, maybe once you feel looking again start chatting to them, anyway have a great Xmas with your family and a better New Year Imagine.

17th December 2011, 18:15
than you baby, wish you happy xmas and new year too :xxgrinning--00xx3::)

South-east boy
20th December 2011, 13:01
Sorry to hear what happened Stuart, but like you say at least you know now, so won't keep wondering, worrying and going over things in your mind trying to work out what's going on. Like others say, you can make a fresh start now with a clearer mind knowing that all that hassle is out of the way. I know what it's like to be lied to and when you find out, it makes you wonder what else you were lied to about and you have no idea what was the truth and what was a lie. Also makes you wonder how much you really did know them. That's not the kind of a relationship that anyone wants and you feel so much different when you have someone that you can trust and know that hey are truthful.

I hope that you have a great Christmas and a much better coming year. Good luck! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th December 2011, 15:10
I would echo Rosies words mate well done for sharing a rather hard to share experience and I truly hope your xmas is as good as possible!
All the best mate,


20th December 2011, 23:11
thank you south east boy,

thank you also tone,


22nd December 2011, 02:09
so sorry to hear your sad story mate.

Arthur Little
28th December 2011, 13:54
Stewart, my friend, you've been through so much in the last couple of years :cwm24: ... first, your very real health scares - on top of which, your emotions have taken one hell of a bashing :action-smiley-060: due to the "roller coaster" trip they've had to endure as a result of Brenda's irrational behaviour. Enough to drive ANYONE nuts !! :Cuckoo:

Yet - in spite of it all - you have consistently managed to retain your marvellous sense of humour that is truly an inspiration to everyone here on this forum. ;)

God Bless you and your loved ones in 2012. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
28th December 2011, 14:10
Moreover, if anyone deserves recognition for 'COURAGE in the face of adversity' ... YOU most certainly do ! :)

29th December 2011, 00:54
so sorry to hear your sad story mate.

thanks cooldude :)

29th December 2011, 01:16
Stewart, my friend, you've been through so much in the last couple of years :cwm24: ... first, your very real health scares - on top of which, your emotions have taken one hell of a bashing :action-smiley-060: due to the "roller coaster" trip they've had to endure as a result of Brenda's irrational behaviour. Enough to drive ANYONE nuts !! :Cuckoo:

Yet - in spite of it all - you have consistently managed to retain your marvellous sense of humour that is truly an inspiration to everyone here on this forum. ;)

God Bless you and your loved ones in 2012. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thank you Arthur,

truth is, even now the experience buzzes in my stomache adrenalin, my head still wont stop whirling with thoughts of it all, and its darn hard to sleep lol.
i try keep my mind occupied on other things as much as possible during the day,

i can laugh and joke and i know with my sense of humour il get through this,

after all i got the best friends and support team here in this forum,thank you all for that :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2012 a new year a new start, god bless and best wishes to you and yours for 2012

theres a welcome on my doorstep anytime you pass this way :xxgrinning--00xx3:
and i extend that to all my friends on the forum :)

29th December 2011, 01:28
Thanks Stewart. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

When I become homeless I'll pop up. :Erm:

If you get your skates on maybe we can meet up in the Phils when you're out there soon, chasing ladies. :D

29th December 2011, 02:11
Thanks Stewart. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

When I become homeless I'll pop up. :Erm:

If you get your skates on maybe we can meet up in the Phils when you're out there soon, chasing ladies. :D

your welcome :xxgrinning--00xx3: just dont ask to borrow a fiver :icon_lol::laugher::laugher:

29th December 2011, 11:10
No probs Stewart, wouldn't want you having to rummage for small change when a 20 will do. :D

29th December 2011, 19:03
No probs Stewart, wouldn't want you having to rummage for small change when a 20 will do. :D

:laugher::laugher::laugher: darn it i got hole in my pocket :doh

12th January 2012, 03:37
thanks graham,
my bags are packed
lets go :icon_lol:


Poor teddy...best of luck next time Stewart...There is still someone out there for you :-)

12th January 2012, 06:32
thank you simpleHeart :)