View Full Version : 1/4 of a year

15th December 2011, 00:24
I'm probably going to come across, a bit stevewool here, (no bad thing) but Ladybug has been here exactly 3 months to the date and life is just great.
She's the best thing ever, to have happened to me.

She's put up with a lot, we live in a draughty old 1600 & something cottage, in a wood, with no central heating...Not mad on the British weather, but still smiling.

We've got quite a big garden here and she's enjoying being out there, when the weather is good, experimenting growing things, got loads of things in pots everywhere....We'll probably get some chickens in the spring, grow veg etc.

It's definitely the good life and I've found my Barbara. :heartshape1:

15th December 2011, 01:07
That sounds an idyllic place for you both, despite the cold. I bet it's lovely in summer though.
Congratulations to you both for finding such happiness together. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Actually, it reminds me of my last place, which my son loved too...also in the middle of nowhere, log fire, but lots of space for play and visiting friends (red one was ours). :)


15th December 2011, 09:49
Hi simon and maria,

Happy to hear about your updates. :icon_lol::icon_lol: A song will be :So Happy Together:):):)

Doc Alan
15th December 2011, 09:50
Great news, congratulations , and all best wishes for the future :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 09:57
well i take that as an honour, my name has been mentioned, but if i am thinking what you are saying, well life is so great when you have the women of your dreams, working , playing, talking and just living each others life together, well thats called love and respect,long may it last, you both deserve it,and what cold are you talking about, i bet when you both look at each other the warmth just glows,a wonderful 3 months but even a greater lifetime together awaits you both, by the way a beautiful picture you have

15th December 2011, 10:30
......It's definitely the good life and I've found my Barbara. :heartshape1:

Long may the blessings continue :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 11:40
Hi simon and maria,

Happy to hear about your updates. :icon_lol::icon_lol: A song will be :So Happy Together:):):)



Arthur Little
15th December 2011, 13:39
I'm probably going to come across, a bit stevewool here, (no bad thing) but Ladybug has been here exactly 3 months to the date and life is just great.

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... GREAT news, Simon :) ...

we live in a draughty old 1600 & something cottage, in a wood, with no central heating ...Not mad on the British weather, but still smiling.

... it [truly] MUST be :luv13:!

15th December 2011, 14:09
:xxgrinning--00xx3: Si, and wishing you many more 1/4yrs together :rolleyes:

15th December 2011, 14:33
She's the best thing ever, to have happened to me.

She's put up with a lot, we live in a draughty old 1600 & something cottage, in a wood, with no central heating
Your life sounds perfect mate,material posessions,status,position,power,none of them mean squat,not a thing unless your happy,you cant put a monetary value on true love :)

15th December 2011, 18:32
Thanks everyone, just wanted to share our joy. :)

15th December 2011, 18:38
Your life sounds perfect mate,material posessions,status,position,power,none of them mean squat,not a thing unless your happy,you cant put a monetary value on true love :)

Thanks Tawi you are correct, but nothing is "perfect". We've had some insulation put in the roof today & now I'm looking up at a huge crack in the ceiling...A boot nearly came through. :doh

15th December 2011, 18:42
A boot nearly came through.
Ask Ladybug to be a tad more careful up there next time you have her insulating the loft :icon_lol: Merry Christmas to both of you ;) Hope its a special one and the first of many :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 18:48
That sounds an idyllic place for you both, despite the cold. I bet it's lovely in summer though.
Congratulations to you both for finding such happiness together. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Actually, it reminds me of my last place, which my son loved too...also in the middle of nowhere, log fire, but lots of space for play and visiting friends (red one was ours). :)


Yes it is idylic in the summer and it's nice by the fire in the winter. We've got lots of space to spread ourselves out. I've lived here for 7 years, but wasn't quite sure how she'd take to it, but she's a farmers girl, she likes it. :)

I'm loving that barn, wish we had one.
Cars ok?...but where do you put the firewood? :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
15th December 2011, 18:53
by the way a beautiful picture you have

:iagree:, Steve ... but - if you're referring to their avatar picture - it's craftily devised to blank-out the parts displaying the "longjohns" they're being forced to wear in the house! :freezin::freezin:

15th December 2011, 18:56
Hi simon and maria,

Happy to hear about your updates. :icon_lol::icon_lol: A song will be :So Happy Together:):):)

Thanks Ma Ann hopefully you'll be here soon, Maria says hi :)
Great song choice, I sent her an ecard with some bugs singing that, when we were apart. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 19:01
Thanks Tawi you are correct, but nothing is "perfect". We've had some insulation put in the roof today & now I'm looking up at a huge crack in the ceiling...A boot nearly came through. :doh

Where there's blame, there's a claim - I'm sure it's totally ruined Christmas for you both :D

15th December 2011, 19:04
:iagree:, Steve ... but - if you're referring to their avatar picture - it's craftily devised to blank-out the parts displaying the longjohns they're being forced to wear! :freezin::freezin:

Thanks Arthur we're not soft southerners here :D. Avatar is on the beach at Weston super Mare. A walk on the pier, shared a bag of chips and wrote our names in a heart in the sand...Romance ain't dead. :heartshape1:

15th December 2011, 19:07
Where there's blame, there's a claim - I'm sure it's totally ruined Christmas for you both :D

:REGamblMoney01HL1: It's being put right tomorrow. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 19:12
well i take that as an honour, my name has been mentioned, but if i am thinking what you are saying, well life is so great when you have the women of your dreams, working , playing, talking and just living each others life together, well thats called love and respect,long may it last, you both deserve it,and what cold are you talking about, i bet when you both look at each other the warmth just glows,a wonderful 3 months but even a greater lifetime together awaits you both, by the way a beautiful picture you have

It was a compliment Steve...nobody could be as happy as you are. :) And yes plenty of warmth here, thanks Steve. :)

15th December 2011, 19:24
Great news, congratulations , and all best wishes for the future :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks Alan, that's nice. Hope you get to the Philippines again next year. :)

Long may the blessings continue :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Certainly hope so thank you Terpe. :)

15th December 2011, 19:29
Ask Ladybug to be a tad more careful up there next time you have her insulating the loft :icon_lol: Merry Christmas to both of you ;) Hope its a special one and the first of many :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:icon_lol: No tea for her tonight...Wish she had gone up there instead of Laurel & Hardy. :D

15th December 2011, 19:35
:xxgrinning--00xx3: Si, and wishing you many more 1/4yrs together :rolleyes:

Thanks Joe, you know were a part of keeping us together, we wont ever forget that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 20:24
Thanks Joe, you know were a part of keeping us together, we wont ever forget that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

oh don't blame me :rolleyes: a bit of a crazy situation you were in thou :NoNo:

well i just hope you don't end up like me, blaming icq for me meeting the misses :cwm3:


am joking :D

15th December 2011, 20:42
I'm probably going to come across, a bit stevewool here, (no bad thing) but Ladybug has been here exactly 3 months to the date and life is just great.
She's the best thing ever, to have happened to me.

She's put up with a lot, we live in a draughty old 1600 & something cottage, in a wood, with no central heating...Not mad on the British weather, but still smiling.

We've got quite a big garden here and she's enjoying being out there, when the weather is good, experimenting growing things, got loads of things in pots everywhere....We'll probably get some chickens in the spring, grow veg etc.

It's definitely the good life and I've found my Barbara. :heartshape1:

by the sound of things its proberbly warmer outside :icon_lol:

are you sure her smile isnt frost bite :icon_lol:

but seriously its wonderful to read your happy update,may you have many many quarters to come.
it brings great encouragement to myself and others im sure, that we can achieve the same,

congratulations and best wishes for christmas and the new year to you both :):xxgrinning--00xx3:
stewart :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 20:45
I'm one of the guys who arranges to get the lofts done. ;)

They'll fix it and claim off their public liability insurance. Make sure they do a proper job though, and I'd take a photo of the damage BEFORE they arrive to do any repairs, with date and time on it. :)

Hmm....must check my loft. :Erm:

16th December 2011, 21:05
oh don't blame me :rolleyes: a bit of a crazy situation you were in thou :NoNo:

well i just hope you don't end up like me, blaming icq for me meeting the misses :cwm3:


am joking :D

Was wondering what icq was, never heard of it? Ladybug knew...It's a chat site if anyone's interested? :)

16th December 2011, 21:16
Was wondering what icq was, never heard of it? Ladybug knew...It's a chat site if anyone's interested? :)

yes thats how it all started for me :D

i had 100+ 'friends' that i chatted to, and I only ever met one of them :rolleyes:

16th December 2011, 21:21
by the sound of things its proberbly warmer outside :icon_lol:

are you sure her smile isnt frost bite :icon_lol:

but seriously its wonderful to read your happy update,may you have many many quarters to come.
it brings great encouragement to myself and others im sure, that we can achieve the same,

congratulations and best wishes for christmas and the new year to you both :):xxgrinning--00xx3:
stewart :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It often is warmer outside no joke, but the place has got too many plus points...Not everyone's cup of tea of course... The garden will look like Chelsea Flower Show next summer, with all the plans she has...unless the deer eat them. :censored: squirrels eat all our apples too. :cwm23:

Merry Christmas though Stewart, you can have what we and others have got. :)

16th December 2011, 21:24
yes thats how it all started for me :D

i had 100+ 'friends' that i chatted to, and I only ever met one of them :rolleyes:

Lucky for Mrs Bloggs :xxgrinning--00xx3:...Well you have Little Joe now too...all thanks too icq. :)

16th December 2011, 21:29
I'm one of the guys who arranges to get the lofts done. ;)

They'll fix it and claim off their public liability insurance. Make sure they do a proper job though, and I'd take a photo of the damage BEFORE they arrive to do any repairs, with date and time on it. :)

Thanks for the advice Graham, all sorted no problem...just dust everywhere now. :)