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15th December 2011, 17:14
:Hellooo: to everyone here ...I am Marie ...from the Philippines.....I've been reading so many thread here and I found this site very helpful specially to those who needs assistance regarding VISA application....I am planning to apply for a VISA next year or as soon as my husband is ready to send all the requirements from him.....now, my question is... can I bring my daughter with me ( child from my previous husband) she is 11 yrs. old now and is really hard for me to leave her here....hope you guys can guide me regarding this matter...

15th December 2011, 17:16
hi and welcome here, theres plenty of helpful ppl here who will give you good guidance ,as for your daughter coming ,sure she can , aslong as her father has given his consent ,good luck with everything :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 17:22
Thanks jimcarie...no worries about his father...he's already dead....been widow since 2004 and got married 2010 to a brit man...

15th December 2011, 17:28
welcome to the friendly forum marie! :Hellooo: goodluck to ur visa application soon :Wave::xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 17:31
Hi marie! Welcome to the forum... I believe that your daughter can join you in the UK as she is still minor... Stay put and people on the know how will soon give u a concrete answer..

I can see that ur from taytay.. I'm staying in cainta.. A stone's throw away from you :Wave:

15th December 2011, 17:35
hi marie,:Wave: welcome to the forum :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th December 2011, 17:45
hi marie,:Wave: welcome to the forum :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Thats the spirit Imagine. ;).
Hi Marie welcome.

15th December 2011, 19:12
:Hellooo: to everyone here ...I am Marie ...from the Philippines.....I've been reading so many thread here and I found this site very helpful specially to those who needs assistance regarding VISA application....I am planning to apply for a VISA next year or as soon as my husband is ready to send all the requirements from him.....now, my question is... can I bring my daughter with me ( child from my previous husband) she is 11 yrs. old now and is really hard for me to leave her here....hope you guys can guide me regarding this matter...

Hello Marie, welcome here to the forum.
We have plenty of members who have been down the same road. I'm sure they will share their experiences.
In principle your case is very simple and should present no complications or barriers.

Did you make any searches for relevant threads here?

15th December 2011, 20:18
you need to prove you have sole custody and sole responsibility for the child.
have you always lived with your daughter ?

16th December 2011, 02:01
welcome to the forum, Marie :Hellooo:

16th December 2011, 06:52
yes Mr. joeblogs...we are all alone since her father died and I'm the one with the sole custody and responsibility to her......

Thanks Rani..yes I'm from Palmera 3, taytay Rizal....where you in Cainta ?....

do anyone here knows what will be the VISA I am going to apply for my daughter.....coz I will apply for a spousal visa... I dont know what will be to my daughter since she's going to go to school when she goes to UK

16th December 2011, 06:58
welcome here!!:Hellooo:

16th December 2011, 07:37
:Hellooo: to everyone here ...I am Marie ...from the Philippines.....I've been reading so many thread here and I found this site very helpful specially to those who needs assistance regarding VISA application....I am planning to apply for a VISA next year or as soon as my husband is ready to send all the requirements from him.....now, my question is... can I bring my daughter with me ( child from my previous husband) she is 11 yrs. old now and is really hard for me to leave her here....hope you guys can guide me regarding this matter...

hello i am the husband :D
yes we are discussing about Marie's daughter as we really not clear about her move here
on my part i need to know if i need to adopt her i think i am already her guardian even then not to sure about that
if you nice and knid people can guide or pinpoint to a thread i/we will be very grateful in this matter
thankyou x

16th December 2011, 12:03

hope this helps

16th December 2011, 12:23
When you apply for your visa you will submit a separate application for your daughter at the same time, as she will be a dependant of yours.

As stated in earler replies, within the evidence for her application you need to supply the proof that you have sole responsibility.

You do not need to adopt her, we applied back in august to bring my wifes son here and had no problem in getting his visa. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good luck with your application.

16th December 2011, 14:19
rusty did you contact UKBA about your stepchilds visa ??

16th December 2011, 14:34
After waiting ages and not getting a reply on the telephone, I have written to them, so now waiting for their response. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th December 2011, 18:00
yes Mr. joeblogs...we are all alone since her father died and I'm the one with the sole custody and responsibility to her......

... in that case, it SHOULDN'T be a problem :nono-1-1: ... but then again, I'm no expert !

do anyone here knows what will be the VISA I am going to apply for my daughter .....coz I will apply for a spousal visa... I dont know what will be to my daughter since she's going to go to school when she goes to UK

I don't know personally. :NoNo: However, the very reason that you're the widow of your daughter's biological father (as opposed to being his divorced partner!) coupled with the fact that you - as the surviving parent - currently have sole custody of the child, would seem to automatically eliminate any guardianship issues ... thereby rendering the visa process (whatever it happens to be for a dependant minor) a whole lot easier than it might've been otherwise. :)

Arthur Little
16th December 2011, 18:30
:rolleyes: Having SAID all that, :yeahthat: Marie ... allow me to :welcomex: you to this friendly, online filipino/uk site, where - rest assured - you WILL find the information you seek ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th December 2011, 19:23
hello i am the husband :D
yes we are discussing about Marie's daughter as we really not clear about her move here
on my part i need to know if i need to adopt her i think i am already her guardian even then not to sure about that
if you nice and knid people can guide or ppoint to a thread i/we will be very grateful in this matter
thankyou x

:) Ah ... Marie's husband :D ... hello! :welcomex: to you too !! I have just been explaining to your wife that - since I've had no personal experience of applying for a dependant's visa - I'm perhaps not the proper member to guide her here. Hence ... regarding the question you've raised about the POSSIBLE need for adoption ... it would be wrong of me to speculate. :rolleyes:

Better, then ... that you be given a more definitive answer from someone who's actually been in your situation. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th December 2011, 20:29
?? 'Soltane' ... Mike ... that's it ... NOW I've made the connection! I greeted you when you joined the forum a couple of weeks back, and - if you'll pardon my saying so - remember thinking at the time that your USER name put me in mind of a 'Factor X':sunshine: protection lotion called "Soltan".

16th December 2011, 22:01
Hello and welcome to you both. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I have in the past brought my ex-wife's 2 children from the Phils to the UK.(then aged 7 and 9 years).

They are both at university here now.

No need for adoption.
Yours will come as dependants of the wife.

You will certainly need their birth certificates on NSO paper, and I would anticipate, the father's death certificate.

As it was some years since I went through the process, I would suggest you do some research on the UKBA site to get the most up to date information. :)

PS...don't forget to get them passports !

16th December 2011, 22:04
:Hellooo: to everyone here ...I am Marie ...from the Philippines.....I've been reading so many thread here and I found this site very helpful specially to those who needs assistance regarding VISA application....I am planning to apply for a VISA next year or as soon as my husband is ready to send all the requirements from him.....now, my question is... can I bring my daughter with me ( child from my previous husband) she is 11 yrs. old now and is really hard for me to leave her here....hope you guys can guide me regarding this matter...

Please be sure to review post #15 from rusty.
There will be no problems.
Very best wishes.

17th December 2011, 08:21
yes its me Mike and i did say that i have a question and this is it one or two members have been helpful this site is really good and yes we have been reading through links to get a clearer picture
many thanks

17th December 2011, 08:28
Thank you so much Mr. Rusty, Mr. Joebloggs, Mr. Arthur Little, Mr. Terpe, Mr. Grahamw48 and Mr. Rusty....all your reply here are very helpful.....

Yes Mr. Arthur little... passport is ready the only question I have in mind now is what kind of VISA is for my daughter...and how much it is...is it the same as mine ( 810 pounds)....

17th December 2011, 10:33
........the only question I have in mind now is what kind of VISA is for my daughter...and how much it is...is it the same as mine ( 810 pounds)....

The table showing all the UKBA fees is here (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/aboutus/fees-table-spring-2011.pdf)

17th December 2011, 10:43
You will both apply for settlement visa, 2 applications & 2 fees.

Arthur Little
17th December 2011, 13:08
2 applications & 2 fees.

:yikes: ... seems GROSSLY unfair that you should have to pay ANY separate [additional] fee for a dependant child ... ESPECIALLY one as young as eleven!

17th December 2011, 14:01
It's the sheer numbers flooding in from 'other' countries that has led to this. :NoNo:

I think it was about 50 quid each for my step-childrens' visas.

Arthur Little
17th December 2011, 14:59
Didn't affect ME personally - since MY Filipina wife happened to be childless - hence my hesitancy about providing an answer to Marie's query. Somehow or other, :anerikke: I'd been under the *delusion [*obviously!] that dependants under the age of 18 could accompany their parent(s) to the UK free of charge ... although uncertain. :doh

Arthur Little
17th December 2011, 15:10
:NoNo: I think it was about 50 quid each for my step-childrens' visas.

:) Ahh ... as Mary Hopkin sang ... back in 1968 think! :rolleyes:] ... "those were the days, my friend". ;)

17th December 2011, 16:13
Didn't affect ME personally - since MY Filipina wife happened to be childless - hence my hesitancy about providing an answer to Marie's query. Somehow or other, :anerikke: I'd been under the *delusion [*obviously!] that dependants under the age of 18 could accompany their parent(s) to the UK free of charge ... although uncertain. :doh

:NoNo: same fee for an adult or child , that's why it cost me £4k in fees by the time the misses became a British citizen.

and people from the EU in the UK dont pay, and under EU law a minor is classed as anyone under 21yrs old, while in the UK only 18 :cwm23:

20th December 2011, 01:45
Welcome to the forum Marie. :Wave: A lot of people here have similar situation as you and I'm sure they can give you advice.