View Full Version : Filipino Stereotypes !

17th December 2011, 07:18

Thought I would start a thread about Filipino stereotypes. Please feel free to shoot me down or add any new ones. Most are tongue in cheek, but as we say no smoke without fire.

1. Filipinos are obsessed with SEX...long may it continue
2. Filipinos are obsessed with FOOD...preferably food that is good for SEX...it seems difficult for a Filipino to go more than 2 hours without eating
3. SEX=BABIES...this is not exactly true, I am all for the RH bill.Two separate decisions here
4. Filipina girls have the best legs in the world
5. Land of smiles...forget Thailand its really Phil...although sometimes they smile from embarrassment
6. Filipinos in public are reserved, polite, modest, quietly spoken...in private they are loud, boastful, extrovert
7. All Filipinos want to be a celebrity
8. Respectful to older people
9. Tolerant
10. Money...bit like a Gremlin..just add money and see what happens
11. Family is number 1..its a great trait but not so good when it creeps into politics and business
12. Trike rider...Manny pacquiao tatoo, NBA vest, pregnant wife with 6 kids at home, just traded the trike in for a down payment on a Hummer

Have to go...as I said feel free to add some or shoot mine down...might be good to have a UK stereotype thread

17th December 2011, 11:30
4. Filipina girls have the best legs in the world
Dint know where this one came from,never heard it myself in over 20 years of visiting Pinas but its certainly not true :icon_lol: Visit somewhere like Brazil or spain or italy,that'll quash that myth :icon_lol:
The trike-driver and the money parts,especially the money parts are 100% accurate ;)

17th December 2011, 11:35
....Just a shame there isn't a bit MORE leg. :Erm:

Filipinas can be very MOODY....and VIOLENT ! :crazy:

17th December 2011, 11:38
I forgot the moody and violent bit :bigcry: Oh yeah,one big stereotypical pinay trait,obsessive,compulsive,JEALOUSY :rolleyes:

17th December 2011, 11:53

17th December 2011, 11:56

Filipinas in public are reserved, polite, modest, quietly spoken
Yes,Lovely's post adds credence to that stereotype :) Hi Lovely,musta?

17th December 2011, 11:56
hi everyone!! This is lovely..I'm just new in this kind of setting...:Rasp:
hope to be a friend to everyone here!

17th December 2011, 11:58
okay lang..ikaw?

17th December 2011, 12:01
Hi Lovely, and welcome ! :Wave:

I'm always looking for a friend. :D

17th December 2011, 12:33
thanks how are you?

17th December 2011, 13:08
hello how are you there?from where are you my dear freind

17th December 2011, 13:10
im fine my dear fren..how about you?

17th December 2011, 13:29
hi lovely, i want to be called dear friend also by you:icon_lol:

Arthur Little
17th December 2011, 23:23
;) I'll go along with traits 8 & 9. MY wife is both respectful to her elders AND tolerant. :olddude: ... being married to ME, :omg:. she'd NEED to be !!

18th December 2011, 00:14
I'd agree with 9 also Arthur, :rolleyes: all partners here must be tolerant to put up with us lot...Thank goodness.

18th December 2011, 14:55
My Dear Friends

Still waiting for my missus moody violent phase

Never been to the mythical Brazil land of 11 out of 10s...got any photos Tawi2?...but I find it rare to find a filipina without a cracking pair of pins...but yes maybe in miniature

A couple more

Obsession with plastic bags, 1 is never enough

Girls love Isaw.....what is it with filipina girls and chicken intestines?

18th December 2011, 16:44
I can cope with everything except the stinking dried fish frying....then have to leave the house. :NoNo:

19th December 2011, 02:51

1. Filipinos are obsessed with SEX...long may it continue

2. Filipinos are obsessed with FOOD...preferably food that is good for SEX...it seems difficult for a Filipino to go more than 2 hours without eating

4. Filipina girls have the best legs in the world

7. All Filipinos want to be a celebrity

if you're pointing to sex due to large population, it's because they dont have enough knowledge on contraception...parents dont talk about sex and safe sex to their kids, most find it embarrassing....i dont think that Filipinos are obsessed with sex, most humans are, wherever part they are in this world.

obsession with food? it's for survival. if you're referring to the salary that is most of it spent on food, it's not obsession, it's managing to survive. If a Filipino earns 8,000 pesos a month, there are deductions for tax and health insurance. The net pay will be about 7,500 or just 7thousand pesos. Minus house rent, lucky if you only pay 1,500 every month, plus electric and water bill. These are only basics, and the average allowance for food for a family with 3 members is at least 1,500. The needs of the family members arent even counted in yet. Basically, the big part goes to food.

best legs? I agree with Tawi, if it's about legs, Latina women have it. Not only legs but great body and beauty.

I disagree with the being celebrity. If you want to talk about being a celebrity, look at the Americans. They have no shame in exposing their life to the public, privacy is no longer a part of their vocabulary. How they love to be followed by cameras even just for a piss. Name it and you'll find everything about them in youtube, talk about wanting to become celebrity.
If you refer about auditions for shows, most of these shows are contests, only those with real talent and pretty face will come out as the winner...though there is a truth in what you've said but many of them see being a star a ticket to free them from poverty, not just because they want to be a celebrity.

22nd December 2011, 08:51
Lots of truth in what you sat Sweetnote, the thread was just a bit of fun...funny what you say about americans

Anyway happy xmas to you all

22nd December 2011, 10:05
I can cope with everything except the stinking dried fish frying....then have to leave the house. :NoNo:

My wife bought some the other day, for the first time here, and was frying it when I got home for lunch. I thought that there was something electrical burning until my wife explained....my god....:icon_lol:

22nd December 2011, 10:11
"May I borrow?" in pinas is secret code,once you decipher it you understand the meaning............"Your never going to see this again,and if you do its going to be broken or in the window of the local pawnshop" :icon_lol: The South China Morning Post used to do some hilarious stereotypes every day in an "Icons of our time" post,I remember the ones they did of FILTH(Failed In London Try Honkers)Businessmen,Filipina maids etc,they were always spot-on,whoever wrote them was a very good people-watcher as they caricatured people perfectly.

22nd December 2011, 20:37
" Can I borrow" a phrase that sends a chill down my spine everytime I hear it. Say goodbye to half your dvd collection, various pieces of clothing, pairs of the wifes shoes and various other items we will never see again.

22nd December 2011, 20:52
" Can I borrow" a phrase that sends a chill down my spine everytime I hear it. Say goodbye to half your dvd collection, various pieces of clothing, pairs of the wifes shoes and various other items we will never see again.


22nd December 2011, 20:55
The only thing that hasn't been plundered is my cd collection, not many Pinoys are into extreme heavy metal music.

22nd December 2011, 21:45
Another heavy metal fan here (and my son).

Nothing is ever too extreme or too loud for me. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd December 2011, 21:52
:icon_lol:Another from the "May I borrow" stable is "May I see" and the hands shoot out,I always say "I thought you looked with your eyes":Erm: Again the item is liable to vanish with the speed and skill of a conjurer never to be seen or heard of again,my mates just adopted a child,his baptismal was a few weeks ago,loads of people at the house,one didnt use the outside toilet he popped into the house for 3 minutes maximum,result?Expensive phone that was charging is gone,disappeared like a cheap paul daniels trick:rolleyes: If they will nick my old nikes that smelt like they had been fermented in a vat-full of gorgonzola for a year they will "Borrow" a heavy-metal collection AND endure it just because it was FREE