View Full Version : moving to Cebu shortly

18th December 2011, 16:49
Hi, I currently live in Cebu and have been in a relationship with my Filipina for 21 months now. I already travelled to Cebu 3 times now to be with her, the last time being October this year.
I'm currently in Aldershot but only planning to be here for another week or 2 before I leave these wintry shores and start our new life together properly. I'm hoping to get plenty of advice, both before I go and after I get there so I hope you guys can help!!!

18th December 2011, 17:02
Hi John,your only down the road from me if your in the 'Shot,which part of Cebu you going?I am flying into Mactan next week en-route to mindanao.

18th December 2011, 17:30
Good advice ?


Leave most of your assets safely in this country. ;)

18th December 2011, 18:00
Hi John,your only down the road from me if your in the 'Shot,which part of Cebu you going?I am flying into Mactan next week en-route to mindanao.

Each time I've gone there, we've based ourselves in Carcar as thats the area where her family come from, but been as far south on the island as Santander. Also, on both the last 2 trips, we went to Bohol and loved it there. If I don't end up living in Cebu, Bohol is my next choice....;)

Mindanao, eh? You're a braver man than me unless you're going to one of the safe areas like Davao. I've never been down to Mindanao and not sure I ever will want to take the risk.

Have you sent any balikbayan boxes over yet? Is there anyone in the Aldershot area you can recommend???

18th December 2011, 18:02
Good advice ?


Leave most of your assets safely in this country. ;)

Funnily enough, I was planning to change my UK bank to HSBC and get them to set up a HSBC Philippines account for me. My intention is to leave most of my cash in the UK and just transfer over to the Philippines as and when we need it.

18th December 2011, 19:30
oops - sorry about the typo in the first post - I am not yet living in Cebu lol - but planning to be there permanently very soon! Sorry for any confusion :doh

18th December 2011, 19:43
Very good plan with the HSBC accounts, once you link them you can do instant global transfers at 5 quid a pop.

I've just moved from Cebu, living not far from Carcar in Argao/Dalaguete.

One big piece of advice is be cautious of the expats. I know this may seem strange, but some people have different agendas for why they are in the Philippines.

There is another forum, specifically for people living in cebu, which can be very useful, but is also a website with a lot of negative and anti-filipino opinions and some very bad advice. Read it, but take it with a pinch of salt.

Go with the flow in the Philippines, don't compare it to home, and relax. Don't get angry and lose your temper, no matter how bad things get.

Wear trousers and a shirt when you goto the Bureau of Immigration to get visa extensions. Never let your visas expire, and never leave your passport with anyone else.

It's customary for the breadwinners or the wealther family members to support the poorer family members. Learn to give a 'little' occasionally, and don't be afraid to be known as a tight ass. When the medical bills for a lola or cousin come in, I tend to go with idea that i'll match whatever the average is that other people chip in, after they've chipped in (i.e. 2000 or 3000 on occasions). I do this all via my wife, so that I never have to talk to any of the family about money, and she can make the right decisions.

I found Living in the Philippines expensive at first, until I realised how to curb my costs. In essence you need to set yourself realistic budgets.

Let your wife explain some of the cultural differences to her family, such as that it's not normal for you to have lots of unexpected guests at dinner time or living with you for weeks on end.

Try hard to understand the culture, and read some books on it if you can. Don't always listen to what the local loudmouth in the bar says, or people like me on forums. The books written by psychologists tend to be quite good.

If you need any assistance setting up, friends of mine Paul and Elsa run www.cebuexpatservices.com , and can help with visas, motorbikes, houses and more. They have very low fees and are very very reliable, if you need help. Once you've found your feet, its easier. Just mention Ricky sent you.

Good luck, and I hope you enjoy the experience and new lifestyle.

18th December 2011, 20:12
I leave these wintry shores and start our new life together properly.

thats the exact word does my husband utter when he decide to be with me 5 years ago:yikes::D after 2 years living in the Philippines he comes backhere in the UK with NOTHING:doh even how much money you have:doh:cwm23: it wont last ..even if you consider putting to a business :xxaction-smiley-047:D maybe not all..but usually it dont work at all..but im just saying this base to my actual experience:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:
so just be aware and be cautious i know you are jonboy 999:rolleyes::xxgrinning--00xx3: wish you good luck in your both life:Jump::D

18th December 2011, 20:56
If you want to make a million in the Phils....take two. :rolleyes:

I would NEVER EVER sell my (only) property in the UK to finance a flight of fancy in the Philippines. :NoNo:

18th December 2011, 21:02
If you want to make a million in the Phils....take two. :rolleyes:

I would NEVER EVER sell my (only) property in the UK to finance a flight of fancy in the Philippines. :NoNo:

well said graham..and very true:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::D

18th December 2011, 21:10
Hi, I currently live in Cebu and have been in a relationship with my Filipina for 21 months now. I already travelled to Cebu 3 times now to be with her, the last time being October this year.
I'm currently in Aldershot but only planning to be here for another week or 2 before I leave these wintry shores and start our new life together properly. I'm hoping to get plenty of advice, both before I go and after I get there so I hope you guys can help!!!

Hi there johnboy, I hope you will be so very happy. Wish I could join you, but not my time yet.

Please do take a re-read of post #7 from Ricky.
He's been there and done that and can give excellent up-to-date advice and tips.

I would also very strongly agree with the sentiments of Graham. Do not cut all financial ties with UK just yet. Keep you eye to the economic markets.

BTW, how will you finance you new life in Pinas?
No I don't mean to ask specifics, just want to prompt you to think about that. Life may appear to be cheap there but appearances can be deceptive.

Plenty of co-forumers can give really great advice to you in your life path. Please listen and you'll be happy as a pig in...........................the proverbial

Good luck mate.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th December 2011, 21:21
thanks for the welcomes, everyone :)

I'd already joined the other forum that was mentioned, and I'm aware of Paul and Elsa - no doubt I'll be using them for a few bits and pieces ;) . I've already seen there are some very jaded people over there, but I've already learnt plenty there. Too many Americans there though and that site is more geared towards USA expats. That's why I joined this site!!

As far as my house here was concerned, it was a difficult situation - I owned half of it with my mother who owned the other half, but unfortunately she passed away this summer. My brother and sister wanted their cut and as I was losing my job, taking on a bigger mortgage to pay them off wasn't an option, so it had to be sold. I'm not silly enough to take all with me to the Philippines and, chances are I won't be buying any property in Cebu. Renting seems the sensible option to me until I know for sure that living there is going to work for us.

I've got my head screwed on and this is not just a "flight of fancy". I've already got the ideas for an internet based business to run there so that I have an income not based on local wages. I already know about the anti-dummy laws and the difficulties of working or running a business there, so I'm not planning to go there and spend a fortune setting up sari-saris or internet cafes, because I know they are a sure way to lose money.

Anyway, I'll be sure to stick around here and learn even more :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th December 2011, 22:24
we've based ourselves in Carcar as thats the area where her family come from, but been as far south on the island as Santander.
I passed through carcar several times when taking the land-trip to Dumaguette,stopped off once to see the giant shoe,and taken the ferry across to negros on occassion from santander,looks like your in for a fun time,enjoy it :)

19th December 2011, 08:58
So much to see at the Queen city of of the south. Hope u will enjoy your stay...u will be relaxed more on near the beaches away from city life...I live and worked in Cebu before, I enjoyed a lot!

21st December 2011, 10:31
Oh i miss Cebu! I am originally from Cebu City but funny enough I've never been to Carcar. I grew up in Cebu, moved with my family to New Zealand in 2002 and here I am, I just moved to London on my own last Oct. Good luck and enjoy the sun, beaches and food in Cebu!! :)

23rd December 2011, 13:19
So much to see at the Queen city of of the south. Hope u will enjoy your stay...u will be relaxed more on near the beaches away from city life...I live and worked in Cebu before, I enjoyed a lot!

I definitely won't be living in the city!! I've been to the beach at Alcoy many times and its truly beautiful.....

I've always been so at peace with myself when I am in Cebu, and every time I returned to the rat race in England I missed the Philippines more and more. So, I made the decision to quit the rat race and just have a bit less cheese!!! Life is too short to spend it doing a job you hate and living in a country that's rapidly going down the pan. So, that's why I made the decision to go to Cebu to live and get married and stay there for the next few years at least. Perhaps, when the economy has recovered here and jobs are easier to get again, then maybe we will relocate back to the UK in the future. But, right now, my future for the foreseeable future is in the Philippines.

23rd December 2011, 13:29
Oh i miss Cebu! I am originally from Cebu City but funny enough I've never been to Carcar. I grew up in Cebu, moved with my family to New Zealand in 2002 and here I am, I just moved to London on my own last Oct. Good luck and enjoy the sun, beaches and food in Cebu!! :)

Carcar is definitely a growing place and although they call it a city, its no bigger than an average UK town. Every time I used to go up into Cebu City I used to feel really claustrophobic - it's just so busy up there, although I like the mall and terraces at Ayala. Carcar, on the other hand is much more relaxed and laid back. The people seem much more friendly in Carcar than they do up in the big city because I guess there is a lot less stress and hustle and bustle. And of course, the chicharon in Carcar is to-die-for......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I hope you like it in London - it's a great city with so much to see and do although, personally I could never live there. Country boy at heart I guess.

23rd December 2011, 15:37
haha, strange to consider we travelled an hour to Carcar 'to the big city!'... The kids were excited for the jollibee.

23rd December 2011, 15:43
haha, strange to consider we travelled an hour to Carcar 'to the big city!'... The kids were excited for the jollibee.

compared to many other places in the south, yeah I guess it must seem big :xxgrinning--00xx3:

it's just not too big, if you understand what I mean, and definitely not as mental as up in Cebu City

23rd December 2011, 16:07
haha my wife loves the country style, I personally am more at home in Manila.

23rd December 2011, 16:32
ohhhhh i really miss Cebu.. but next month i will go there to meet my fiance .. can't wait!! :Jump:

23rd December 2011, 16:35
I'm planning to be on the plane to Cebu in the first week in January if I can get everything finished up here :D

23rd December 2011, 16:48
I'm planning to be on the plane to Cebu in the first week in January if I can get everything finished up here :D

me, i will travel by fast craft on january 8... :)
ohh by the way, there's an event in cebu on january 12-15 celebrating "Sinulog Festival"... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd December 2011, 17:07
yeah, I want to be there for Sinulog, and then on Jan 21st, its my fiancee's daughter's 4th birthday so I really want to be there for that!!!!

29th December 2011, 02:18
You all talking about Cebu and Carcar, i miss the place enough as it is without you all praising it. Must have passed through Carcar 20 times but never stopped there. I use it as a bench mark on my way to Argao.
One thing i have noticed is that everything it cheaper there but you still spend the same sort of money as you would here on a day to day basis over the course of a few weeks or month.
A lot of the family think you are loaded. I wonder what they would think of you if you were broke there?

29th December 2011, 08:16
Hi Rory,

Where were you staying in Argao? It's not a bad place, with Leylands.

As for spending money, whenever your on holiday you of course spend more money because you want to do things.
As for money amongst the family and sharing, its a very complex situation, that takes a bit of experience and time to understand. it's normally the westerner that has a big problem with adapting and sometimes is the cause of early break ups and family fights.

29th December 2011, 18:13
I've been to Argao a few times but only ever really stopped at that little wildlife place and visited Riverstone Castle once. Usually, we were just passing through on a trip to Alcoy and the gorgeous beaches there.
Hmmmm just finishing packing my balikbayan boxes, ready for them to be collected tomorrow, and then I'll be booking my flights very soon.

5th January 2012, 15:38
Got my flights booked - travelling with my favourite airline, Cathay Pacific and arriving in Cebu on Sunday 8th January. I heard recently it's possible to get my first visa extension upon arrival at Cebu airport by asking the immigration officer and then you get taken to one of the side offices and it's granted at the airport. Anyone got any experience of this as it would save me a trip to Mandaue in 2 weeks time????

5th January 2012, 16:26
Well I believe you can do that at NAIA now, so wouldn't be surprised. :)

5th January 2012, 20:29
Got my flights booked - travelling with my favourite airline, Cathay Pacific and arriving in Cebu on Sunday 8th January. I heard recently it's possible to get my first visa extension upon arrival at Cebu airport by asking the immigration officer and then you get taken to one of the side offices and it's granted at the airport. Anyone got any experience of this as it would save me a trip to Mandaue in 2 weeks time????

RickyR is sure to know.

10th January 2012, 05:00
OK - here in Cebu at last for my 4th and hopefully final visit. If all goes to plan, I'm never leaving here!!!
I arrived here on Sunday evening, my luggage however had different plans and didn't arrive with me, along with 10% of the other passengers on my flight, so they obviously missed off a baggage container.:doh
Luckily it got delivered to my house 36 hours later, so all is good in the world now :)

I asked at the airport about the visa extension while I was in the queue for the immigration desk and I just had to go to the little office next to the queue. The whole process took about 10 minutes for them to provide the official receipt and then I rejoined the queue, which was nearly finished. It costs 2840 pesos so it was actually cheaper than going to BIR at Mandaue which costs 3030. They did ask me a few times who told me I could do get the extension at the airport so I just said the people at BIR and they were happy with that answer. The immigration officer then just wrote in on my arrival stamp that I had an extension on arrival for 59 days :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th January 2012, 05:13
ohhh....good to hear sir that you have had a good experience here in our country....although not that perfect I think...good luck to you and please take extra careful during your stay....

10th January 2012, 05:42
ohhh....good to hear sir that you have had a good experience here in our country....although not that perfect I think...good luck to you and please take extra careful during your stay....

Thanks Marie - the only problem I had was caused in Hong Kong when our luggage was missed off there, so I'm not blaming the Philippines for that!!! In fact, the people here made sure the problem was resolved as soon as possible and I can't praise them enough.
This is not my first time here and I know about staying safe. My lovely filipina makes sure I am always safe !!!

14th January 2012, 13:51
Now that I am here in Cebu and staying in Carcar, its time to look for our family home. We decided renting is definitely the way to go for us, maybe buying in the future, but not for a year or two. We're looking for rental properties in the Alcoy area and ideally want a 3 or 4 bedroom house. Anybody got any good contacts in that area who might be able to help with our search??

Many thanks :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th January 2012, 14:52
As a foreigner, don't even consider buying. :NoNo:

There are a lot of 'realtors' online for Phils rental property.

- Will give you a few ideas. :)

14th January 2012, 16:10
Thanks for the advice Graham. I'd already decided that buying isn't an option and that is why I was asking about rentals. I know as a foreigner I can't own a house here and that is why I want to rent. But.... who knows about the future? If I'm still happily married here a few years down the line and decide we definitely want to stay in a certain area I won't rule out purchasing eventually.

I know it's very very hard to sell properties here and there is always a risk in that it's not in my name, but, we only get one life. I could just as easily have set up a house in the UK with a western woman and lose far far more than I would ever lose in the Phills.

So, at this stage, my question remains about rentals. I'm not too sure how you find a reputable, trustworthy realtor here in the Philippines so that was why I was asking for advice from anyone who has already found one

14th January 2012, 16:32
Thanks for the advice Graham. I'd already decided that buying isn't an option and that is why I was asking about rentals. I know as a foreigner I can't own a house here and that is why I want to rent. But.... who knows about the future? If I'm still happily married here a few years down the line and decide we definitely want to stay in a certain area I won't rule out purchasing eventually.

I know it's very very hard to sell properties here and there is always a risk in that it's not in my name, but, we only get one life. I could just as easily have set up a house in the UK with a western woman and lose far far more than I would ever lose in the Phills.

So, at this stage, my question remains about rentals. I'm not too sure how you find a reputable, trustworthy realtor here in the Philippines so that was why I was asking for advice from anyone who has already found one

I can't help you with agents, but I suggest you let your wife do the work. Try a much as you can to keep yourself out of the loop and not let anyone know it's a rental for foreigner.

Most of my friends have advised me to just ask around or drive to around taking a good look. It may take a while.
If your really looking for something fast then make sure it's a short term rental and be careful about up-front payments.

Good luck

14th January 2012, 17:15
Thanks Terpe,
We were already planning to drive around the area looking for likely properties and the g/f would be making all the calls. Prices would be discussed over the phone and that way we would know when we went to see them if we were being ripped off if the prices suddenly went up!

At the minute, we are renting a small house in Carcar, but we decided that it's too close to her family and we fancy living near the white sand beaches at Alcoy. Alternatively, I know Dalaguete is nice too. So, we are not in a desperate rush - it's not as if we need to be in the new place tomorrow or anything. But ultimately, we want more kids and this house here is too small.

14th January 2012, 20:03
Thanks Terpe,
We were already planning to drive around the area looking for likely properties and the g/f would be making all the calls. Prices would be discussed over the phone and that way we would know when we went to see them if we were being ripped off if the prices suddenly went up!

At the minute, we are renting a small house in Carcar, but we decided that it's too close to her family and we fancy living near the white sand beaches at Alcoy. Alternatively, I know Dalaguete is nice too. So, we are not in a desperate rush - it's not as if we need to be in the new place tomorrow or anything. But ultimately, we want more kids and this house here is too small.

Just take you time then and enjoy the looking around.

15th January 2012, 00:42
Just take you time then and enjoy the looking around.

hehehe I'm already on Filipino time...... haven't worn a watch since I landed here 1 week ago :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th January 2012, 21:31
Time is not of importance like it is over here, i notice that as well. Might have something to do with the fact you are not working and you just go home when it gets dark.

16th January 2012, 14:32
Looks like we found ourselves a wonderful home in Alcoy, just where we wanted, with a nice sea-view..... just waiting for the rental contracts to be signed up :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Pics to follow when it is all confirmed on the 22nd Jan but it's definitely a stunning place - I'll be very happy to live there for the next year while we decide our future.

16th January 2012, 15:28
Well done . :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes, pictures please when available. :)

16th January 2012, 21:56
Looks like we found ourselves a wonderful home in Alcoy, just where we wanted, with a nice sea-view..... just waiting for the rental contracts to be signed up :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Pics to follow when it is all confirmed on the 22nd Jan but it's definitely a stunning place - I'll be very happy to live there for the next year while we decide our future.

That sounds great :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Well done...................didn't take so long either.

Would love to see photos if it all goes well (I'm sure it will)

Try to avoid 'white-guy tax' :icon_lol:

Good luck

17th January 2012, 00:28
That's a really big step to move to another place... Like other countries, economy is not that good in Philippines too and the best way I think is to really check on the best source of financial support. Either getting a job or setting up a business. Prices may be lesser in Cebu, but now that you have your wife and you future family, you have to look deeper on your financial status and ways to support your living there...

Good luck anyway in your future wedding and may you be successful in your future plans...

17th January 2012, 09:39
That's a really big step to move to another place... Like other countries, economy is not that good in Philippines too and the best way I think is to really check on the best source of financial support. Either getting a job or setting up a business. Prices may be lesser in Cebu, but now that you have your wife and you future family, you have to look deeper on your financial status and ways to support your living there...

Good luck anyway in your future wedding and may you be successful in your future plans...

Getting a local job at Philippines pay rates is never going to happen for me - I am not prepared to work for just a few pesos a day. My plans involve an overseas income, but that is on the back-burner while I get our family home set up, and take a well earned break after working my ass off for the last 20 odd years. I'm financially stable enough to live here for, maybe 10 years, without working even taking into account the relatively expensive lifestyle I will have compared to the locals, but I know I would eventually get bored. I know I will have to have an income, but it can wait for a while....

We only get one life to live and its too short to spend it being miserable doing something you don't want to do so it was easy for me to take this step now. I was in a position that I could do this now - why wait until I am too old to really appreciate the beauty of this place and the many things to do here???

17th January 2012, 11:58
........We only get one life to live and its too short to spend it being miserable doing something you don't want to do so it was easy for me to take this step now. I was in a position that I could do this now - why wait until I am too old to really appreciate the beauty of this place and the many things to do here???

Your really fortunate to be in that position. I would do just the same.:)

It's sounds like you've thought things through and got your 'head screwed on' right.
As you say life is too short. Believe me time moves along fast, and my advice is to enjoy your life to the max, but don't take your 'eye off the ball'.

I've met too many Brits living in Phils who one day discovered they had nothing left in their 'financial well'. It doesn't take a lot of time, effort or money to keep you future alive.

Here's wishing you a great life :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th January 2012, 12:19
Your really fortunate to be in that position. I would do just the same.:)

It's sounds like you've thought things through and got your 'head screwed on' right.
As you say life is too short. Believe me time moves along fast, and my advice is to enjoy your life to the max, but don't take your 'eye off the ball'.

I've met too many Brits living in Phils who one day discovered they had nothing left in their 'financial well'. It doesn't take a lot of time, effort or money to keep you future alive.

Here's wishing you a great life :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I don't keep all my eggs in one basket - my savings are spread amongst several banks, and my money will be staying in the UK. I'll only be transferring over what I need, when I need it. No point keeping it here in the Phils where I would be tempted to waste it,. And one of my accounts is not going to be touched - it's my emergency escape plan if it all goes wrong here in the future. But I'm not planning to let that happen!

I've been planning this move for nearly 2 years. Just because I haven't been posting on here doesn't mean it's a sudden decision! I've done a lot of research and made 3 recce trips here previously. I'm not totally unprepared, but I accept I still got an awful lot to learn and I'll definitely still be bending ears here from the guys with more experience than me

17th January 2012, 13:04
You're going about it the right way.

Eventually you might find some kind of small business will keep you occupied, and hopefully generate a bit of extra income.

Good luck. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th January 2012, 02:28
We only get one life to live and its too short to spend it being miserable doing something you don't want to do so it was easy for me to take this step now. I was in a position that I could do this now - why wait until I am too old to really appreciate the beauty of this place and the many things to do here???

Live Life to the fullest... I wish I can just do that right now.. Always wanted to do business like a small BandB by the beach of Bohol maybe. There are a lot of foreigners there who actually owned the hotels. I'd say they enjoyed the place a lot and decided to retire there with their wife. It's good for giving more jobs to the locals as well.

19th January 2012, 04:13
I wish I had the money to set up a resort and I really loved Panglao on Bohol - that would have been perfect to retire to, maybe in another 17 years or so when I get my pension lol

24th January 2012, 20:13
Ok - you asked for pics - here are a few to give you an idea..... :D


24th January 2012, 20:19
How many houses is that ? :cwm24:

24th January 2012, 20:23
How many houses is that ? :cwm24:#

Just the one lol - on the first pic its the big house in the centre. It's part of a small sub-division of about 6 houses

stevie c
24th January 2012, 20:27
Wow what a fantastic house :yikes:

Wish that i was in a position to move to the phils i would move tommorow :D

24th January 2012, 20:34
Wow what a fantastic house :yikes:

Wish that i was in a position to move to the phils i would move tommorow :D

Moving in on Feb 15th - as you can see its unfurnished so we got a lot of shopping to do but at least we can furnish it to our own tastes.....

stevie c
24th January 2012, 20:43
Hope all goes well with the move on feb 15th :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I look forward to more photos when it is furnished :)

1st February 2012, 01:31
hi john ..i have a fiancee in cebu and plan to visit in around 6 weeks time ...not my first visit (more like 6th ) i plan to move there permanently in the near future ....hope we can keep in touch ...geoff:)

1st February 2012, 02:34
hi john ..i have a fiancee in cebu and plan to visit in around 6 weeks time ...not my first visit (more like 6th ) i plan to move there permanently in the near future ....hope we can keep in touch ...geoff:)

Sure thing, and if you happen to be passing through Alcoy and the beautiful beaches there, you would be more than welcome to drop in for a visit :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd February 2012, 06:03
Well hello there! Cebu is truly a great place to stay and there are those pots where you can really be familiar with the people around because there are a lot of foreigners as well. This is actually an ideal place to retire if you have lived very long on a place where there is constant stress coming from work and would like to keep things cool down.