View Full Version : Royal Mail - 'Sorry you were out' cards

19th December 2011, 21:06
Anyone else been suffering from this sloppy practice that the Royal Mail allow rogue posties to get away with ?

'Sorry you were out': Why does the Royal Mail leave this card when you know you were in?

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1221003/Sorry-Why-does-Royal-Mail-leave-card-know-in.html#ixzz1h0qWeHQR

Todays article about long queues at sorting offices made worse by these cards

Who said online shopping was convenient? Customers wait in the cold at sorting office for collection for up to 90 minutes

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2075931/Christmas-shopping-online-convenient-Customers-wait-90-minutes-sorting-office.html#ixzz1h0rTCOK8

19th December 2011, 21:26
My pet hate too.

Competition and internet has its downside.....everyone on minimum wage and in too much of a damned rush to get their 100s of calls done that day. :NoNo:

'Service' ? - non-existent, and parcel vans driven as if by madmen everywhere. :rolleyes:

19th December 2011, 21:34
The rot set in with the Royal Mail when that corporate cockroach Crozier was put in by his chum Blair to run them.

TNT do a good job running the Dutch Mail we ought to get them in to sort our shower out

Arthur Little
20th December 2011, 00:38
TNT do a good job running the Dutch Mail we ought to get them in to sort our shower out

TNT ... ? :rolleyes: What ... ? :cwm24: ... blow the buggers up, you mean? :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
20th December 2011, 00:50
Hmm ... maybe that's a :gp: ... :yeahthat: ... "Dinah might" *do the trick! :xxaction-smiley-047

Arthur Little
20th December 2011, 01:49
"Dinahmight" *do the trick! :xxaction-smiley-047

After all, :anerikke: ... it's too BIG a challenge to NOT re-fuse!

20th December 2011, 02:16
What are you BANGING on about Arthur ? :D

Arthur Little
20th December 2011, 02:51
What are you BANGING on about Arthur ? :D

Well ... :rolleyes: ... with an EXPLOSIVE topic like this, Graham ... SOMEONE needed to "drop a bombshell" POST HASTE in order to lighten the proceedings up a bit ! :anerikke: Which is WHY I recommended adding "Dinah" - rather than any male (phonetically speaking, of course) - to essentially, "pack a punch" :xxsport-smiley-002: ... as "part & parcel" of the Royal Mail Delivery Service.

Letter box clever :yeahthat: and get on with it! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd January 2012, 16:22
A bit more in todays paper

The number of complaints about postmen leaving cards to say residents weren't in when they tried to deliver packages, when in fact the householders were home, has risen by more than a third.

The cards are meant to be used by postmen if they knocked the door to deliver a parcel and received no response from the resident.

However, it appears the cards are being increasingly misused, pre-prepared by postmen seeking to lighten their loads and save time on their rounds.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2081603/Complaints-soar-Sorry-cards-doors-postmen--residents-IN.html#ixzz1iPQ3aslc

3rd January 2012, 16:35
a few months ago, i heard something drop thru the letter box, went to look it was a 'sorry you were out card' i opened the door and the postman was just leaving, he said 'oh i didn't think you were in, we've left your parcel at the post office' :cwm23:

lazy :NEW5: :censored:

3rd January 2012, 16:40
a few months ago, i heard something drop thru the letter box, went to look it was a 'sorry you were out card' i opened the door and the postman was just leaving, he said 'oh i didn't think you were in, we've left your parcel at the post office' :cwm23:

lazy :NEW5: :censored:

It's been going on for years - I was in the local rag going on about it before Christmas

5th January 2012, 22:38
Royal mail service is not great! We had so many bad experiences from them. We used next day delivery service last year and all of the sudden my husband's Agency called saying where is the passport? We we're puzzled as we included it when we post the Documents. We suspect that the postman in London have stolen the passport.. it's funny though because all the documents arrive except for the passport. And then, when we filed claim, they did not pay us, not even a single penny. What a joke!:cwm23::xxaction-smiley-047