View Full Version : Flunky carrying Rooney's shopping

20th December 2011, 12:31

Don't this tawdry pair fancy themselves http://planetsmilies.net/vomit-smiley-31.gif

20th December 2011, 14:05
why dedworth ? doesn't your chauffeur carry your shopping for you :D

20th December 2011, 21:47
whos intrested

20th December 2011, 23:51
I love that word 'tawdry'. :icon_lol:

The hairline's coming along nicely....what area of his body did they transplant it from ? :Erm:

21st December 2011, 01:34
I love that word 'tawdry'. :icon_lol:

The hairline's coming along nicely....what area of his body did they transplant it from ? :Erm:

I'd suspect Graham from the area of the upper legs/lower buttocks, an eight letter word that begins with an A and ends with an E - you normally find a bit of surplus hair around there :D

whos intrested

Steve, football rivalry and banter aside I agree not a lot interested in a pair of Scouse urban proles like that repulsive pair, they epitomise the shallow get rich quick/x-factor/big brother/celebrity society our once mighty country has descended into - so I just raised it as an observation.