View Full Version : UK-Ireland borders deal to target illegal immigrants

20th December 2011, 14:20

a bit of good news for dedworth :D
well it looks like the end of one 'back door ' way of getting into the uk.

20th December 2011, 14:31
GOOD ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th December 2011, 14:36
Why has it taken so long to do this?

20th December 2011, 14:50
This routes been open and known about for years,I remember once being asked by a pinay would it be easier to fly into Dublin to get into the UK,close it and lock it down tight,though to be honest the horse bolted a long time ago :NoNo:

20th December 2011, 16:17
I heard it on the Radio news and as Lastlid & Tawi say its closing the gate after the horse has bolted. I recall ages ago downloading a podcast of a Radio 4 documentary where they were exposing this loophole. It defies belief but the UKBA knew about it but didn't have any staff at the Stranraer but relied on the occasional presence of Special Branch officers there who were on the lookout for terrorists.

As farcical as the Eurostar Lille Loophole that came to light a couple of weeks back

You couldn't make it up :cwm23:

20th December 2011, 18:03
Im sure those french b:censored:s put them in the lorries too to send them over here.:laugher: