View Full Version : Idiots

21st December 2011, 17:07
If another person tells me to have a nice time on my forthcoming holiday to Thailand I'm going to punch them:icon_lol: I'm convinced the majority of the so-called "Educated" British middle class know absolutely nothing.
Why does everyone think SE Asia is just Thailand?
It's a bit like me asking them how they enjoyed Moscow on their recent family holiday to Benidorm or the Algarve:crazy:
At least they've stopped asking me if I've checked my g/f doesn't have a dick:rolleyes:

21st December 2011, 17:12
I agree. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Anyway, have a nice time mate....and watch out for those lady-boys !


21st December 2011, 17:13
:icon_lol:.......I know what you mean...

21st December 2011, 17:15
I agree. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Anyway, have a nice time mate....and watch out for those lady-boys !



I'll be fine Graham, I've perfected the grab and twist check:D

21st December 2011, 17:20
Enjoy Thailand and don't forget to check down below...


21st December 2011, 17:20
And do you speak chinese yet so you can understand each other?

21st December 2011, 17:25
Are you going by PC Air??

If so really watch out!


21st December 2011, 17:43
Are you going by PC Air??

If so really watch out!


I've recently booked an AirAsia flight for next Spring from BKK to SIN - If I'd known about this lot I might have booked for a laugh:icon_lol:

21st December 2011, 17:45
And do you speak chinese yet so you can understand each other?

Not yet, all I've learned so far is how to ask her if it's dog or cat for my dinner this evening:rolleyes:

21st December 2011, 18:05
Just be careful with what you bring back home. :D



21st December 2011, 18:09
they will never understand where the phils are, like you say thailand is all asia, enjoy your hols Ian:)

21st December 2011, 18:38
If another person tells me to have a nice time on my forthcoming holiday to Thailand I'm going to punch them:icon_lol:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: have a nice time :xxgrinning--00xx3: :icon_lol:... :Bolt::xxparty-smiley-004::cwm3:

21st December 2011, 20:28
:xxgrinning--00xx3: have a nice time :xxgrinning--00xx3: :icon_lol:... :Bolt::xxparty-smiley-004::cwm3:

At least you never said Thailand:icon_lol:

21st December 2011, 20:55
At least you never said Thailand:icon_lol:

:yikes: Thailand :angry::cwm23:
stopped over there once, plane was delayed for what seemed like hours :angry:, i'm normally the last to complain :rolleyes: but i was tired and :censored:, and what made it worse was when the plane was ready , the cheeky :censored: let the first class lot on first :cwm23::angry::censored: i was ready for:cwm3::action-smiley-060: someone :angry:

21st December 2011, 21:02
I once had to sit for 4 hours on the plane at the boarding gate/apron at Manila....on top of 2 hours in the departure lounge, and we had a 7 month-old baby with us.
All the time mulling over the possible implications of the mechanical defect they'd told us about. :NoNo:

21st December 2011, 22:03
Ha ha ha.
Enjoyed the comments on this thread.
We've all been there and seen that and got the tee-shirt.
Just relax, chill-out and enjoy your holiday as much as I would :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Take care the both of you and have a ball :Jump:

21st December 2011, 22:08
Plenty of english guys ignorant of S.E.Asian geography till they met their wives online :icon_lol: Also plenty of ignorant pinays till they met their hubbies online,back in the early 1990's I remember someone in pinas asking me which part of america was london :rolleyes:

21st December 2011, 22:51
That hasn't changed. :icon_lol:

Even kids in our country have very limited knowledge of geography (and history) these days because they can opt out of the subjects very early on in their schooling.

21st December 2011, 23:08
I think we have all had those things said to us Englishman. Take no notice mate have a good one.:xxgrinning--00xx3:.

21st December 2011, 23:30
I went to a first choice travel agent in september to book a korean air flight to guam for next year, and the girl i sat down to book with said were is guam, and that is in a travel agents:Erm: