View Full Version : Hello I'm Louis from Kingston upon Thames, UK

22nd December 2011, 17:43
Hi all.
My girlfriend Olivia is hoping that she can get a visitors visa to come and visit me here in the UK..
We have chatted online in yahoo web site for 2 years and 4 months.
We have got to know each other as well as anyone can over the internet... I have sent off a invitation letter and copies of my special papers i.e. banks, council tax, passport copies and a few other documents..
I hoping that she will get this visia, but 1s I would like to ask anyone on here if they have been through this before? If they have, could they give me some advice?
Many thank you's Louis

22nd December 2011, 17:58
Hi Louis,I have just been to the Bentall Centre to do some christmas shopping :) I am going to the Philippines tomorrow :) I am now officially skint :Erm: people on here have done as your asking,have you met her in person yet?That helps immeasurably.good luck and merry christmas,which part of the Philippines is your lady friend from?

22nd December 2011, 18:04
Hi Louis and a belated welcome to the forum:xxgrinning--00xx3:

In answer to your question, it really is pot luck as to whether your female friend will get a tourist visa....in my opinion it is much simpler (and cheaper) for you to go there and see her. Plus the Philippines is a wonderful country to visit.

22nd December 2011, 18:09
Louis, don't want to sound too defeatist, but as Tawi mentions, if you've never met ie you've travelled to the Philippines, then your changes of a successful visitor's visa are greatly diminished.

Additionally, you've put "complicated" as your status... hinting that you're still married ? going thru a divorce ?
If that's the case, again you're chances are greatly diminished.

Sorry ... I'm being realistic.

22nd December 2011, 18:36
All I can add is what the guys have already said. Go over there and meet her and get plenty of evidence.:xxgrinning--00xx3:,

22nd December 2011, 20:15
Hi there Tawi2
Thank you for your reply, no we have not met in person as I said before we have only chatted via webcam site on yahoo. This we have done for 2 years and 4 months now. There were times when I thought this is crazy falling for a woman miles and miles away, in another country and another world apart from mine here in the UK. I even told her that this is crazy and it won't work. But I have fallen for her and and I hope to meet her one day soon. Then we can see if we can take our relationship up another step higher?

22nd December 2011, 20:20
No I am not married ,nor have I ever been married...So I don't know where this came from? As I wrote up above. We're only chatting via yahoo webcam site We have sent each other many cards, letters and photos of ourselves over these last past year and 4 months. Spoke many many times on the phone too.

22nd December 2011, 20:24
It looks cheaper to try and get her to come here first. I can not cope in a hot country for very long. and if it comes to the push, I will have to shove myself on over there somehow?

22nd December 2011, 20:26
Thannk you for your welcome and to everybody else too..

How much is a tourist visa?

22nd December 2011, 20:31
It looks cheaper to try and get her to come here first. I can not cope in a hot country for very long. and if it comes to the push, I will have to shove myself on over there somehow?

It's your choice Louis, but you will be missing out on a lot if you don't go to the Philippines. The only way you can really understand their culture is to go there, explore, spend time with the locals and see what day to day life is really about.

I wouldn't worry about the heat - The hotels and shopping malls are air conditioned.

I'm not so sure it's cheaper to get her to come here:Erm: Flights booked in the UK and departing from the UK are among the cheapest in the world. With careful planning, round trip flights from LHR to MNL should be IRO £395 - £550. A round trip flight from MNL - LHR is probably going to be IRO £800 depending on the GBP/USD exchange rate, plus there is the £65 cost of a tourist visa for your good lady, the £30 Filipino citizen travel tax and untold other expenses.

Get yourself over there and enjoy it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd December 2011, 20:59
Olivia wants to try and get a tourist visa. She reckons she as all the documents to meet the Embassy rules
She has proof of owning her own house, proof of 10 years in the same job. proof of a decent bank account what else could they want from her?

22nd December 2011, 21:09
Hi all.
My girlfriend Olivia is hoping that she can get a visitors visa to come and visit me here in the UK..
We have chatted online in yahoo web site for 2 years and 4 months.
We have got to know each other as well as anyone can over the internet... I have sent off a invitation letter and copies of my special papers i.e. banks, council tax, passport copies and a few other documents..
I hoping that she will get this visia, but 1s I would like to ask anyone on here if they have been through this before? If they have, could they give me some advice?
Many thank you's Louis

Hello there, and welcome to the forum.

In principle most of the comments given are true.

However, as I always stress, the visit visa is a very low cost option. So always worth a try.
There's no appeal for refusal, but also no problems when re-applying.

Hopefully, with some research on the UKBA website and with some research on here you will be in a much better position to overcome the key issues for the ECO.

Basically, your g/f must convince the ECO that she has absolutely no intentions of being an immigrant.
That she has strong and compelling evidence of ties/reasons to return the Philippines that will logically outweigh and reasons to stay in UK. This needs to be the major focus for any application.

There will also need to be clear evidence of sufficient funding for the duration of the visit, together with reasons for making the visit.

Personally, I wouldn't suggest you make too much of the romantically linked relationship in the application.

Do some research and get back with any clarifications needed.

22nd December 2011, 22:05
If she does come louis she wont be short of pinoy friends,theres lots in Kingston and the surrounding areas,I saw loads today in Bentalls and theres a few pinays/pinoys work in Bentalls also,and just a few miles from there is the european headquarters for Iglesia ni Cristo which brings lots of pinays into the area :) Hope everything works out for you

23rd December 2011, 01:02
Hello Terpe
That is an interesting point you have made there about not stressing the romantic version of our relationship. I have here a copy of the letter that I would like to send her in regards to my invitation to come and visit me here in the UK..I would like to post this to you here in this Thread if this is ok with you? Louis

23rd December 2011, 01:08
Hopefully, with some research on the UKBA website and with some research

What is a UKBA website?

23rd December 2011, 08:42

has your g/f any immigration history ? i mean has she ever visited other countries ?

23rd December 2011, 13:40
Hi joebloggs
No never travel out of the Philippines.

23rd December 2011, 14:08
No I am not married ,nor have I ever been married...So I don't know where this came from?

... it came from here....

Additionally, you've put "complicated" as your status... hinting that you're still married ? going thru a divorce ?
If that's the case, again you're chances are greatly diminished.

I merely suggested, trying to cover all bases .... not accused, nor applied some moral judgement on your "status".
You asked for advice and help ....... I merely provided some.

Don't shoot the messenger just because you don't like the message.

I don't think I'll bother in future.

Happy bleedin' Christmas

23rd December 2011, 14:17
I knew you were trying to be helpful. :)

Of course we know NOTHING. ;)

Merry Christmas to you and yours. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd December 2011, 14:24
It looks cheaper to try and get her to come here first. I can not cope in a hot country for very long. and if it comes to the push, I will have to shove myself on over there somehow?

You can go there without having to apply for a visa and stay for up to 21 days, so that is hardly long, but long enough to give you an idea if you really are compatible when you meet in person.

23rd December 2011, 15:09
Hey..I just joined this site and how was I to know all the rules and I was not shooting you either..so please don't get the wrong end of the stick OK? Happy xmas to you too

23rd December 2011, 15:13
Hi joebloggs

Can I send you a copy of my invitation?. I would like you to add or take away anything wordings that you may think could hinder us? Regards

23rd December 2011, 15:15
I've just notice this on my first blog...

SurreyAge: 67
Posts: 33 Status :
ComplicatedRep Power:

23rd December 2011, 21:11
Hi joebloggs

Can I send you a copy of my invitation?. I would like you to add or take away anything wordings that you may think could hinder us? Regards

this will give you some idea louismc44


24th December 2011, 10:00
Hi joebloggs....
Thank you for this link, I see what you mean. one has to keep it really cool.

24th December 2011, 17:46
In fact i think what you said to me is totally negative and i don't want any negative advice from you anyway
also i think you are the kind of person who likes to put othrs down to your low level

24th December 2011, 19:20
In fact i think what you said to me is totally negative and i don't want any negative advice from you anyway
also i think you are the kind of person who likes to put othrs down to your low level

Excuse me !

This is a friendly and helpful forum and there is no room for flaming on here.

If you have nothing pleasant to say to other members, particularly at this time of the year, kindly don't say anything at all.

26th December 2011, 17:18
I did not start this, if the person had only ask me if I was married or having a divorce then I would have said no, but oh no he had to go and make implications towards me without chyecking with me first. and not only that he was damn right rude with it too.
So I surgest to you that yu do the same, read and maybe you might learn somethng too?

26th December 2011, 17:43
come on guys time to move on :NoNo:
were all adults on here, no point in arguing over a misunderstanding :NoNo:

26th December 2011, 18:03
I've moved on...well and truly. :)

26th December 2011, 18:15
In fact i think what you said to me is totally negative and i don't want any negative advice from you anyway
also i think you are the kind of person who likes to put othrs down to your low level

Negative????. It seems your the one that is being negative. The guys have given you good advice on here. (Go and meet her). If you dont want to then that is your choice. You talk to these guys properly and give them respect they will help you all they can.

26th December 2011, 19:26
I'm willing to bury the hatched..:)

26th December 2011, 19:28
I was not talking about guys..just that one guy, so don't add more than is facts

26th December 2011, 20:01
I'm willing to bury the hatched on this matter

26th December 2011, 20:18
I was not talking about guys..just that one guy, so don't add more than is facts

Louis, I hope you can forgive and forget.
You will find the whole spectrum of life on forums.
If you feel you can grow a thicker skin you will soon find a priceless treasure of incredible information and so many people willing to offer friendship, support and advice.

I hope you will be strong enough to stay around and get to know us better.
We do have a tight and friendly community with a wealth of experience.

Take care always.

26th December 2011, 21:22
Hi Terpe

Thank you

Yes I can give as good as I get.
I love to forgive and forget.
I'm willing to get to know you all and I hope that this introduction has shown you what I can be like if I think I have been rubbed up the wrong way. Imagined or otherwise?

27th December 2011, 13:39
Hi Trepe. By the way.Please I have a question, my girlfriend Olivia is hoping to come to the UK for about 6 months.

Can she get any health insurance from the Philippines to cover the cost of any medical treatment that, ‘heavens forbid’ she will get ill.
She will need to show this certificate to the Embassy in Manila when she applied for her tourist visa
But you never know and I don't think it is a good idea to leave everything to chance?
Olivia lives in Digos City
Thank you

27th December 2011, 14:31
Hi Trepe. By the way.Please I have a question, my girlfriend Olivia is hoping to come to the UK for about 6 months.

Can she get any health insurance from the Philippines to cover the cost of any medical treatment that, ‘heavens forbid’ she will get ill.
She will need to show this certificate to the Embassy in Manila when she applied for her tourist visa
But you never know and I don't think it is a good idea to leave everything to chance?
Olivia lives in Digos City
Thank you

Whenever we've had family members visit us here in UK from Philippines we have always secured travel insurance for them from HSBC.
The policy lasts for max 6 months and covers most things.
We arranged everything through HSBC as my wife is banking with them here in UK and she holds accounts in Manila and Davao City.

Here is their webpage (http://www.hsbc.com.ph/1/2/personal/insurance/travel?WT.ac=HBAP_PH_PWS_INS_TI_0002)

Hope it will be a starting point anyway.

Hopefully other members may be able to point you in the direction of other sources.

27th December 2011, 17:05
Thank you Terpe
I'm not too keen on HSCB bank, maybe there is another one?
Idealy it would be better if we can find on in Digos city or near abuots?

27th December 2011, 17:23
Thank you Terpe
I'm not too keen on HSCB bank, maybe there is another one?
Idealy it would be better if we can find on in Digos city or near abuots?

Did you review the HSBC link I sent you?

You will see that that the insurance itself is actually Chartis Insurance. It is not a product offering of HSBC bank.

They just happens to market it through HSBC Insurance Brokers (Philippines) Inc.

However, you do not need to arrange via HSBC.

You could contact Chartis directly on their own website here:-

Just follow the links for product and contact details.

27th December 2011, 19:09
hay ho, each to there own,

27th December 2011, 19:48
Thank you Terpe.
This is a great help.
I have saved this site I will study it in greater depth before I send it onto Olivia.

27th December 2011, 19:54
Hi Terpe
I went to that web site that you gave me.
As you can see from the list below, it dosen't have any links for the Philippines on their website



Česká republika









New Zealand




South Africa

United Kingdom

United States

Hong Kong

27th December 2011, 19:57
click on 'world wide' then 'Asia pacific'


27th December 2011, 20:05
Thank you Joeblogs
I got it ok now
It's easy when you know how.

28th December 2011, 00:08
Hi all...
Over the last two years that Olivia and I have been exchanging letters between us, over a 2 dozen have gone missing and it seems that they don't have a fairly safe postal service like we do. They do not have a recorded post or any form of security in their postal system.
This is terribly frustrating when you need to send some important documents.

28th December 2011, 00:25
Hi all...
Over the last two years that Olivia and I have been exchanging letters between us, over a 2 dozen have gone missing and it seems that they don't have a fairly safe postal service like we do. They do not have a recorded post or any form of security in their postal system.
This is terribly frustrating when you need to send some important documents.

i've got every letter my misses sent to me, mind you that was 7+yrs ago, as for the Royal Mail, on one important letter she sent to me, she missed 1 digit off the house number, but the rest of the address was right, as was the post code and my surname, and i'm one of only 2 people in the UK who have that surname, yet the post office, put on the letter 'unknown address' and returned it back to the phils :doh

she sent it straight back to me with the missing digit, poor letter had traveled nearly 20k miles :cwm24: but you cant beat snail mail for evidence of a genuine relationship when it comes to applying for a visa :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th December 2011, 09:54
dhl for important stuff and always make copies

28th December 2011, 10:44
hi louis ,
go visit the philippines before she goes for visitor visa ! it looks better in evidence for visa.you will have actually met each other in person.otherwise could be dodgy for your gf getting the visa.
philippines is a lovely place full of nice people.you will enjoy it.
yes its very hot there but worth the sacrifice.

28th December 2011, 13:46
H jencha8569

Thank you and I do hear what you are saying..

I really don't know what to do now?
She Olive seems very confident that she will get a tourist visa and why not I ask? I mean surely the British Embassy must allow some people from the Philippines to come and visit the UK ...We all have that right don't we?

28th December 2011, 13:48
Oh and other thng I meant to ask, What is this V,I.P treatment at the Embassy, is it all cut out to be what it is meant to be?

28th December 2011, 14:37
Hi all...
Over the last two years that Olivia and I have been exchanging letters between us, over a 2 dozen have gone missing and it seems that they don't have a fairly safe postal service like we do. They do not have a recorded post or any form of security in their postal system.
This is terribly frustrating when you need to send some important documents.

Any really important documents should really be sent by courier service.

Here's a link to help you:-

28th December 2011, 14:49
H jencha8569

Thank you and I do hear what you are saying..

I really don't know what to do now?
She Olive seems very confident that she will get a tourist visa and why not I ask? I mean surely the British Embassy must allow some people from the Philippines to come and visit the UK ...We all have that right don't we?

As a first step Take a look here (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/visiting)

Just follow the appropriate links and review the information.

As I mentioned before the visa is low cost and only needs the requirements to be complied with.

Basically, your g/f must convince the ECO that she has absolutely no intentions of being an immigrant.
That she has strong and compelling evidence of ties/reasons to return the Philippines that will logically outweigh and reasons to stay in UK. This needs to be the major focus for any application.

There will also need to be clear evidence of sufficient funding for the duration of the visit, together with reasons for making the visit.

28th December 2011, 14:54
Oh and other thng I meant to ask, What is this V,I.P treatment at the Embassy, is it all cut out to be what it is meant to be?

Here is the website for VFS in Philippines. (http://www.vfs-uk-ph.com/)

Please read and share with your g/f as it gives good info on the mechanics of making applications and visa payments. The application needs to be made online.

If you follow the link on the left-side for additional services you will find details of the VIP lounge.

It's not too expensive and plenty of people here used it. It's a personal choice.

28th December 2011, 15:41
She Olive seems very confident that she will get a tourist visa and why not I ask? I mean surely the British Embassy must allow some people from the Philippines to come and visit the UK ...We all have that right don't we?

on average i think 1/4 - 1/3 of visit visa's are refused, but i think that figure will include family visit visa's to (more of a chance of getting a family visit visa than a general visit visa, but your g/f is not classed as family). probably your g/f's biggest problem will be to convince the embassy she will return before her visa expires, she needs to show good reasons for returning, not an easy task.many factors play a part and probably luck being a major one, some people have applied for a visit visa, with good reasons to return, owned property and had savings and a job, and they were still refused. its a lottery but its worth a try :rolleyes:

28th December 2011, 20:26
H jencha8569

Thank you and I do hear what you are saying..

I really don't know what to do now?
She Olive seems very confident that she will get a tourist visa and why not I ask? I mean surely the British Embassy must allow some people from the Philippines to come and visit the UK ...We all have that right don't we?

I do hope your sucessful but please do keep your eyes open as Jencha8569 says if you were a personal friend I would tell them (as i have one guy) to go out there and also keep an eye on everything said and done both while online communicating or in person.

A UK visit Visa for a everyday Pinay or Pinoy is very hard to get age, Money in savings, Job, Family and assets back in Phill do count but are no gurantee. I know of young teenagers that have got visas for Western nations with little assets meanwhile older Wealthy established in Phill people have been denied it can be a lottery.

One thing from a quick scan of the thread i did not notice was the age of your friend? I know its not polite to discuss a ladies age but is she nearer your age or her twenties or thirties? Again none of my business if you or your friend don't want to state. But from personal expereince again a older Lady will often have a better chance of success.

Ps Kingstons a great place :D most Pinays i know love it there.

PPS People on this website will tell you information that is not always what you wanna read but they do it to try and help. People on this website have expereinced the good and the bad of the Phillipines with most having family there and many good memories they don't like to speak ill of the place or the people unless they have to.

There are Women and Men out there who will play the long game and when the user of the forum involved and the fellow forum users they tell try to work out how and why the person did what they did it does not always seem logically.
Please keep your wits about you and of course I would advise her to do the same of someone she has yet to meet in person.
Its amazing how well you can know online friends but yet they are very different in real life. I know some of my Wifes friends and Family very well online but when we meet they act very differently.

29th December 2011, 10:53
Hi all and thank you very much.
I've read al your answer and comments about yours and my own Philippine saturation.
What you all said to me, is totally true.
It is a long way to go, just to find out if you really like each other or not?
All this forms fillings and the rest, is too much stress for me.
I like to have an easier way of life.

To be honest, I don't like flying, and especially when it comes to very long trips.
So there is no way on earth that will get me onto an aeroplane.
Nor do I have any desire to go that far anyway.
I once went to south America many years back.
I did not like being too far from the UK and the other Europeans countries.
I like stick close to home.

I know when I am beaten and it is time to let things go.
I’m going to call it a day and try to find a lovely woman more closer to my home.
I’m sure all or most of you on here know what you are doing and I wish you all the very best of British Luck
Once again I thank you for your help and kindness.
I might look in from time to time?
Cheers to you all

29th December 2011, 11:33
Hi Louis ........... if you heart isn't in it 100% it's better to quit now rather than later.

There are plenty of good women of all nationalities in the UK and I hope that you find the one for you. My late dad registered with a local dating agency and had a great time meeting lots of interesting people. He eventually found his wife through a local newspaper under the dating/ lonely hearts column.:meet-1:

Good luck in your search!
Rosie :)

29th December 2011, 12:16
Hi all and thank you very much.
I've read al your answer and comments about yours and my own Philippine saturation.
What you all said to me, is totally true.
It is a long way to go, just to find out if you really like each other or not?
All this forms fillings and the rest, is too much stress for me.
I like to have an easier way of life.

To be honest, I don't like flying, and especially when it comes to very long trips.
So there is no way on earth that will get me onto an aeroplane.
Nor do I have any desire to go that far anyway.
I once went to south America many years back.
I did not like being too far from the UK and the other Europeans countries.
I like stick close to home.

I know when I am beaten and it is time to let things go.
I’m going to call it a day and try to find a lovely woman more closer to my home.
I’m sure all or most of you on here know what you are doing and I wish you all the very best of British Luck
Once again I thank you for your help and kindness.
I might look in from time to time?
Cheers to you all

There's really not a lot of forms for you to fill out. Your g/f is the one who will do that with your help and support.

From what you've said you really have no intentions of moving this relationship onwards and upwards and no intention of seeking ways to overcome challenges.
Given this situation it's better look more locally.

It's really such a great shame as you've been in this relationship for over 2 years.
This lady of yours is going to be heartbroken.
Please do treat her carefully.

29th December 2011, 13:05
Well, well, well…….a few problems arise, like filling in a few forms, like organising medical insurance, like potentially having to get on an aeroplane and visit the Philippines…… and your girlfriend of 2 years & 4months (your words, not mine) is quickly and easily discarded ……I know when I am beaten and ….I’m going to call it a day.

I think this thread says far, far more about you and your “level” than anything I could ever say (also i think you are the kind of person who likes to put othrs down to your low level)

Close the door on your way out.

29th December 2011, 13:37
You know what you can do? And it won't be polite of me to tell you.

29th December 2011, 14:37
:NoNo: just apply for the visit visa and then see what your next step is..

why give up so easily after 2yrs ?

29th December 2011, 15:22
you must be patients and be careful next time, they are many fish in the ocean louis, and many good filipina ladies here, only you to do take your time knowing a lady. when you feel she is the right one for you, just go for it, try find a lady who are honest and loyal.:)

29th December 2011, 15:31
Hello louis, i am now applying general visa, only waiting now the result. i be with my partner for 21 days here staying in the philiipines so good full of love and romance, we chat for 8 months then after finally meeting here in my country. when he return we immediately apply a tourist visa, i wish and keep praying i obtain visa for next year either february or march.

Goodluck for you and be happy :@)

29th December 2011, 16:30
I feel very sorry for the lady in the Phils. :NoNo:

29th December 2011, 19:00
I feel very sorry for the lady in the Phils. :NoNo:

Seconded - very selfish

To be honest, I don't like flying, and especially when it comes to very long trips.So there is no way on earth that will get me onto an aeroplane.
Nor do I have any desire to go that far anyway.
I once went to south America many years back.
I did not like being too far from the UK and the other Europeans countries.
I like stick close to home.

30th December 2011, 15:04
Hypocrite. You can feel all the sorriest that you like but you don't know anything beyond your nose.
I’m the only one who knows what I am doing in what I am doing.
If you don’t like it?
You know what you can

30th December 2011, 15:36
Hi Ann. It is nice to meet people who know how to be nice..
I'm happy for you and I hope all works out well too.

30th December 2011, 17:11
This nonsense could go on and on and on and on. :D

30th December 2011, 18:20
This nonsense could go on and on and on and on. :D

until someone gets a :spank: or :ARsurrender:

time to move on and forward guys :rolleyes:

31st December 2011, 12:56
I totally agree...lets see how this goes?

South-east boy
4th January 2012, 17:25
:NoNo: just apply for the visit visa and then see what your next step is..

why give up so easily after 2yrs ?

I agree, at least try for it and if it doesn't work out at least you and she will know you tried. A long distance relationship is never easy and at times one or both of you will have to make extra efforts or do things out of your comfort zones to move things to the next stage and being together.

4th January 2012, 19:14
So guys. I too am trying to get a visa for my girlfriend. She has been refused twice as the ECO has requested more information. The 2nd application for a tourist visa had a lot more information but still the ECO is not convinced that my friend will return to the Php's. She has 4 children, which may be the issue. We are now digging out old business papers to show that she has been able to support herself and children in the past and so can also in the future. But does anyone have any other thoughts on what else can be included to make it 3rd time lucky?

Also can anyone tell me if there is a limit to how many times you can apply for a tourist visa? Is 2 attempts already a lot? Does it mean it could be a no forever?

Are there any other approaches we could try? Currently using Manila Visas to assit us. They seem good and experianced.

Ps This is my first post so i hope i haven't made any mistakes!

4th January 2012, 20:38
thou each visa application is judged on its own merits and past refused shouldn't effect any future applications (unless deception was used) , applying for a 3rd visit visa would probably end up with a refusal to, unless she can convince the ECO that she will return, which is no easy task, also a visit visa is always a bit of a lottery :NoNo:

4th January 2012, 22:31
Dont give up,long distance love grows and grows,Filipinas are very loyal,trust me,you never forget,good luck. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th January 2012, 15:10
Hi ...Is the VIP worth going for?

5th January 2012, 19:10
Hi ...Is the VIP worth going for?

It's a personal choice as the cost is low.
Really depends on how your g/f feels. Most people on here who have done that additional service have been very happy.

6th January 2012, 09:55
Thank you for that.

6th January 2012, 10:13
How much does it cost, I mean the V.I.P. treatment at the Embassy?
Thank you

6th January 2012, 10:32
How much does it cost, I mean the V.I.P. treatment at the Embassy?
Thank you


Please see below:-

Quoted from your earlier post #51 asked

Oh and other thng I meant to ask, What is this V,I.P treatment at the Embassy, is it all cut out to be what it is meant to be?

Quote from my posted reply #54

Here is the website for VFS in Philippines. (http://www.vfs-uk-ph.com/)

Please read and share with your g/f as it gives good info on the mechanics of making applications and visa payments. The application needs to be made online.

If you follow the link on the left-side for additional services you will find details of the VIP lounge.

It's not too expensive and plenty of people here used it. It's a personal choice.

You may want to consider starting a new thread for new subjects.
It may minimise the probability of too much duplication and more importantly it can help others in searching for topics they have an interest in.

Finally it may help in avoiding these 'Groundhog Day' moments. :D

Please do follow and read the links I provide for your help. You will discover the all the information you want

6th January 2012, 10:44
Olivia seems happy to wait
I did tell her about this service, V.I.P. But she does not mind waiting in line.
So if I can know the cost, maybe it won't be too much for her?

6th January 2012, 11:00
The VIP lounge was an extra £25/£28, as I recall. Sounds expensive but is small change in relation to other costs, particularly the spouse or fiancee visa. It makes submission of the documents a little more comfortable and quicker, thats all. Easier to book with less notice required and more flexibility on your choice of date. And refreshments and free text messaging is included (not that the text messaging was that useful). In our case it was worth it as my wife had a long and arduous journey to VFS and so this just helped a little to make the application easier on the day.

The VIP option does not speed up the processing of the visa application. And neither does it affect the decision.

I think it is a little overpriced but other than that worth the outlay.

If only everyone could be dealt with in the same way.......

7th January 2012, 03:19
Hi Ann. It is nice to meet people who know how to be nice..
I'm happy for you and I hope all works out well too.

I could not wait the result louismc44, we still waiting. i read mostly been rejected and refuse a tourist visa. i wish this is my good luck this year a visa. ECO wish be happy looking our documents and satisfied.

Have a good day!:)

7th January 2012, 11:06
i read mostly been rejected and refuse a tourist visa. i wish this is my good luck this year a visa. ECO wish be happy looking our documents and satisfied.

Have a good day!:)

i think on average only around 30% of visit visa's are refused, but that figure probably includes family visit visa's which you probably have more chance of getting than a general visit visa. (that's if your eligible to apply for a family visit visa) so i would have thought for a general visit visa for the phils , average refusal rate must be around 30-40%, but then it all depends on how good your evidence and visa app are,:rolleyes:

7th January 2012, 11:23
Big campaign coming up to bring foreign visitors to the Olympics....all about what a wonderful welcoming country we are to tourists.

Yeah right....if you arrive with no passport that is. :rolleyes:

7th January 2012, 11:52
i think on average only around 30% of visit visa's are refused, but that figure probably includes family visit visa's which you probably have more chance of getting than a general visit visa. (that's if your eligible to apply for a family visit visa) so i would have thought for a general visit visa for the phils , average refusal rate must be around 30-40%, but then it all depends on how good your evidence and visa app are,:rolleyes:

Hello joeblogs. have a nice day!

i am a bit worries of my application form, coz when i go vfs for my booking appointment of day 20th on december, staff not accept my applicatiion form coz its hand written or manual, what i did, i go back to hotel makati to do answering application form online, then i was a bit rushing coz they closed at 3pm my time, if i not mistaken, then i had 1 hour to do it working my form, then i had a problem where i go to printing my application form, coz i not familiar manila places, what i did, i out an quickly ask the staff hotel if they had offer a service printing. i did finish for almost 45 mintues and quckly hire taxis, so i not had long traffic and i not be late. when i am in the vfs i booking for a vip, choice. coz my appointment is finish already. i feel good , staff very nice to me, she not keep rushing doing and separate my documents the original and photocopy. not the staff who entertain me first. i tell you what i submit to the embassy, if i ever i have a chances to grant visa.

my sponsor. submit an invitation letter, history of our relationship, his BC original and photo copy, details of passport, employment status with letter attached, inland revenue and tax return with letter attached (original and photocopies), company accounts with letter attached, bank statement and investment, accommodation letter, itinerary for my visit ( official guide for dartmouth and sorrounding area and coast countryside events 2011-2012, we include our hotel vouchers with receipts , booking confirmation, our photographs with my daughter and my family all are in our meetings, i include also our communication emails/ecard greetings for birthdays, receipt and bills of my internet connection, then ym and skype conversation, i include also the money receipt for 10 months for sending me money.

do you think i had possible i grant visa:)

7th January 2012, 12:08
i think on average only around 30% of visit visa's are refused, but that figure probably includes family visit visa's which you probably have more chance of getting than a general visit visa. (that's if your eligible to apply for a family visit visa) so i would have thought for a general visit visa for the phils , average refusal rate must be around 30-40%, but then it all depends on how good your evidence and visa app are,:rolleyes:

The day i submit my documents to the vfs i received a message thru sms and email, that my application is already dispatch to the british embassy, then in day 24 i received from visa application that my application is being process by the british embassy. hence, its a peak season longer for processing application. till now i still waiting. could not wait for the result, they still not phone embassy to interview me. i am still waiting:)

7th January 2012, 13:08
did your b/f say he was financing all your visit, and did you state any reasons for you to return b4 your visa expires ?

7th January 2012, 13:35
did your b/f say he was financing all your visit, and did you state any reasons for you to return b4 your visa expires ?

hi joebloggs, thank you :)

i still not receive my visa, i am still waiting, yes my bf he state their she finance all my trip, and sorry i not writing a letter of my reason for my returning, coz i am thinking i showing a photograph of my daughter on her birthday celebration,when my bf was here.. and before we meet she sending me money for 10 months.:)

7th January 2012, 13:43
well it be better if you had good reasons to return, but that is not easy for most people to demonstrate, but that's probably the main reason for refusal for a visit visa.

all you can do is hope and with a bit of luck :rolleyes:

you should know pretty soon for a VV. best of luck thou :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th January 2012, 13:59
Thank you joebloggs, i will know if ever i receive a refusal letter, i will know the reason.:)

7th January 2012, 15:08
Big campaign coming up to bring foreign visitors to the Olympics....all about what a wonderful welcoming country we are to tourists.

Yeah right....if you arrive with no passport that is. :rolleyes:

I'm amazed they need a big campaign - I thought the deal was we spend zillions of taxpayers money employing E Europeans building white elephant stadia, infrastructure etc and the foreigners all come flocking here waving their wads with not a hope in hell of going to the "Games" as its all sold out.

7th January 2012, 15:10
Yeah right....if you arrive with no passport that is. :rolleyes:

more likely many will be picked up months after the games are over and surprise, surprise with no passport :icon_lol:

7th January 2012, 15:27
Well, the East Europeans have to build some housing for themselves and their families, with the added bonus that they can then have an address from which to claim benefits once the work is complete. :rolleyes:

7th January 2012, 15:50
Well, the East Europeans have to build some housing for themselves and their families, with the added bonus that they can then have an address from which to claim benefits once the work is complete. :rolleyes:

I never thought of it that way - good observation Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th January 2012, 17:13
Hi, I think what you say here about giving up after 2 years...
I am going to try my best to get her over here.
Thank you.

7th January 2012, 17:16

You can download this book for free at the above site

12th January 2012, 14:53
Hi all.
I'm trying to find a cheaper way of making phone calls to Olivia in the Philippines.
At the moment it cost me about 7 pence per minuet calling from my BT line.
Is thee a better deal out there?

12th January 2012, 16:27
If she's connected to the internet ... Skype to Skype calls are free.

12th January 2012, 19:42
Hi bluebirdjones....Thanks but it is no good as she don't know how to use skype and also the internet cafe where she goes to does not seem to support skype either?..
I need to make calls outside internet times..
Phone to phone...

12th January 2012, 23:58
Hi bluebirdjones....Thaiks but it is no good as she don't know how to use skype and also the internet cafe where she goes to does not seem to support skype either?..
I need to make calls outside internet times..
Phone to phone...

you could send her free txt msgs to her Mobile phone using chikka


13th January 2012, 00:41
you could send her free txt msgs to her Mobile phone using chikka



Free Local & International SMS JaxtrSMS


13th January 2012, 11:57
Thank you Joebloggs
I have got this now.
You get a limit amont of text per day..which is ok for me :)

13th January 2012, 12:00
Hi Dedwoth
I've downloaded this now and will configure this out soon..
Thank you..

13th January 2012, 12:06
Thank you Joebloggs
I have got this now.
You get a limit amont of text per day..which is ok for me :)

setup more than 1 login account, i used it for years when my misses didnt have internet at home or couldn't get to the inet cafe. must have saved me £1,000s

i think in them days there was a limit to, but it looks likes they have reduced it :cwm24:

14th January 2012, 19:42
Hi Joebloggs.Thank you for the help..
On another subject I like that flag of yours but I don't know what the euccp means?
Could yhou tell me?
Thank you

14th January 2012, 22:24
its the flag/symbol used by anti European Union supporters.

EU CCP - European Union Collective of Communist Purpose
The European Union, is the new Soviet Union ??? :NoNo:

15th January 2012, 22:52
its the flag/symbol used by anti European Union supporters.

EU CCP - European Union Collective of Communist Purpose
The European Union, is the new Soviet Union ??? :NoNo:

If we are not careful, it could go that way..

16th January 2012, 12:08
Hi Joebloggs.
Do you or anyone else know of a cheap air flights that deal with the Philippines?
I would like to look at the flight from the UK base office, or online.. Just Checking the cost?
Thank you...

16th January 2012, 14:17
i take it for your g/f to come here, not you to go there ?
i've always sent money to my misses to buy the ticket there as it can be easier, some airlines can be fussy about the person who bought the ticket and is not flying.

stevie c
16th January 2012, 14:22
Same with me joe i have always sent my wife money to buy a ticket there as you say it is so much easier & a little cheaper.

16th January 2012, 20:36
Hi Joebloggs.
Do you or anyone else know of a cheap air flights that deal with the Philippines?
I would like to look at the flight from the UK base office, or online.. Just Checking the cost?
Thank you...

As a first step take a look at Skyscanner:-

Why not consider starting a new thread for new topics?
It's easier for others to see interesting topics for them and to learn more easily.

16th January 2012, 20:45
The reason I mention it in here,because when I first came in here, someone said that you can pick up some really cheap air fares from £350 both ways..

18th January 2012, 12:16
Hi all
On other matter of tourist visa..
Does Olivia need to prove to the Embassy that she owns her house or proof of a rent book?
Or this don't matter?

South-east boy
18th January 2012, 12:37
The reason I mention it in here,because when I first came in here, someone said that you can pick up some really cheap air fares from £350 both ways..

From here to there, there have been some deals like that in the last 2 years, but not seen many like that for several months. Now the cheapest you'll find is around £510+

18th January 2012, 13:28
Hi Southeast boy..
Thank you..
This fare seems ok to me in this day and age. Please, Do you have a link for me to foloow this up?

South-east boy
18th January 2012, 13:59
For £499 and just above it's with Kuwait airways or Gulf air. For an extra £50-60 you can get a flight with Cathay Pacific or Ethihad who have a much better reputation. Cathay's own website is doing flights for £547 I think it was at the cheapest, but prices might vary depending on when you go. I did a lot of searching on various websites who had cheap quotes, but they aren't the full price or those dates on those cheap prices available anymore.

All these quotes were for in March and from London to Manila.
Travelup (08456 127111) had Kuwait airways for £499 and Etihad for £549,
Carlton Leisure (0208 3856860) had Kuwait at £513, Etihad at £549 and Cathay at £560,
Travelhouse UK (0203 1372316) had Gulf air at £509, Etihad at £549 and Cathay at £568.

You also need to check how long the whole journey and stop-overs will be as you don't want to be stuck at an airport for 12-20 hours etc

18th January 2012, 16:06
Hi all
On other matter of tourist visa..
Does Olivia need to prove to the Embassy that she owns her house or proof of a rent book?
Or this don't matter?

If you want to know what successful visit visa applicants have submitted, take a look at this link http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/35629-Uk-visit-visa-(sponsorship)-tips-advices. Also, submit anything that would satisfy the UKBA that your gf would return to the Philippines, i.e, house and land titles, or rental contract (if she has that if she's renting a house), business contract or certificate of employment if she's an employee, bank account statements, car mortgages, or anything that would prove she has properties or ties in the Philippines. Although as everyone else is saying here, it's not always a guarantee for a successful visa.

18th January 2012, 16:27
Hi South-east boy..Thank you for this valuable information I will do what you did and look it all up online and phone too.

By the way...

Hi all
On other matter of tourist visa..
Does Olivia need to prove to the Embassy that she owns her house or proof of a rent book?
Or this don't matter?

18th January 2012, 20:15
Hi raynaputi
Thank you for this very valuable bit of information..

18th January 2012, 20:31
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
This is very lovely..

19th January 2012, 04:04
Hello louis:) when ever you plan to book a flight, go on cebupacificair.com these is a very cheap cost of flight in the philippines, about the matter you wish to apply a general visit visa for your gf , i give you a tips, coz i had already my tourist visa in 1stweek of january. i had already post it to my thread of my partner, try to look on thread furom if you can.. the title " hi im stephen gf general visa granted for 7 days" i post the requirements on this thread of my bf. wish it will help you.

Goodluck for you and your's gf:)

19th January 2012, 18:53
Thats great information.Thank you I have made a copy of this and posted it off to Olivia to read

20th January 2012, 00:10
Oh by the way Ann...Congrats on your tourist visa too

20th January 2012, 04:14
Oh by the way Ann...Congrats on your tourist visa too

Thank you louis :) i obtain my visa with no interview, 7 days processing too quick. we are very lucky.

wish you good luck louis and olivia. :)

21st January 2012, 09:40
Thnnk you Ann I will pass on your best wishes to Olivia too...:-):)

21st January 2012, 11:00
Your very welcome Louis :)

24th January 2012, 15:52
Hello all.
Olive is now in Manila for her appointment with the B.E. Wednesday at 10 am.
If we don't try we will never know?

25th January 2012, 03:56
Hello all.
Olive is now in Manila for her appointment with the B.E. Wednesday at 10 am.
If we don't try we will never know?

Wish her luck :), you mean olivia is now on the VFS Centre? she must be confident and not be nervous.. presence of mind:xxgrinning--00xx3: and fucos. :xxgrinning--00xx3:the subject. is that my strategy when i was there on december 20, when they ask me, i answered straight away with confident....

wish her luck and i wish .. she obtain a visa :)

25th January 2012, 11:57
Thank you Ann
By now she will be on the plane making her way back home to Digos City.
We will now just have to wait for those results?

25th January 2012, 13:03
Thank you Ann
By now she will be on the plane making her way back home to Digos City.
We will now just have to wait for those results?

YES of course:) you and olivia wait for the result from the British Embassy or else must be alert for the interview thru phone. and of course they will update olivia thru SMS and email about her application processing.

I may ask? she apply a general visit visa?:)

25th January 2012, 19:50
Hi Ann
Yes general tourist visa.

26th January 2012, 14:29
By now she will be on the plane making her way back home to Digos City
Is she flying to Davao or Gensan?I passed through Digos a few times at christmas,they are working on the road from Davao to Digos,its a lot better now,good luck :)

26th January 2012, 21:06
Hi Tawi2
Thank you for your best wishes:)
Yes she flew back to Davao then caught a bus back to Digos City.

26th January 2012, 21:15
flew back to Davao then caught a bus back to Digos City.
Short bus ride,pass through one military checkpoint once your out of Davao just past Toril then its home sweet home :) Good luck.

25th February 2012, 19:57
Hi all
Olive did not get her visitor's visa.

25th February 2012, 20:01
Hi all
Olive did not get her visitor's visa.

Sorry to hear that. What a pity.
What was the reason given for refusal? It may help others.

26th February 2012, 11:08
Sorry to hear that louis... don't give up, at least you do your best and olivia! anyway what's reason why they refused application? :(

26th February 2012, 12:34
Sorry to hear that..really the Visitor's visa is like a lottery....