View Full Version : Too many chocolates

26th December 2011, 21:43
I'm normally very good with what I eat, but this year I've eaten far too many chocolates over the festive period...if I see another Quality Street I'm going to :vomit-smiley-011:

Healthy food and salads from tomorrow:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th December 2011, 22:47
:omg: ........ you will have to run around the block several times to burn up those extra calories in time for your holiday to Vietnam! I'm thankful that I gave up chocolate years ago ..... it tastes like soap now and I don't miss it, well not much anyway! :Rasp:

26th December 2011, 22:51
I'm normally very good with what I eat, but this year I've eaten far too many chocolates over the festive period...if I see another Quality Street I'm going to :vomit-smiley-011:

Healthy food and salads from tomorrow:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Must say, I'm not so fond of chocolate.
Carina loves it, but is very disciplined on her consumption.

I've drunk far too much champagne this Christmas. Entirely due to the stunningly good offers at Lidl.

(Thanks to Dedworth for sharing the benefits of Lidl and Aldi on many branded alcoholic bevergages)

I'm still considering cutting back on my alcohol intake but I don't hold out too much hope.

Happy New Year Ian.
Happy New Year everyone :Cuckoo:

26th December 2011, 23:14
I started feeding the ducks with chocolate :icon_lol:

27th December 2011, 02:57
I started feeding the ducks with chocolate :icon_lol:

its too late now to fatten them up for christmas:icon_lol::icon_lol:

Arthur Little
27th December 2011, 15:01
I started feeding the ducks with chocolate :icon_lol:

its too late now to fatten them up for christmas:icon_lol::icon_lol:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... cue Jonathan Woss for this sort of wise'quack ! :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
27th December 2011, 16:27
:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... cue Jonathan Woss for this sort of wise'quack ! :icon_lol:

:hijacked: ... apologies, Ian :icon_sorry: ... but just couldn't resist it! :yeahthat:

Seriously, though, I know what you mean about chocolate. Possibly- like me - you considered those pre-Christmas, half~price offers on Quality Street and Cadbury Roses, in Tesco, a tad too tempting to resist! :hubbahubba:

Having opted for the latter, I found myself more than 'a little' < (there I go again with these blasted puns of mine! :doh) > "discontented" with the tin's contents ... which seemed in no way to measure up to the standards I'd grown accustomed to ever since my youth.

Now ... whether my taste buds have altered as an indirect consequence of the medication [Metformin] I was recently prescribed for Type II Diabetes - OR, it's simply a case of a marked decline in [manufacturing] quality following the takeover of Cadbury products by 'Kraft Foods' - I've absolutely no :idea: ...

... but one thing's for sure - the sheer sense of enjoyment I'd experienced in relation to the said commodity hitherto, turned out to be sadly lacking on this occasion!

27th December 2011, 16:37
maybe its a choc too far:icon_lol:

Doc Alan
27th December 2011, 17:00
Now ... whether my taste buds have altered as an indirect consequence of the medication [Metformin] I was recently prescribed for Type II Diabetes - OR, it's simply a case of a marked decline in quality following the takeover of Cadbury products by 'Kraft Foods' - I've absolutely no :idea: ...

Metformin - commonly prescribed for diabetes - does have taste disturbance as one of its recognized side effects. ( It increases glucose use and decreases " gluconeogenesis " - formation of glucose - in combination with insulin, formed in the body or taken in addition ). It's a good drug, but, like most drugs, has side-effects, so it's no substitute for healthy diet in non-diabetics who find chocolates hard to resist ! :NoNo:.
Another seasonal food, sprouts, seems to be especially enjoyed by people with a gene affecting their taste bud receptors such that they can't taste a bitter chemical in this vegetable. Those who don't like sprouts appear not to have this gene. What a shame - if you're worried about your weight - that a similar gene has not been found for chocolate, so that you could be genetically modified not to like it !

Arthur Little
27th December 2011, 18:18
Thanks, as always, Alan ... for your enlightening explanation. Another ... :Erm: ... ? possibility I'd been "chewing" over - (:omg: ... there I go again !) - is based on a long-held theory [of MINE ] that supermarket chains MIGHT, from time to time, be given "first refusal" as it were, on batches of sub-standard and/or inferior goods (that manufacturers would otherwise find difficult to dispose of through the normal channels) and thereby, in turn, pass them on in bulk sale to unsuspecting consumers.

27th December 2011, 18:55
Must say, I'm not so fond of chocolate

you hit the spot my friend terpe:D:xxgrinning--00xx3: as i think the same..but i do love collecting them and just hide them for years:D:yikes: and years until it just become off and wont be good to consume:laugher::Cuckoo::D

Arthur Little
27th December 2011, 19:34
... a long-held theory [of MINE ] ...

... being the 'cock~eyed :cwm3: pessimist' that I must appear in this context.

Arthur Little
27th December 2011, 19:49
Another ... :Erm: ... ? possibility I'd been "chewing" over - (:omg: ... there I go again !) - is based on a long-held theory [of MINE ] that supermarket chains MIGHT, from time to time, be given "first refusal" as it were, on batches of sub-standard and/or inferior goods (that manufacturers would otherwise find difficult to dispose of through the normal channels) and thereby, in turn, pass them on in bulk sale to unsuspecting consumers.

Ah well ... :anerikke: ... business IS business ... I suppose ! :rolleyes:

22nd March 2012, 22:54
Thanks, as always, Alan ... for your enlightening explanation. Another ... :Erm: ... ? possibility I'd been "chewing" over - (:omg: ... there I go again !) - is based on a long-held theory [of MINE ] that supermarket chains MIGHT, from time to time, be given "first refusal" as it were, on batches of sub-standard and/or inferior goods (that manufacturers would otherwise find difficult to dispose of through the normal channels) and thereby, in turn, pass them on in bulk sale to unsuspecting consumers.

Was just looking through on the topic of Cadburys, Arthur. My theory is that as we get older, everything tastes blander anyway and that incudes chocolate made by Cadburys.

24th March 2012, 03:55
I started feeding the ducks with chocolate :icon_lol:

oh please never give your extra chocolates to the ducks...:NoNo::NoNo::NoNo:

just send them to me :icon_lol::icon_lol:

24th March 2012, 10:38
When our daughter came to visit us last year, we took a trip to Cadbury World.
We all enjoyed out time there. Plenty of laughs, chocolate and photo's
Our daughter has an interest in Chocolate, in a business sense.

24th March 2012, 21:56
When our daughter came to visit us last year, we took a trip to Cadbury World.
We all enjoyed out time there. Plenty of laughs, chocolate and photo's
Our daughter has an interest in Chocolate, in a business sense.

It was interesting to see how Cadbury developed its business.

25th March 2012, 09:35
It was interesting to see how Cadbury developed its business.

Pity it's American though :D