View Full Version : New Flood Warnings For Mindanao

27th December 2011, 09:21
As if the recent flooding wasn't bad enough, the news here is reporting another low pressure area that is going to dump a ton of rain on the already affected area.

People are being evacuated from the area as I type.

27th December 2011, 09:43
Ye gods they do not need more problems do they:NoNo:

27th December 2011, 16:04
that's true, we were all on alert yesterday. it was raining hard without ceasing and streets started to get flooded by the afternoon. we weren't been able to sleep coz of the fear that we might get flooded. fortunately where I live it was elevated enough that water wasnt been able to flood in. but the house where my friend and her family lives got flooded and they evacuated to my house in the middle of the night. now many people live in fear when it rains.

27th December 2011, 16:12
As if the recent flooding wasn't bad enough, the news here is reporting another low pressure area that is going to dump a ton of rain on the already affected area.

People are being evacuated from the area as I type.

Hope it swings away.

27th December 2011, 23:43
As if the recent flooding wasn't bad enough, the news here is reporting another low pressure area that is going to dump a ton of rain on the already affected area.

People are being evacuated from the area as I type.

I sincerely hope and pray that further flooding doesn't occur. These poor people have already suffered more than enough