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28th December 2011, 14:55
Oxford Street murder victim faced jail for 'robbing BlackBerry' from teenage boy

Oxford Street murder victim Seydou Diarrassouba was due to stand trial accused of robbing a 16-year-old boy of his BlackBerry mobile phone, it emerged today.

The 18-year-old appeared at Inner London Crown Court just a week before he was stabbed to death during the Boxing Day sales.

It was alleged he robbed and assaulted Nile Downes in Clapham, South London, and assaulted Nile's brother Yafeu on September 29, the CPS has confirmed.

He was released on bail and was due to stand trial in the New Year. If convicted, he faced a tougher sentence because of Nile's age.

Seydou was knifed in the heart after a fight broke out between rival gangs in a trainer store.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2079361/Oxford-Street-murder-victim-faced-jail-robbing-BlackBerry-teenage-boy.html#ixzz1hpz4eiva

28th December 2011, 15:50
Yes, those gangs of scumbags would have probably done the rest of the population of London a big favour if they'd totally wiped each other out. :angry:

If you live by the sword....etc. :NoNo:

28th December 2011, 16:45
Good thinking Graham - Rather than the Police wasting further public money investigating the 11 other germs they're holding they could throw them all together in the exercise yard with a box of knives.

28th December 2011, 17:14
Britain is better off without him...shame there's millions more like him on their way here to replace him or ready to take up piracy on the high seas

28th December 2011, 18:23
Proud to be british?:doh