View Full Version : Immigration Appeal Changes: Fees

29th December 2011, 14:57
For the majority of categories of visas and decisions dated on or after 19 December 2011 a fee will now need to be paid. We can confirm that where a fee applies, it will cost you £80 for a decision on the papers and £140 for a decision at an Oral Hearing.

A fee will not need to be paid, however, if your appeal is against a certain decision type including: the deprivation of right of abode; a decision to make a deportation order; deprivation of citizenship; removal of certain persons unlawfully in the UK; revocation of indefinite leave to remain in the UK and so on.

looks like one of the only ones to pay will be the legal Brit :angry:

Furthermore, for applicants outside of the UK, you will now need to submit your appeal directly to the First Tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) in Leicester. It will not be possible for you to submit your appeal to the visa application centre that made the initial decision.

The introduction of a fee should clearly encourage you to make your initial application for a visa as strong as possible.


29th December 2011, 16:33
looks like one of the only ones to pay will be the legal Brit

Nothing new there. :yikes:

29th December 2011, 16:34
They know who is worth milking for cash. :angry:

29th December 2011, 16:44
When will MRS Graham be here? You better get some overtime in Graham.

29th December 2011, 16:56
Haha. :D

I'm getting a new PAYE job, as my recent year or so of self-employed consultancy work is just too much of a ball-acher to get paperwork together for.

Don't care what I do really. If want something badly enough I don't let anything stand in my way....least of all money. :)

I consider 3 or 4 grand and a bit of hard graft bugger-all for the chance of a new and happy life.

Arthur Little
29th December 2011, 17:04
the deprivation of right of abode

It OUGHT to be the RIGHT of born-and-bred Brits to bring their lawfully~wedded/civil partners [of WHATEVER nationality] to the UK without restriction - thereby granting the said partners normal 'rights of abode' - in line with the rules applicable to much of the rest of Europe.

Instead, WE are being deprived of THAT right - paying heftily for the so~called "privilege" into the bargain - unlike other Europeans.

It's :crazy: legislation like that :yeahthat: - a blatant infringement of OUR rights - that really "gets MY goat" and makes ME see red ! :angry:

Arthur Little
29th December 2011, 19:23
"into the bargain"

Oops ... wrong turn of phrase! :rolleyes:

Bargain ! :cwm24: ... WHAT bargain ?

29th December 2011, 19:27
discrimination :NoNo:

Arthur Little
29th December 2011, 19:43
I consider 3 or 4 grand and a bit of hard graft bugger-all for the chance of a new and happy life.

:iagree: ... You've more than done your bit as a loving parent, Graham ... now's the time to concentrate on YOU ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Here's to your future health & happiness, mate ... Cheers! :Beer:

29th December 2011, 21:42
Born and bred brits Arthur? What exactly do you mean mate?

29th December 2011, 22:41
Born and bred brits Arthur? What exactly do you mean mate?

Celts ?....meaning that Arthur will be ok, but us English have got no chance. :icon_lol:

29th December 2011, 22:45
:iagree: ... You've more than done your bit as a loving parent, Graham ... now's the time to concentrate on YOU ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Here's to your future health & happiness, mate ... Cheers! :Beer:

Thanks Arthur....though I did have 22 great bachelor years of selfish singleness before I finally lost my marbles and got wed at 40. :D

29th December 2011, 22:51
You will do it again Graham.:xxgrinning--00xx3:. I said I wouldnt marry again but...........:D

29th December 2011, 22:53
I don't mind getting married again....just not to an old woman. :icon_lol:

Me having a mental age of a 20 something would always be a problem. :Cuckoo:

29th December 2011, 23:01
Marrying a young one could be a problem too. Physically. :laugher::laugher:

29th December 2011, 23:02
I am prepared to accept that challenge. :D

(have to be careful what I say here, as my loved one has a habit of scanning my posts). :ReadIt::cwm24:

However, suffice to say that after 8 years abstinence there is likely to be a brief chase and an even briefer scuffle at the end of it. :laugher:

29th December 2011, 23:11
I wish you all the best Graham. :laugher::laugher:,

29th December 2011, 23:12
It OUGHT to be the RIGHT of born-and-bred Brits to bring their lawfully~wedded/civil partners [of WHATEVER nationality] to the UK without restriction - thereby granting the said partners normal 'rights of abode' - in line with the rules applicable to much of the rest of Europe.

Instead, WE are being deprived of THAT right - paying heftily for the so~called "privilege" into the bargain - unlike other Europeans.

It's :crazy: legislation like that :yeahthat: - a blatant infringement of OUR rights - that really "gets MY goat" and makes ME see red ! :angry:
