View Full Version : Hi

29th December 2011, 21:45
My boyfriend will visit me in March, i live in Manila and we want to go some where different to Manila, we both like nightlife but also quite time, we like beaches and drinking but nice food also, any ideas guys ?

29th December 2011, 21:47
Boracay! :xxgrinning--00xx3:. Boat station 1.

30th December 2011, 14:49
Boracay is good. Some say it is overcrowded, which it is but it is still good!

Arthur Little
30th December 2011, 15:37
Boracay! :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

Boracay is good. Some say it is overcrowded, which it is but it is still good!

"Numero uno" by all accounts. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Never been there ... but maybe someday ... :rolleyes:

1st January 2012, 03:00
Hello andrew is this Anna, nice to see you here, i am new here to join this furom. it seems very interesting, hehe. how's life with you now there? xx

1st January 2012, 03:02
Boracay Station 3 are nice and lovely, they had a bar name :) CHARL'S BAR its very nice place :)) i miss there too. hopelly next year.

2nd January 2012, 00:32
Hi Anna good to see you here. You are in the right place for advice. These guys know a lot and they will help you. Bye the way Im fine. Looking forward to coming there in march or april. How are you and Stephen?.

2nd January 2012, 01:10
Hi Anna good to see you here. You are in the right place for advice. These guys know a lot and they will help you. Bye the way Im fine. Looking forward to coming there in march or april. How are you and Stephen?.

:Wave: we are all well, thank you, we still positive outlook towards my application, i could not wait the result andy, if ever what decision had been made from ECO, we apply straight away. i keep reading post here refused and grant visa. i hope we could meet again in march. :)

Happy New Year andy ::)

4th January 2012, 23:11
Hi Reichelle!
The number 1 obvious answer is Boracay because it is a really beautiful place. The beach is just amazing! We were there last November '11, stayed at Boat station 2, The Tides hotel inside D Mall, which is literally 2 minute walk to the beach. Lunch? No problem, lots and lots of restaurants around. But for a really nice meal or dinner, go to the Ambassador Restaurant, food is just absolutely fantastic. Excellent! Okay, then there's Tagaytay, a lot closer to Manila, lots of hotels there and the view is fantastic too. As for restaurant, try the Manos Taverna, a Greek restaurant and the food is superb. But one thing you shouldn't miss is Sonya's Secret Garden. I would highly recommend this restaurant as my husband absolutely loved the food there, a very very nice place and the service is very good and was not expensive at all.

South-east boy
5th January 2012, 16:13
Hi! I was going to mention Tagaytay, also great as it's a bit cooler there if you want to escape the heat a bit and like just mentioned it also has great views. Also further afield, Palawan looks pretty amazing: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=palawan&hl=en&biw=1920&bih=899&prmd=imvnsl&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Gr0FT9GlLsH38QOGtfDHAQ&ved=0CHkQsAQ, also with the famous underground river & caves: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=palawan+underground+river&hl=en&biw=1920&bih=899&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=vrwFT5KgJYG48gPRxbDFAQ&ved=0CEcQsAQ