View Full Version : Highs and Lows of 2011

30th December 2011, 11:09
How has 2011 been for you?

Here's my list:


Having my mahal who is my great best friend who became my wonderful mahal back in the summer.
Week in Cornwall back in the summer.
Getting an irregular paid job in powerful trainers.
Working at Manor Green special needs school.
Having a go at driving the church minibus but felt I couldn't carry on as the test was so hard.
Celebrating the royal wedding.
Using Blackberry messenger with my mahal on the move.
Getting my new iPhone 4S for the birthday/Christmas combined and chatting with my mahal through our iPhones with viber and Skype.


Missing my mahal
Failing the minibus driving test for the church and didn't want to carry on.
Damaging the left wing on my car while it went to have new brakes in my uncles garage at my aunty and uncles house.
Not many low points I could think about this year as I've always been quite happy :)

Happy New Year to all and many blessings for 2012 :D

31st December 2011, 15:51
I forgot to mention what I'm looking forward to in 2012,
Looking forward too

Meeting up with my mahal
Seeing the Philippines
The Queens Diamond Jubilee
London 2012 Olympics

I'm so sure that 2012 will be an amazing year :)
Happy New Year to you all :)