View Full Version : visa stats

7th June 2007, 13:57
anyone sad as me out there :Erm: , and has got nothing else better to do :Erm: YES socuser keith :D

have a look thru this, interesting info in it, its the entry clearance stats for 2005-2006, pdf file 155 pages :yikes:


my quick summary

total of all visa apps, 19% rejected, 81% issued.
number rejected in 2004-2005 was 19%
' ' 2003-2004 was 15%

whens the best time to apply for a visa oct to jan looks quiet for most visa types.

settlement apps in 2005-2006 from manila was
total 1920
rejected 511
27% !!! reject rate... :yikes:

non settlement apps was
total 35,205
rejected 5,827

for the phillippines overall reject rate 17%.

while my friends form libya
settlement visa, out of 205, only 15 were rejected :icon_lol:
reject rate only 9% :Erm:
why ????? !!!! ???? must all that evidence of proof of a relationship they have, what all 2 hours of it :D

bangkok reject rate is 10% :Erm:

by region
west indies reject rate was 46% :yikes:
africa 39%
yanky land 2% :D
south east asia 15%

visit visa form manila - 30% refusal rate.
9,700 apps
6,750 issued

student visa from manila - 40% refusal rate. :yikes:
1700 apps
960 issued

work permit from manila - only 9% refusal rate.

7th June 2007, 15:42
visit visa form manila - 30% refusal rate.
9,700 apps
6,750 issued

The majority of these are 'family' relate, most individuals do a lot worse.

student visa from manila - 40% refusal rate. :yikes:
1700 apps
960 issued

They need to prove they can pay.....what's £20,000 in pesos?

7th June 2007, 16:14

it makes you :Erm: why the philippines has the highest refusal rate in South east Asia?

with places like Singapore & Hong Kong on half that refusal rate..

and why has Algiers a refusal rate of 1% ??

makes you wonder why some places are so low, and other are higher? its not the brown envelope is it ? :REGamblMoney01HL1:

and if not for the brown envelope what would be the refusal rate in the philippines :yikes: :D

7th June 2007, 17:08
and why has Algiers a refusal rate of 1% ??

Muslims matey.....They have 'Right of way' :doh

8th June 2007, 01:22
so true :D

but you can't say that :yikes: , that's not PC :D

well good job this forum is not broadcast on tv,,

after watching the big brother row, white girl calling a brown girl a N***** ,

i said to my trouble and strife, what would offend her most, someone calling the colour of her skin, or making fun of her height.. :D

she said both were just as bad, and if anyone did they not be standing still :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i said there nothnig wrong with her height, shes just the right height, so i can lean my elbow on her head when i get tired :yikes: , :NoNo: :censored: ...

oh :action-smiley-060: :xxparty-smiley-004:

well PC free here, no keith PC . not PVC :action-smiley-081: :D

its like little brittan here :Britain: , where we use to have freedom of speech :Britain: where you was once able to mock and jest at yourself and others

and if i've offended anyone, then you've offended me, by being offended :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2007, 07:34
Having been to the Philippines, Spain, Malta, Barbados & Holland in the last few years, and seen how un-PC these countries are, I think we in the UK are so obsessed with "correctness" its getting a bit crazy now. I really think we all need to chill out a bit and stop worrying about how our every single move or every single word we speak can be potentially seen as being racist, age-ist, height-ist, colour-ist, whatever-ist. Its all getting a bit stupid now. I live in a part of Wales where racism towards English people is alive and well, funny how the PC brigade ignore that one.:NoNo: Anyway back to the subject at hand.....

8th June 2007, 08:41
I'm in a part of Wales were we've 'disposed' of the Welsh :D

The headline news last week Rob was the victimization of red-heads :doh

I can sue Joe for scousism......or just empty his jisim :omg:

8th June 2007, 10:57
like there are times, when you can apply for a visa, out side of immigration rules, so taking the mick out of socusers is outside the PC rules :D

got me thinking, if its 27%, must be a lot more than 27 people out of 100 who have had refusal, as ive applied for a spouse visa, a visa for my daughter, a visa for my stepson, flr, ilr * 2 = ive had all 6 visa apps accepted !!., so must be lots more who have failed if ive got 6 out of 6 :omg:, simple maths i should have had 2 refused !!