View Full Version : ...Any Filipina Nurse or Health Worker??

21st January 2012, 19:05
I am a newly qualified nurse in the Phil but I lack the experience because right after passing the Nursing Licensure Examination, I proceeded to gathering my requirements for the fiancée visa. Now I am already here in the uk and clueless of what will happen to my profession.
I am thinking if there are Filipino nurses or health care providers here that could give me few or some suggestions or advices to what to do in order for me to pursue my profession.

Your informative response will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :)

21st January 2012, 20:23
why not try private nursing homes i think to work in uk hospital you need to retrain to uk standard :crazy:as most of other countrys are ok with philippine nurses good luck

21st January 2012, 20:27
I will try Hawk when I will be able to work few months from now. :-)

21st January 2012, 21:15
read here aprilmae

good luck, but dont give thou, took my wife a few years to get registered as a doctor :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd January 2012, 00:39
HI April Mae... Going to Nursing Homes is a good start to get the experience.

22nd January 2012, 10:33
Yes girl, I am really thinking about that one. Thanks. :)

22nd January 2012, 10:37
Good luck April Mae. I'm sure that you will also meet several other Filippinas at Nursing Homes, I know that my brother's nursing home in Cambridgeshire has at least 3 or 4 now :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd January 2012, 13:26
Thanks Rosie, surely I can meet a lot of Filipinas in my workplace here in Bedfordshire soon. :)

23rd January 2012, 01:34
Hello!aprilmaejon and the rest of the members here,

We are in the same situation.I am actually looking here in forum and find helpful tips to
pursue my profession as Nurse in the U.K.
I want to try to work in the home care and I hope I can find one.so far I didn't find any vacant:)..anybody here know's a home care that is accepting applicants..and by the way guys I will lived in powerderham Crescent,Exeter..Hope to hear suggestion's.thanking you guys in advance.:)

23rd January 2012, 09:00
Hi there Blesslady. So I am not the only one in this sutiation. Bless us. So when did you took the NLE? Do you have Facebook, yahoo mess or Skype...so we could have a chat? Xxx

23rd January 2012, 10:02

Yes you are right.we have the same profession and can't wait to discuss more about nursing.here's my Id Margette underscore at yahoo.com.

can't wait to talked to you please let me know if you already add me.thanks:)see you..

23rd January 2012, 10:10
Are you already here in the UK? Can you click the yahoo icon found at the bottom of my username so you can add me...?

23rd January 2012, 10:21
Not yet dear.I am still here in Phillipines and still waiting for my documents from hubby and hopefully i can log in my application on the 1st week of February.

I am done clicking the bottom and hope you get my message..if you want you can leave your Id here.

Doc Alan
23rd January 2012, 14:58
Hello Aprilmaejon and welcome to the forum :) I'm glad you've already made friends and Joebloggs has given you a useful link in #4.
Times have changed for nursing in the UK. About 10 years ago many nurses were being recruited from around the world because we couldn't train enough here in response to a previous Prime Minister's promise to boost the short-staffed NHS. He was Tony Blair - whether or not the promise was sincere, it takes at least 3 years to train a nurse.
Now there are cutbacks and the European Union's rules on free movements of labour. Only a quarter of nurses qualified in Phils can find jobs anywhere abroad. Nursing in the UK is no longer good news for filipina - or filipino - nurses and their families.
Next year nursing in the UK becomes a graduate-only profession. This controversial move may have the unintended consequence of causing a shortage of nurses here. There's a chance that overseas recruitment could again be needed in greater numbers, within the next few years.
Here's another link which may be useful : www.pnauk.org.uk ( Philippine Nurses Association of UK ).