View Full Version : Congratulations, GrahamW48

Arthur Little
4th February 2012, 13:46
Pah :laughitupsmilie: ... forget the 'W48'! Graham is - with the exception of the Boss himself - the longest-serving active member of this forum ... having joined as far back as 2005.

Now that :yeahthat: is surely a record of which to be justifiably proud!

"Jack of All Trades" - as well as being "Master of Many" - he has, in more recent years, become one of our most prolific, interesting and entertaining contributors ... notching up no fewer than 5,000 (well ... 5,002 actually!) posts at the latest count. Such is the sheer quality of his output - his reminiscences as a dedicated family man oft'times being captured on camera with almost unique photographic skill - matched only by an amazing blend of humour.

Like, I imagine, practically everyone else here, I've never had the privilege of meeting the man in person :NoNo: ... but I'm sure ALL of his many online friends and regular contacts here feel they "know" him as one of our most "weel~kent" faces and *Trusted Member in the *truest sense. ;)

I've deliberately kept the content of this thread in the present tense as much as possible lest the aforementioned tribute reads like an obituary! :cwm24:

4th February 2012, 14:16
Well done on your 5000th post. I always enjoy reading yours, keep them coming:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2012, 14:18
:icon_sorry: good work Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2012, 14:39
Congratulations Graham, I hope the next 5000+ posts will be just as entertaining and informative. Quite a milestone :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2012, 14:39
Eh ? he sounds like a right pratt if you ask me. :icon_lol:

Oh, sorry guys.....just read the title. :laugher:

Thanks for the nice things said, but I really do promise to try to sort myself out and get a life with some NEW experiences to report. :D

4th February 2012, 15:19
i have been reading and knows this forum back 2005 too:D if i rem:D and i did rem graham:D to be the :Jump: actively members since:Wave: well done you graham:xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
4th February 2012, 15:26
Amazing well done graham hope you have many more happy & interesting years on this forum :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2012, 15:34
Just chatting to my lady love on FB at the moment....I'LL BE BACK ! :D

4th February 2012, 15:36
on FB at the moment..

aha your there am on fb TOO:yikes::icon_lol::D

4th February 2012, 15:54
Congrats Graham. And as far as i can tell, the only member who logs into the forum without going green. How do you do that? Anyone else noticed that?

4th February 2012, 16:01
I've deliberately kept the content of this thread in the present tense as much as possible lest the foregoing tribute reads like an obituary! :cwm24:

Well, I do have a slight headache today. :cwm3:

Thanks for your kind words Arthur and for dragging my name and posting diarrrrrrohea into the harsh light of day. :D

4th February 2012, 16:04
Congrats Graham. And as far as i can tell, the only member who logs into the forum without going green. How do you do that? Anyone else noticed that?

Ah, well you see my secret agent status forbids me from revealing my online status on forums, but I think if you check on your profile this is actually an option now open to all members. :)

4th February 2012, 16:06
Just as an aside, the '48' refers to the age I was when I first mastered the internet. :)

Arthur Little
4th February 2012, 16:14
... the only member who logs into the forum without going green.

For the MOST part, perhaps. But not ENTIRELY ... his Username's in green! :D

4th February 2012, 16:26
Back in 2005...going through divorce, but living on idyllic farm, lovely son with me every weekend despite the 120 mile round trip, and very loud V8 fast car. :)


4th February 2012, 16:34
Top poster Graham keep at it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2012, 18:35
Sorry. I meant the online or visibility button to the right of the name. Grahams is never on. .....

4th February 2012, 18:47
Good grief Graham, a member since 2005 :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You must get plenty of Groundhog Day moments :Cuckoo:

My guess is that you'll notice a significant difference in prices during your soon to come trip :doh

4th February 2012, 18:55
My guess is that you'll notice a significant difference in prices during your soon to come trip :doh

I doubt it, Graham won't spend any money on food and hotels....he'll sleep in a doorway and rummage through bins outside McD and Jollibee for his dinner:Rasp:

Arthur Little
4th February 2012, 19:01
Pah :laughitupsmilie: ... forget the 'W48'!

:poke: ... but DON'T forget the 'WD40'! :nono-1-1: ... I've just come back from town after collecting a pair of specs that were being repaired. And by crikey it was icy - both on the windscreens of parked cars, and underfoot!

Arthur Little
4th February 2012, 19:22
So ... if you should happen to "stumble" across my immediately~preceding post :yeahthat: - and are planning to venture over your doorstep this :freezin: evening - take care on the roads. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2012, 19:29
Congratulations Graham:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2012, 19:34
Congrats mate!


4th February 2012, 21:49
So ... if you should happen to "stumble" across my immediately~preceding post :yeahthat: - and are planning to venture over your doorstep this :freezin: evening - take care on the roads. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4 inches of snow fallen here since this afty mate, and blowing a gale. :freezin:

4th February 2012, 21:54
I doubt it, Graham won't spend any money on food and hotels....he'll sleep in a doorway and rummage through bins outside McD and Jollibee for his dinner:Rasp:

Hahaha. You know me so well. :D

Thanks for all the nice words everyone.:grouphug:

5th February 2012, 00:35
Congratulations from me too Graham! :Jump: I have to agree with the others, your posts are very entertaining but at the same time they are often very true and I mostly agree with what you say ....... apart from the one about all British women being fat lager louts with smelly, hairy armpits ......... most of us do shower :Shower: :D

5th February 2012, 00:40
There ARE exceptions Rosie. :icon_lol:

....Judging from your picture you would have been my kind of gal too. ;)

Edit....Thanks for the rep as well ! :D

5th February 2012, 00:42
congrats and many more 2 read :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2012, 00:51
Congratulations Mr Graham :D well done! :Jump::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
5th February 2012, 03:13
Edit....Thanks for the rep as well ! :D

Congratulations [again!] ... :yeahthat: ... a "STAR" is born; a certain young lady will be sooo proud! ;)

:Jump: ... I had this "inkling" you'd manage it in nice time for your reacquaintance with the :sunshine: ...

Arthur Little
5th February 2012, 03:18
... and I was proved correct! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2012, 06:24
Congrats Graham! you really are such one of the wonderful person i met here in the forum and im so thankful for having a friend like you .... Your kind and supportive words really help me a lot when im in trouble and in my sad times also ..... Cheers :)

5th February 2012, 10:01

...looking forward to see ''new'' pictures from you with your ''new'' experiences

5th February 2012, 10:20
Ah, well you see my secret agent status forbids me from revealing my online status on forums, but I think if you check on your profile this is actually an option now open to all members. :)

Ah. I see. I thought that you were on and off so fast that the light hadnt got a chance to illiminate. :icon_lol:

5th February 2012, 10:29
Ah. I see. I thought that you were on and off so fast that the light hadnt got a chance to illiminate. :icon_lol:

Sorry, but I never discuss my sex life on public forums. :icon_lol:

5th February 2012, 10:30

...looking forward to see ''new'' pictures from you with your ''new'' experiences

YES...thanks for the reminder !

MUST not forget my camera ! :omg:

5th February 2012, 10:33
Congrats Graham! you really are such one of the wonderful person i met here in the forum and im so thankful for having a friend like you .... Your kind and supportive words really help me a lot when im in trouble and in my sad times also ..... Cheers :)

Thanks Vische, and you're welcome. Walang anumen. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

So nice to know that I'm not the only person who thinks I'm wonderful. :D

Doc Alan
5th February 2012, 10:52
So nice to know that I'm not the only person who thinks I'm wonderful. :D
Wouldn't go that far Graham, but I do respect you and read all your posts ( indeed, the first to spot your post #5000 ). Congratulations ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2012, 11:00
Thanks Doc Alan. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I carefully read all of your posts too, just to make sure I haven't got some dreaded disease. :omg:

Always great advice from you, and much appreciated. :)

6th February 2012, 08:23
Sorry, but I never discuss my sex life on public forums. :icon_lol:

After I wrote that I did wonder about the potential sexual innuendo. :icon_lol: but where does the illumination of the lights come into it? :icon_lol:

Anyhow good luck with your impending first meet and trip!