View Full Version : steve and ems hoiday part 1

4th February 2012, 19:18
well fantastic, we had a great time in all we did, everything from locking the front to unlocking it 31days later, driving to london so straight forward and purple parking just so good, we paid £103 for 30 days parking with them bringing the car to us when we landed so a nice warm car with clean windows was awaiting us, well worth the price, we did on line check in so just handed the bags once we walked into the airport and then just waited, trying to keep Em occuipied and not thinking of food was hard but i got by. soon they was calling the flight so off we went into the next holding pen, and then boarded, aint it great once they start calling the seats from number so so to so so, and everyone gets up just so funny,anyway this is part 1 part 2 to follow

4th February 2012, 19:31
well we got better seats once on, more room up front but to tell the truth all the seats were great, lots of room, the fod was very god also lots of drink and we was happen with so much to read and watch on the tv, a few films and the inbetweeners so fnny ,laughing out so loud i was Em had to nudge me a few times. 11 hours later we landed at hong kong still daylight so i was pleased about that, going through the airport was straight forward so clean the place was and not as big as everyone was telling me, you walk for miles they said. Got throught the airport and we was going to use public transport the local bus, cheaper and i thought that was good, so waiting at the bus stop number 12A we started talking to others and the price was 80 hk dollars we only had 100 notes, so we got some change because the bus dont give change and we as ready to board, on i went money in hand and telling where we was going and waiting for the tkt to come out, all i got was what yo waiting for no tkt, everyone laugh and so i sat down and sort of smile back, 1 hour later we are in the hotel the roads,buildings bridges all was amazing to see and again so clean plus everywhere was wi-fi free even on the bus. Everyone we spoke to was very helpfull and willing to talk and advize us.Checking in the hotel was straight forward and after tha we hit the road just checking out the area, we was staying more where the locals live rather then where the tourist are, but again we felt safe and a lot cheaper to be there too. Nest day up early and out looking for breakfast so on the tram , ding ding they call it and so cheap, onwards into hong kong shops we went, part 3 follows

4th February 2012, 19:36
Thanks for the write ups Steve:xxgrinning--00xx3: I saw both yours and Em's photos on FB, looks like you both had a wonderful time:).....welcome back to a snowy UK

4th February 2012, 19:44
breakfast sorted, mcdons, and shopping here we come,Well what can i say EXPENSIVE is one word, but looking cost nothing i say, so i enjoyed that, in one door out the next and so on all day long, i think Em enjoyed that too, or not.I like to walk around places rather then use transport you see so much more and lots of pictures can be taken, Em likes to use transport so we used transport to get us so far then walked the rest which suited us both i think.All the things i penned to do i did and there leaves so much more for the next visit too. The star ferry was a wow loved it, just being on the boat and atching them come and go i enjoyed.Kawloon what can i say the best thing about there was the view back towards hongkong,was not impressed with tha place, yes great shops but a shop is a shop is a shop,New years eve well it came and went the fireworks a little disapointing but thats just me, not much more to say about that night, we was together ate well and seen the fireworks.Next day we was near the harbour and so many fililpinos everwhere, and dancing dragons, what a site to see, sunshine and o many colours, great pictures taken,more window shopping for Em and food too, hollywood road was a nice place to go, lots of little shops and bars and pubs too, cheap drinks and just nice to sit and watch the world go by, part 4 to follow

4th February 2012, 19:57
visit the peak was going to be a good long day i thought, walking from the hotel up hollywood road and then use the little map with half the roads missing will do i thought so off we went, a few hours walking em just slowly i said, onwards and upwards further up the hill we went, ar we there yet is all i heard, we was trying to get to the tram station that takes us up to the peak. My little map was working hard half the roads we was on was not on my map but we pressed on higher and higher we went, at this rate i thought we would wak all the way to the top, after consulting the map and looking for landmarks i found out wher we was at the boutanical gardens with zoo, further up then the tram station so we had to walk down the hill to it, i dont know wether Em was smilling or grimacing at me at that time, but it was sunny and i was happy too.We got to the station and what greeted us was a 2 hour wait for the tram and the cost 55 hk each one way, tut tut tut i thought, let me see what i can do Em i said, all i got was that look again, anyway just outside the station was a taxi rank and the price 50 hk dollars to the top, in we poped and was soon at the peak looking out, a very nice place this was, good shops and food to eat also, i enjoyed it there taking lots of pictures, we saw the tram come and go many times at the top, and th funny thing was you come up faceing forward on the tram but you go down backwards i would not like that i thought,we sed the taxi to get back to our hotel, my treat for my Em ,next day we wa packing and on our way to the next adventure, the family, that will be the next part

4th February 2012, 20:03
I just merged your threads Steve so everyone can follow the story :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2012, 20:37
i enjoy reading it:D its like reading a diary or a book to the extent:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:
am excited of part 5..

4th February 2012, 21:00
nice one, very interesting :D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2012, 21:15
sorry about the spelling, my laptop seems to have a mind of its own mising letters when it wants too

4th February 2012, 21:23
Looking forward to the next episode Steve :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2012, 21:38
ooohhhh roll on chapter five , :xxgrinning--00xx3::D

Doc Alan
4th February 2012, 23:17
An entertaining read so far Steve, thanks for posting, looking forward to the next instalment :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

4th February 2012, 23:55
Great report !

Got me all nostalgic about Hong Kong now. :bigcry: