View Full Version : Why So Many Posts On The Same Topics?

4th February 2012, 22:25
This part of the forum is titled "Loose Talk, Chat and Off Topic". It should be the home of a variety of threads covering lots of different subjects.

So why is it dominated by all the Daily Mail type headlines? Although many of the items may be perfectly valid and good debating points, I don't think it's appropriate to have this forum dominated by them.

At the moment, of the 30 threads on the front page, 17 are covering illegal immigration, asylum seekers, crime, etc. Although these are important issues, surely we're not spending more than 50% of our time talking about them?

With over 5000 threads, the "Off Topic" section is the most likely destination for first time visitors. I'm concerned that they might get the wrong idea about the interests and priorities of the majority of the members here.

In my opinion, the forum would benefit from these threads being placed in the "UK News", or another appropriate section.

4th February 2012, 22:47
fair point, most of the threads will have been posted by me, and as I've posted b4, I'm only reporting whats happening out there, Immigration abuse, sham wedding, illegal immigrants etc indirectly effects us all. The scale of these problems is reflected in the increase in the number of news articles which seem to increase daily concerning these subjects.

I am aware that people might be put off from reading the posts, but hardly a day goes by now without stories like these being published in the press and on the news and as you've said people do have an opinion and will post replies.

it might be a good idea to have a section dedicated to 'Immigration Abuse' or something similar so people are aware of what is going on,

4th February 2012, 22:51
With over 5000 threads, the "Off Topic" section is the most likely destination for first time visitors.

- that's exactly what it is outside of the Filipino sphere.

Why on earth would a newcomer if interested in Filipino matters, Brit Phil relaionships, Visa/Immigration info head straight for Loose Talk, Chat & Off Topic ? :crazy:

There is a strong tie between illegal immigrants, sham marriages asylum seekers etc and the amount of regulation and red tape being imposed here on members wishing to facilitate the legal immigration of a spouse /partner/relation. The more illegal activity that goes on turns public and Govt against those wishing to go down the legal route therefore it is in everyones interest to lobby and promote severe deterrrent punishments to be imposed on the law breakers.

4th February 2012, 22:57
I agree it would be nice to have different topics to discuss Jamesey, seeing as you've raised this issue why don't you start some new threads and then maybe there will be more varied topics on the front page?;):xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2012, 23:07
we do need more new posts on a wide variety of subjects, without new posts the forum would be dead :cwm24:

4th February 2012, 23:58
How about one on Viagra? :Cuckoo:

5th February 2012, 00:02
Hmm....I wonder if Cialis go out of date. :Erm:

5th February 2012, 00:13
How about my Big Fat Gypsy Divorce :laugher:

It took just eight months for her ‘Big Fat Gypsy Wedding’ in 2009 to turn into a messy, acrimonious Big Fat Gypsy Divorce.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2096185/My-Big-Fat-Gypsy-Wedding-Joan-Fureys-fairytale-ended-divorce-tears-tantrums.html#ixzz1lSQzgtvg

5th February 2012, 00:14
How about one on Viagra? :Cuckoo:


5th February 2012, 00:20

5th February 2012, 01:35
This part of the forum is titled "Loose Talk, Chat and Off Topic". It should be the home of a variety of threads covering lots of different subjects.

So why is it dominated by all the Daily Mail type headlines? Although many of the items may be perfectly valid and good debating points, I don't think it's appropriate to have this forum dominated by them.

At the moment, of the 30 threads on the front page, 17 are covering illegal immigration, asylum seekers, crime, etc. Although these are important issues, surely we're not spending more than 50% of our time talking about them?

With over 5000 threads, the "Off Topic" section is the most likely destination for first time visitors. I'm concerned that they might get the wrong idea about the interests and priorities of the majority of the members here.

In my opinion, the forum would benefit from these threads being placed in the "UK News", or another appropriate section.

I tend to use the 'what's new' button rather than file hrough the individual forums, and can also see your point.
However every forum I head for is never the 'off topic' section, I sit on about 12 forums these days and I have always headed for the area I need a question answered as opposed to the section you would go for.

It's each to their own but I quite like debating the stories (political and otherwise) with the guys.
When the F1 season starts there will be a bit on here about that...can't wait!

Enjoy mate its open and we all have a choice - don't have to read all the daily mail links. :)


Arthur Little
5th February 2012, 01:35
without new posts the forum would be dead :cwm24:

:rolleyes: ... that's true, Joe. But you know ... in the 31/4 years I've been a member, I have never seen the forum sooo ALIVE and vibrant as it is NOW! :Jump: And this, I believe, is due, in no small measure, to the genuine bonds of fellowship that have developed - and will, hopefully, continue to grow - between regulars and newcomers alike. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2012, 01:41
nicely put Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2012, 01:43
Hmm....I wonder if Cialis go out of date. :Erm:

i dont know, they might go a little soft or limp over time :icon_lol:

5th February 2012, 01:52
off topic means just that so all can put what might be interesting and not clog up the other parts that are 4 the main purpose of this forum filipino topics :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2012, 01:59
Anyway, having a good moan on Fil/uk is good for our relationships.

The wife/girlfriend knows we're not out on the lash or legover. :D


Arthur Little
5th February 2012, 02:39
Let's take, for example, last Thursday, when - due to [unusual] circumstances beyond our control - we were offline until early Friday morning. How many of us (if we're being completely honest about it) found ourselves "champing at the bit" in sheer frustration? :23_111_9[1]: Many of us, I'll bet ... I know I most certainly was! Oh ... we may not always agree with the opinions of our co~forumers ... but a "good debate" is the very essence of what "makes us tick". It is truly a learning process for all of us - without exception! None of us is ever too old to learn; our knowledge is greatly enriched and, in turn, others benefit from it. And, most importantly, throughout it all, we remain good, loyal friends. ;)

:anerikke: ... what could be more satisfying?

5th February 2012, 05:49
This part of the forum is titled "Loose Talk, Chat and Off Topic". It should be the home of a variety of threads covering lots of different subjects.

So why is it dominated by all the Daily Mail type headlines? Although many of the items may be perfectly valid and good debating points, I don't think it's appropriate to have this forum dominated by them.

At the moment, of the 30 threads on the front page, 17 are covering illegal immigration, asylum seekers, crime, etc. Although these are important issues, surely we're not spending more than 50% of our time talking about them?

With over 5000 threads, the "Off Topic" section is the most likely destination for first time visitors. I'm concerned that they might get the wrong idea about the interests and priorities of the majority of the members here.

In my opinion, the forum would benefit from these threads being placed in the "UK News", or another appropriate section.

I've been thinking along the same lines actually. There is after all two sections for news, UK and world. Why not use them?

5th February 2012, 08:35
When the F1 season starts there will be a bit on here about that...can't wait!

Enjoy mate its open and we all have a choice - don't have to read all the daily mail links. :)


Agree on both points:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2012, 10:43
I don't even notice what section the posts are on, unless I'm starting a new thread.

I just press the new posts button after logging on.

To me it's a bit like having a good yarn and a bit of banter down the pub with friends, but without the need to buy a round. Wonderful ! :D

5th February 2012, 12:47
This part of the forum is titled "Loose Talk, Chat and Off Topic". It should be the home of a variety of threads covering lots of different subjects.

So why is it dominated by all the Daily Mail type headlines? Although many of the items may be perfectly valid and good debating points, I don't think it's appropriate to have this forum dominated by them.

At the moment, of the 30 threads on the front page, 17 are covering illegal immigration, asylum seekers, crime, etc. Although these are important issues, surely we're not spending more than 50% of our time talking about them?

With over 5000 threads, the "Off Topic" section is the most likely destination for first time visitors. I'm concerned that they might get the wrong idea about the interests and priorities of the majority of the members here.

In my opinion, the forum would benefit from these threads being placed in the "UK News", or another appropriate section.

Couldn't agree more. :xxgrinning--00xx3: Yes there is some need for members to be aware of these issues, but not when it dominates the forum. I don’t see the point of all of these threads, when I thought the idea of the forum was mainly for Fil/Brit issues?...With some good humoured banter and friendliness thrown in as well.
Some here have their own political agendas, but also offer good helpful advice in other areas.

There does seem to be a bit of gang mentality on here, between a few, with members having similar political views and any member daring to challenge them, being shot down or particularly newbies, being called a troll?...give some of them a chance?

To casual observers, some of these threads make the forum look an unfriendly place and quite extreme?... ”Welcome to the friendly forum” they say....dosen’t always seem like it?

I’ve had other members contacting me, saying the same!

5th February 2012, 13:39
:D Sim :Hellooo:, i dont make the news, the increase in this type of news in the media, is because either its happening more often and a bigger problem than most of us are aware of, or more are getting caught.

most of the posts i dont make comments on as the headlines are used to the sell the news papers, but i still find it :icon_lol: that a European in the UK has more rights to bring their wife here to the UK than a Brit, i still find it :icon_lol: that illegal immigrants and criminals can stay as they have a right to a family life, yet you Sim, don't have the same level of rights to bring your wife here, you know I am aware of your struggle and of others on here, who have to wait for along time to try and maximize their chance of getting their spouse visa, which you should have a legal right to.

something needs changing, getting a visa is only going to get more difficult, so if people get wound up by this :censored: and take some sort of action to make the system fairer for Brits, i pitty some of those who will never get their partner to the UK :NoNo:

and after 5yrs on here, and paid £1,000s in visa fees, I'm alrgiht, i've done my time, paid my dues, tried to help people out, I've seen the Brit overtime persecuted by our own gov with higher fees, more exams and restrictions, yet people put up with it, maybe its time i call this a day, i've got bigger problem in my life than this i should be sorting out..

5th February 2012, 14:05
:D Sim :Hellooo:, i dont make the news, the increase in this type of news in the media, is because either its happening more often and a bigger problem than most of us are aware of, or more are getting caught.

most of the posts i dont make comments on as the headlines are used to the sell the news papers, but i still find it :icon_lol: that a European in the UK has more rights to bring their wife here to the UK than a Brit, i still find it :icon_lol: that illegal immigrants and criminals can stay as they have a right to a family life, yet you Sim, don't have the same level of rights to bring your wife here, you know I am aware of your struggle and of others on here, who have to wait for along time to try and maximize their chance of getting their spouse visa, which you should have a legal right to.

something needs changing, getting a visa is only going to get more difficult, so if people get wound up by this :censored: and take some sort of action to make the system fairer for Brits, i pitty some of those who will never get their partner to the UK :NoNo:

and after 5yrs on here, and paid £1,000s in visa fees, I'm alrgiht, i've done my time, paid my dues, tried to help people out, I've seen the Brit overtime persecuted by our own gov with higher fees, more exams and restrictions, yet people put up with it, maybe its time i call this a day, i've got bigger problem in my life than this i should be sorting out..

These are all fair comments Joe but the main point of the original post was why don't all these threads started with news links (whatever the subject matter) not be put in the sections for news, Uk and abroad and leave the loose talk section for what was back in the past good friendly down the pub type banter.

5th February 2012, 14:27
I agree, Joe has made some very fair comments.

Does it really matter what section these links are posted on ?
If you don't want to participate in a discussion, don't click. Simple.

Also bear in mind that in 1991 when I applied for a visa for my spouse the cost was £40, and ILR after 12 months for a few pounds.

No English test. No 'life in the UK', just my proof of no impediment and a few other basic documents. Same for her 2 children.

For those who have experienced monumental struggles in meeting the current requirements, and finding the money to finance them, even having a relative or girlfriend come visit you from the Phils - ask yourselves WHY ?

It certainly has little to do with Fil/UK marriages, but EVERYTHING to do with the sort of issues that Joe and others have been highlighting.

So, if anyone has recently successfully brought their loved ones into the country, consider yourselves very fortunate (as I do), but also consider what the effect of the criminal behaviour of other immigrants and the legislation likely to be introduced shortly to curb it is likely to have on OUR community on this forum.

These ARE important issues. They are extremely relevant to many forum members, and if such things hadn't been repeatedly brushed under the carpet over the years the country wouldn't be in the parlous state of unrest that it is in now, and likely to be even more so in the future. :NoNo:

5th February 2012, 14:28
I don't mind reading all those news that people are posting here...and if i'm not interested i just don't read it...if the location of the threads bothers people here then I would gladly put them all in the News UK section :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2012, 14:46
I agree, Joe has made some very fair comments.

Does it really matter what section these links are posted on ?
If you don't want to participate in a discussion, don't click. Simple.

I agree it's really as simple as that...

5th February 2012, 15:24
I agree it's really as simple as that...

or as Mr Shark never learnt on a members profile there is also the "Add to ignore list" button - use it

I'm amazed that people are happy to roll over, be trampled upon, whilst glibly accepting the UK's descent into a multicultural dungheap where all the cards are stacked in favour of the criminals, terrorists, illegals, asylum seekers and general scum of the earth.

I try to put some of my "Daily Mail" posts into UK or World News as for example immigration and extremism have European/Worldwide implications but I reckon the usual suspects would still moan.

I can't see what is "political" about being concerned that scumbags desecrating a war memorial for metal or violently mugging an OAP are let off with a slap on the wrist. These are issues that should be a worry to all.

Either use the ignore button or as raynaputi and Graham suggest adopt the simple solution of not reading a thread with a title that gives you a strong clue to its contents

5th February 2012, 15:39
The topics can go in either thread, which one doesn't matter. If you're not interested in it, mark it as read.

Subjects whatever they are create input to the forum and keep the SE bots coming here very frequently, without the constant updates they wouldn't visit very often, which would result in pages being deindexed, which means less people will find the forum.

5th February 2012, 15:55
I agree, Joe has made some very fair comments.

Does it really matter what section these links are posted on ?
If you don't want to participate in a discussion, don't click. Simple.


Whats the point in having all the different sections on the forum then if it doesn't matter which section we post in? Again, the OP says why is this part of the forum being dominated by news threads when there are two prefectly good sections dedicated to that subject matter. He agrees that there are some important news links posted on a range of topics just maybe put them in the news sections.

People are very fast to fly off on a tangent

5th February 2012, 16:18
IMPORTANT and RELEVANT 'tangents' IMO, as pointed out. :)

5th February 2012, 16:54
I think the problem is this:

When you join the forum you tend to look in the forum sections that interest you the most, so you can sort out, ask or research the problems you are having.

To be a part of the forum, you then start to look in other areas of the forum, or try to keep up with the newest posts. I think most people will click the 'What's New' tab or the 'new posts' tab at the top of the forum page. At this point, and only here as I see it, are you bombarded with all the most popular posts... which are the ones relating to all the subjects/news items/ more passionate threads/posts of the day (which are in their own appropriate sections)
It can make it look like all we do is bitch about 'immigration' and bleat about the 'red tops' but these are subjects close to our hearts because of our outrage at the government who seem not to do anything but make out paths more difficult to follow.

No one here has changed, the forum is as friendly now as it has ever been and the wealth of experience that is freely given is clearly first class.

If these newest posts in the news sections were not visible in the 'new posts' & 'what's new' tabs, all would be well with the world as far as I can see. But I am not sure if this is a possible to achieve with the forum software and is for the boss to decide on.

5th February 2012, 17:01
If these newest posts in the news sections were not visible in the 'new posts' & 'what's new' tabs, all would be well with the world as far as I can see. But I am not sure if this is a possible to achieve with the forum software and is for the boss to decide on.

There's always other poor imitation forums that get 3 or 4 posts a day ;)

5th February 2012, 17:07
...not forgetting all the Footie posts. :ReadIt: :NEW5::D

5th February 2012, 17:16
...not forgetting all the Footie posts. :ReadIt: :NEW5::D

that will be along soon when Man utd beat Chelsea in a couple of hours :icon_lol:

5th February 2012, 17:21
Yes, I mean, I am not so interested in this topic so I will give it a wide berth......:D

5th February 2012, 17:33
Don't let the door smack you on the backside on your way out. :Wave::laugher:

5th February 2012, 17:35
Yes, I mean, I am not so interested in this topic so I will give it a wide berth......:D

most people are not, but then they wonder why over the years its become more expensive and why there are more conditions in getting a visa, some people should be worried what's going to happen in a couple of months from now :doh

your paying for your wife to have the privilege of living in the UK and your paying for those who dont pay :rolleyes:

Doc Alan
5th February 2012, 17:39
... after 5yrs on here, I've tried to help people out ... maybe its time I call this a day, i've got bigger problem in my life than this i should be sorting out..
You HAVE helped countless people out joebloggs :xxgrinning--00xx3:. I hope indeed you don't call it a day. You supported me from the time I was a " newbie " and you're always helpful, diplomatic ( apart from the banter with Keith " Boss " ), and never confrontational.

5th February 2012, 17:42
that will be along soon when Man utd beat Chelsea in a couple of hours :icon_lol:

i think dedworth will be happy in the pub at the mo :Beer:

5th February 2012, 18:19
It's 3-1 to Chelsea!

5th February 2012, 19:09
You got lucky Joe - following a dubious penalty avoided a battering :bigcry:

5th February 2012, 20:18
You got lucky Joe - following a dubious penalty avoided a battering :bigcry:

Trust Rooney to go and score twice today, I transfered him out of my fantasy team on Friday for being useless for the past month:rolleyes: On the plus side I bought Van Persie as his replacement and he got a hatrick against Blackburn:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2012, 20:42

Do we we have to have all these posts about football ! ? :ReadIt:

5th February 2012, 20:53

Do we we have to have all these posts about football ! ? :ReadIt:

Football, politics, smutty jokes and sex is all most men are interested in :D

5th February 2012, 20:58
...and CARS ! :D



Have to go....Top Gear is on !!!

5th February 2012, 21:03
...and CARS ! :D

and moaning :furious3::ReadIt::angry:

6th February 2012, 00:31
My post always comes late and only one a day:cwm3:

6th February 2012, 00:54
Hey Les....where have you been ? :Wave:

Arthur Little
6th February 2012, 01:10
Hey Les.... where have you been ? :Wave:

Aha ... I know ... he's been to London to see the Queen really eats human flesh :D

(to answer Nigel's [[I] seemingly perpetual] query!)

6th February 2012, 01:13
Yes, I noticed that odd thread keeps popping up Arthur. :Erm:

6th February 2012, 06:14
IMPORTANT and RELEVANT 'tangents' IMO, as pointed out. :)

Not arguing with the subject matter as has been pointed out SOME of the news stories are helpfully and relevant. The question was asked why they appear so much in the loose talk section and not the 2 news sections. Thats all.

6th February 2012, 08:05
most people are not, but then they wonder why over the years its become more expensive and why there are more conditions in getting a visa, some people should be worried what's going to happen in a couple of months from now :doh

your paying for your wife to have the privilege of living in the UK and your paying for those who dont pay :rolleyes:

I was just trying to take a humerous slant on this contentious thread as a whole. And I had to go anyway, few things to do. In truth I am not too bothered about the organisation of topics on the forum. I noticed early on that a few were in the wrong section but this didn't really bother me too much. I tend to look at what is prevalent / current and use the search function for other stuff.

In short, personally, I am quite happy with the organisation of the forum as it stands. Should it change in the future and be organised in a different way, then no doubt I will still be happy with it. This forum is free and I find it fantastic value for that so I am not bothered about any minor drawbacks.

6th February 2012, 08:06
And of course I have found your postings, Joe, highly helpful and informative. I may well not have been aware of Damian Greens speech on 2nd Feb if your original posting hadn't drawn my attention to it. Depending on the topic, I usually take a look at your postings with attached links to various newspaper articles..

6th February 2012, 08:17
are there sections then, i just write something and send it, silly me:)

6th February 2012, 12:04
And of course I have found your postings, Joe, highly helpful and informative. I may well not have been aware of Damian Greens speech on 2nd Feb if your original posting hadn't drawn my attention to it. Depending on the topic, I usually take a look at your postings with attached links to various newspaper articles..

not a problem at all :D

i'm just as angry as i was 10yrs+ ago having to show this and that and play the waiting game, in the end i complained to the embassy, things are even more expensive now than then and more hoops to jump thru :NoNo:

6th February 2012, 12:24
it might be a good idea to have a section dedicated to 'Immigration Abuse' or something similar so people are aware of what is going on,

Good idea.

I have found that such postings give me a good background understanding on the subject of Immigration to the UK - helps me get my head around the whys and wherefores. Like I say, I dont always read all posts or all of the posts contents in this subject area but certainly do dip into them with a degree of regularity.