View Full Version : What do we choose? Your Advice Please!!!

12th February 2012, 17:02
Hi Everyone Just a simple question? I'm meeting my lady in March and she needs a visa to get back here to the U.K. What should we choose? Fiancee Or Tourist? We want to marry in the future so that screams fiance to me but we don't want a refusal. We've only been together 8 months is that to short a time? Do we need to have been together longer first before we can apply fiancee.. Advice Please!

12th February 2012, 17:15
You don't need to have been together longer, but you (as Sponsor) do need to fully satisfy the UKBA's requirements.

Only you and your lady will know what sort of commitment you're willing to make to each other after March, so maybe best to wait til after that.....assuming that will be your first meeting. :)

I'm going to meet my lady friend for the first time next week. :D

12th February 2012, 17:49
you only needed to have met once, but the more times the better to demonstrate your relationship is genuine, keep chat & phone logs etc, when you go keep hotel receipts etc, take some photos of you both together, write a few snail mail letters, the more evidence the better :xxgrinning--00xx3:

a visit visa is risky, i would go and meet her if you haven't yet, see how you get on, if all ok, next time marry in the phils or apply for a fiancee visa, but really you should meet at least twice or more.

12th February 2012, 21:54
Hi Stuart very interesting to read your post here.. Good idea to meeting your pinay lady in Phil that was a good start to both of you. My fiance and i were in 8 months communication before he came visit last year just once we spend less two weeks together it was a great time for us then he flew back home to uk after one month of sorting out all the documents i apply my fiancee visa and it took us one month for the processing before my visa is out.. Now im now in uk living with my english prince.. Good luck and have a good time when meeting your lady:)

12th February 2012, 22:08
Hi Everyone Just a simple question? I'm meeting my lady in March and she needs a visa to get back here to the U.K. What should we choose? Fiancee Or Tourist? We want to marry in the future so that screams fiance to me but we don't want a refusal. We've only been together 8 months is that to short a time? Do we need to have been together longer first before we can apply fiancee.. Advice Please!


Take a look here (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/36171-Fiance(e)-Visa-or-Spouse-Visa-Which-is-best?p=339162#post339162) it may help your thinking a little.

12th February 2012, 22:43
Wow! I hope your lady turns out to be the woman of your dreams..... My intended inspires me in so many ways... I hope every thing goes well for you both! :xxgrinning--00xx3: Keep us all posted!:Wave:

12th February 2012, 23:05
Hi Stuart very interesting to read your post here.. Good idea to meeting your pinay lady in Phil that was a good start to both of you. My fiance and i were in 8 months communication before he came visit last year just once we spend less two weeks together it was a great time for us then he flew back home to uk after one month of sorting out all the documents i apply my fiancee visa and it took us one month for the processing before my visa is out.. Now im now in uk living with my english prince.. Good luck and have a good time when meeting your lady:)

I'm loving all the positive reply I'm getting.... I hope that the gods smile on us because if all goes well I'd like to bring Marjorie back to the UK with me.... We've had to change our plans because of unexpected delays so it looks like a week in Cebu and a fortnight in Manilla. I've got every thing crossed. ;) I really don't want to return without her. Even though we've only know her 8 months its like we have been together many years. We have a lot in common. I'm delighted you found your prince I wish you a very happy life together. :) Thanks for your reply.

12th February 2012, 23:07

Take a look here (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/36171-Fiance(e)-Visa-or-Spouse-Visa-Which-is-best?p=339162#post339162) it may help your thinking a little.

Thank You Terpe:xxgrinning--00xx3: Just what I was searching for! :)

13th February 2012, 00:07
I'm loving all the positive reply I'm getting.... I hope that the gods smile on us because if all goes well I'd like to bring Marjorie back to the UK with me.... We've had to change our plans because of unexpected delays so it looks like a week in Cebu and a fortnight in Manilla. I've got every thing crossed. ;) I really don't want to return without her. Even though we've only know her 8 months its like we have been together many years. We have a lot in common. I'm delighted you found your prince I wish you a very happy life together. :) Thanks for your reply.

i know you wont realy want to return without her, but be prepared it may not be so quick,no pain no gain, for both your sakes dont rush too much,take time to know each other, be sure,
i wish you much luck,

13th February 2012, 04:46
Hi Stuart:)

try to view this link, i think it will help you. http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/35527-Hi-Stephen-from-Devon-gf-general-visa-granted-in-7-days.?highlight=stephen550


13th February 2012, 08:12
you will both decide what is best but, like many have said take your time to get to know each other, if the feelings are there then fiancee is the path i would choose, goodluck:)