View Full Version : Ilr

12th February 2012, 20:34
hi all, this year there will be Emma and lots of our friends will be applying for the ILR, so could you point me in the right direction, what we need to do , i have tried looking, topright, advanced search but there is not much in there and also on the internet but with so many sites, which one, I know many are busy with ther own lives and tv to watch, so if you do say look topright and put the question there, i would rather you say anything at all, i have put it here in this thread because to me its talking and helping each other, dont mean to offend anyone just my way of doing things, thanks in advance:)

12th February 2012, 20:41
Take a look here Steve, all looks pretty complicated so I am sure someone else will be able to simplify it for you.


12th February 2012, 20:52
thanks steve, thats the site , i feel lots of rants coming on soon, just seen the price and just ran quickly through the form and its just like all theold forms we filled in last time, hey ho onwards and upwards they say:)

12th February 2012, 20:52
hi steve, its all about knowledge of life in the UK, (the life in the uk test ), and evidence of cohabitation and supporting each other, and i mean loads of evidence, cant have too much evidence, joint bank accounts letters in both names at the same address ( your name and the wifes name ), download the application form, and guidance notes from the UKBA web site, follow there guidlines to the letter, telephone them and ask questions on anything your not sure about, my advice is do it with a personel appearence not through the post, even though it cost a bit more, well worth the extra to shorten the stress levels,

When you got it go for full citizenship and the red passport, cos if you leave here for more than two years for an extended stay in the phils she will loose the ILR, good luck to all thats going for it, remember to check and double check everything

12th February 2012, 20:54
thanks i remember the stress from the flr, nothing changes the rob dogs, but this time we are going the cheaper way just over £900, cheaper dont make me laugh:NoNo::NoNo:,

12th February 2012, 21:04
yea right, its gone up a bit since we did it, hated the whole experience, many sleepless nights on the run up to the application making sure the forms were filled in right and all the evidence was in order, the wife was so stressed it was beyond belief,
Just glad its all behind us now, all the best steve i wish you all the luck in the world mate,

12th February 2012, 21:07
hated the whole experience, many sleepless nights on the run up to the application making sure the forms were filled in right and all the evidence was in order, the wife was so stressed it was beyond belief,

and a month from now :cwm3:on would be my turn to be like that..am already feel:NoNo::doh:cwm24: the tension build up since jan..:cwm3::cwm24:

12th February 2012, 21:10
seems this is the year the goverment gets lots of money from us lot:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:,

12th February 2012, 21:21
hi all, this year there will be Emma and lots of our friends will be applying for the ILR, so could you point me in the right direction, what we need to do , i have tried looking, topright, advanced search but there is not much in there and also on the internet but with so many sites, which one, I know many are busy with ther own lives and tv to watch, so if you do say look topright and put the question there, i would rather you say anything at all, i have put it here in this thread because to me its talking and helping each other, dont mean to offend anyone just my way of doing things, thanks in advance:)

The best thing you can do is to follow the link that steve.r gave you and print out the form and guide.
Sit down and read through the form then ask any questions.

If you work through the form step-by-step you'll see it's really not at all complicated, and you're not requested to supply anything you wouldn't normally have.

Better to ask specific questions than ask about the whole form.

It's very very rare that anyone is refused ILR, even if they're not fully compliant.

12th February 2012, 21:24
true, done it and sorted :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th February 2012, 21:49
The best thing you can do is to follow the link that steve.r gave you and print out the form and guide.

mine you thats seem less stress to do terpe:D:xxgrinning--00xx3: can you give me the links on that form for ILR..as ill try to print it out while have my chance:D
ive bookmark that before but for some reasons i cnt even find it nor open the site of that website:doh

12th February 2012, 21:52
moy, look at steve r responce the link is there, we have saved it to favs and printed it too, good luck for you on your quest too:)

12th February 2012, 21:55
mine you thats seem less stress to do terpe:D:xxgrinning--00xx3: can you give me the links on that form for ILR..as ill try to print it out while have my chance:D
ive bookmark that before but for some reasons i cnt even find it nor open the site of that website:doh

Hi Moy
Here is the ILR Application Form SET(M) (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/settlement/formsetm0420091.pdf)

Here is the ILR SET(M) Guidance Notes (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/settlement/guidesetm0420091.pdf)

12th February 2012, 22:16
moy, look at steve r responce the link is there, we have saved it to favs and printed it too, good luck for you on your quest too:)

goodluck to both of us stevewool:xxgrinning--00xx3: ..when is your wife due to apply:D

12th February 2012, 22:16
Hi Moy
Here is the ILR Application Form SET(M) (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/settlement/formsetm0420091.pdf)

Here is the ILR SET(M) Guidance Notes (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/settlement/guidesetm0420091.pdf)

thanks in many my friend:Jump:

12th February 2012, 23:05
send what your asked and you shouldn't have a problem, hardly anyone is refused ILR :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th February 2012, 23:29
Sorry to ask a silly question, after FLR is it 18 months later we need to cough up for the ILR?


12th February 2012, 23:39
we have to do it this year as well and its just legalised highway robbery as far as i can see

i think we will have more problems than the norm cos my company pays for my accommodation and bills etc so nothing really thats addressed to us/her/me
least if she gets refused i can go back and choose another one :D:D

13th February 2012, 08:03
well, i did not think of that sparky, another 1:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:, moy i think its 28 days before the 2 years which should be october, Tone, this is wear i stumble is it 2 years after flr or 2 years after landing here, or 2 years after getting married, i am sure some one will advice us, watch this space:)

13th February 2012, 09:18
If you arrived on a spouse visa the 2 year period starts from when you arrived into the UK.

If you arrived on a fiancée visa then the 2 year period starts from when your FLR was issued.

Do not send your application more than 28 days before the end of your 2-year qualifying period. If you do, they may refuse your application and will not refund the fee. However, you must apply before your current permission to remain in the UK ends.

13th February 2012, 09:57
i have tried looking, topright, advanced search but there is not much in there

I too have been looking up ILR. If you go top right advanced then it doesnt recognise 'ILR' however it does recognise "Indefinite'. If you do a search on Indefinite then the system comes back with threads on ILR.

I posted some test questions for the Life in the UK Test just a few days ago....


We still have over 18 months to go but I am trying to piece it all together asap ( I know the goalposts will shift between now and then) so that we are prepared...

13th February 2012, 19:46
the only thing to shift from now till then is the price, thats a certain:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

stevie c
13th February 2012, 20:02
My wife applies for her ILR in october as many of you say the prices are daylight robbery :angry:

We cant decide to go for the postal service or the appointment service :doh

13th February 2012, 20:26
same as us steve, we ar going the postal way, why pay another £3-400 more

13th February 2012, 22:22
we have to do it this year as well and its just legalised highway robbery as far as i can see

i think we will have more problems than the norm cos my company pays for my accommodation and bills etc so nothing really thats addressed to us/her/me
least if she gets refused i can go back and choose another one :D:D

They just need some evidence that you've been co-habiting over the 2 year period.
If you really have absolutely nothing at all you'll need to provide a written explanation.
I'm sure your employer will help out.