View Full Version : Saving money

13th February 2012, 08:07
What little things do you do to try and save money, me well i turn off all the switches and unplug things before we go out or go to bed, turn the heating on only when needed and turn it off a hour before bed, i must say the house we live in isa very warm house in my defence,the thing i noticed a lot in the phils and i am trying to do it here too is boiling water then to put it into a thermos then use that to make drinks throughout the day, saves electric andthe plannet too:icon_lol:, so they say, what do you do

13th February 2012, 08:09
ups i forgot the big one, i try not to spend any money too, as Emma would say:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

13th February 2012, 10:05
I have got into the habit of switiching a few things off by physically pressing a button instead of standby :omg:

13th February 2012, 10:37
For me an interesting topic as since my wife arrived in the UK this topic has been an eye opener for me. I guess out of necessity she has learnt to save money and always switches everything off at night at the mains and not just on the TV set itself, etc etc

We were both talking last night about sending her mom some money for her birthday for a new flat screen tv and she was saying that her mom doesn't want a big one as it takes up more electricity. And that she had noticed that when she was in the Philippines her laptop took up less electricity than her desktop, something that makes sense but never realy dawned on me before, partly because I have never had to live on such a tight budget as she has had to in the Philippines.

So there you go Steve.....save money and get a smaller tv....:D

She also keeps all plastic shopping bags and meticulously folds them for future use. She has a strong "save the planet" ethic.

13th February 2012, 10:57
What little things do you do to try and save money,

Avoid dining out
Avoid going to shops with bargains (nice shoes:hubbahubba:)
Avoid looking Ebay/Ebuyer/...Online shops
Avoid the heater and just keep yourself warm
..I can enumerate more but i dont think a lot of us can save ''much money'' here in the uk:doh:icon_lol:

13th February 2012, 11:58
i try and save money by sending the misses out to work, i make sure she is up early and never late or ill :rolleyes:also try and spend other peoples money :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th February 2012, 12:03
i try and save money by sending the misses out to work, i make sure she is up early and never late or ill :rolleyes:also try and spend other peoples money :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Not too far away from my ways to save. :rolleyes:

I also try make sure that my wife doesn't go shopping on her day off.
If she needs to buy shoes and handbags etc then she goes alone :D

13th February 2012, 13:10
i recyle stuff:yikes::D:icon_lol: that what i mostly do to save:bigcry::cwm24::D

13th February 2012, 14:17
i recyle stuff:yikes::D:icon_lol: that what i mostly do to save:bigcry::cwm24::D

Pagpag :cwm24: :vomit-smiley-011::action-smiley-082:

your dinner invite Ros, i think me and the misses are working that day




13th February 2012, 14:38
i recyle stuff:yikes::D:icon_lol: that what i mostly do to save:bigcry::cwm24::D

Pagpag :cwm24: :vomit-smiley-011::action-smiley-082:

your dinner invite Ros, i think me and the misses are working that day





13th February 2012, 20:10
I've found the best way to save money is to move onto my local gypsy site. Its great! My bills have reduced to almost nothing, I don't pay council tax anymore and every one is so freindly. If there is anything I want I just let the neighbours know and I've got it within a couple of days at a very reasonable price. I reccommend it to anyone.

13th February 2012, 20:22
you dont pay car tax too then

stevie c
13th February 2012, 20:27
you dont pay car tax too then

you don't pay for a car either :omg:

13th February 2012, 22:40

your dinner invite Ros, i think me and the misses are working that day

i was just being honest joe's:action-smiley-081::D am afraid..no point of me being pretentious..what i can and i cant is what i can show NO more NO less..:bigcry::cwm24::D and i you wont like it ..then tough:laugher::icon_lol::cwm3::D



14th February 2012, 00:21
I am saving right now because I stopped shaving. Those razors cost a fortune, I really don't know why. Anyway, this hairy bugger by stopping shaving is also saving on the heating as half my head is staying warmer :icon_lol:

14th February 2012, 07:02
i was just being honest joe's:action-smiley-081::D am afraid..no point of me being pretentious..what i can and i cant is what i can show NO more NO less..:bigcry::cwm24::D and i you wont like it ..then tough:laugher::icon_lol::cwm3::D



no laughing matter Ros thou :cwm24:
poor kids :bigcry:

14th February 2012, 10:02
no laughing matter Ros thou
poor kids

i understand what you mean joe;)..i might sounds be complaining A LOT OF TIME TO THe husband:D:Rasp::doh..but in the sense i feel really lucky:cwm24:..and my kids to be honest..compare to those unfortunate :doh:cwm3::bigcry::bigcry:
everytime i see that scenario on the vedio it reminds me of my childhood/the memory is still so fresh :( the life i used to be..i been there and i know exactly how it feel:cwm3::NoNo:

14th February 2012, 20:01
Whoa some good ideas there and some damn funny ideas too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'm finding some of the same things - the plastic bags! All the switches go off at night - I dare not show her what/where the fuse box is!
I am quite lucky as my house is quite new and is very eco - my eleccie bill was a mere £100 for a quarter - which is the cheapest bill by some way I have seen in 10 years. I also have solar so my water is heated for free most of the time.
Where we do use up the cash is everytime we go anyhere near a damn shopping centre Rina is always "needing" something... the other day she said she needed some flat warm boots (being pregnant I could hardly argue on that one) but the UGGs came out and £225 later my head was spinning - I just said dont expect too much for valentines day and birthday and xmas - for the next 3 years...
In all honesty if she is happy and she helps me and looks after my mum so well I couldnt and wouldnt say no to the odd request like that..

Its food I'd like to explore - Moy you are correct dont eat out - probably (after the boots) the single biggest killer along with the price of Diesel! SO we get all our shopping in Tesco - and I keep saying I should pop a bit further away to Asda and give them a go..
If you have a Costco card things like chicken/rice/toilet rolls/washing liquids/dishwashing tabs - some clothing is very cheap compared to the supermarkets.

I need to stop buying gadgets :doh:doh:doh

What else?

14th February 2012, 20:10
...............If you have a Costco card things like chicken/rice/toilet rolls/washing liquids/dishwashing tabs - some clothing is very cheap compared to the supermarkets...

Don't take you're wife to Costco. That'll save plenty more.

Only buy the food you WILL eat.
Don't cook too much food.

stevie c
14th February 2012, 20:27
I have a friend in the summer he hangs his used teabags on the washing line & when they are dry he uses them again.:omg:

This is a true :yikes:

stevie c
14th February 2012, 20:44
they are a good quality tea bag though pg tips :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th February 2012, 20:48
the BEST saving that i learned....... i dont bring my hubby when i shop for groceries (his worst than a kid!)...saves a LOT!

14th February 2012, 20:52
farmfoods, aldi, and pakshop, cant beat them, wilkinsons too, i must say i spend about £100 a month on food and cleaning stuff, which i think is good

stevie c
14th February 2012, 21:02
:yikes: my shopping is about £200 per month :bigcry:

14th February 2012, 21:17
shop wise, steve, i must admit though i love shopping , if i see something reduce and i know it has too, i will buy 2 and with Em not throwing anything away and a great cook she is too, we do live very well

stevie c
14th February 2012, 21:21
thanks steve.

Im always saying to Flor we are a match made in heaven she says what & i say my stomach & your cooking :)

14th February 2012, 21:25
thanks steve.

Im always saying to Flor we are a match made in heaven she says what & i say my stomach & your cooking :)


14th February 2012, 21:45
:yikes: my shopping is about £200 per month :bigcry:

Blimey I spend that a week!!!!!!! and there's only the wife and me. Mind you eat and drink very well.

14th February 2012, 21:47
Avoid dining out
Avoid going to shops with bargains (nice shoes:hubbahubba:)
Avoid looking Ebay/Ebuyer/...Online shops
Avoid the heater and just keep yourself warm
..I can enumerate more but i dont think a lot of us can save ''much money'' here in the uk:doh:icon_lol:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: avoid going out that's the best..:Erm: hahaha..:icon_lol: But I still keep on looking at online shops and ebay..but I always keep in mind that we don't have money for my pleasures in life..:bigcry: :NoNo: :doh :icon_lol:

14th February 2012, 22:08
.............i must say i spend about £100 a month on food and cleaning stuff, which i think is good

£100 per month :yikes:

That's less than £3.50 per day all in.

To be be frank there's no way I'd even want to do that. Be frugal yes, but for me I also want to enjoy the life I'm living now.

We're all different I guess. Diversity is the spice of life.

No wonder you'll eat those KFC chips :D

14th February 2012, 22:15
i eat better since emma has been in my life, we never go without and cook everynight, but i must say i only eat a little breakfast and then 1 meal at night, always have, and Emma being a very good cook there is no waste with food, so all in all life is good and it means we can save more

14th February 2012, 22:50
Pagpag :cwm24: :vomit-smiley-011::action-smiley-082:
your dinner invite Ros, i think me and the misses are working that day

Just watched the program in BBC iPlayer....John West the London Bus Driver, who drives a Jeepney in Manila and witnesses a few issues along the way....a bit of an eyeopener.

14th February 2012, 23:52
witnesses a few issues along the way....a bit of an eyeopener.


15th February 2012, 13:09
Hello stevewool,

There are easy ways to save money on your monthly utility bills and by getting cashback for your regular grocery shop, restaurant visits, or even petrol.

Contact me if you are interested and I can show you how :).


18th February 2012, 01:11
I am not exactly poor but I seem to have become obsessed with saving money.
My top tip for staying warm would be - get an electric underblanket. Heating the air in your bedroom is expensive, but my electric blanket costs 2p per hour on the hottest setting - once you get in you don't really need it on.
2nd top tip. Putting the oven on every day is probably the biggest part of your electric bill. Buy a huge bag of baking potatoes, enough for a month. Nuke them in the microwave then put the whole lot in the oven for an hour. Then put them in the freezer, taking them out as required. A big part of my diet is steamed fish - in a microwave steamer. The defrosted baked potato is heated in the microwave - the vegetables are in the fish steamer. Total cooking time: 3 minutes at 700 watts. I also turn lights off every time I leave a room. I have ditched my desktop pc and only use my laptop. I have an energy meter (supplied by British Gas) - doing all these things my electric cost has dropped to 30p a day.
I wish I could do something about my gas bill. Hmmm....I wonder if I could get an electric blanket with sleeves in it.....

18th February 2012, 08:36
- doing all these things my electric cost has dropped to 30p a day.

You what? 30p a day.....is that a mistake John?

18th February 2012, 09:44
all the savings we are doing helps the plannet and helps our wallets too, but the best thing for me is that i can save to be in the phils quicker :)

18th February 2012, 12:00
You what? 30p a day.....is that a mistake John?

No. This new regime has been going about 10 days. Energy monitor shows a steady 30p each day. I probably won't be able to sustain this - I have cut use of the oven by a drastic amount and that will start to be a pain, and at some point I will have to put the washing machine on - damn - but at least I now have a benchmark to work on. All my heating is gas.

18th February 2012, 13:28
i am sure there must be a stream somewhere where you live , go wash your cloths there, but aint it great when you can save so much

19th February 2012, 13:16
i am sure there must be a stream somewhere where you live , go wash your cloths there

:laughitupsmilie: :laughitupsmilie: :laughitupsmilie:

That was good stevewool!

20th February 2012, 10:16
This electrical monitor device has interested me for some.
Where can we buy them?
How to install them?
Which ones are recommended?

20th February 2012, 15:37
.... and at some point I will have to put the washing machine on -

And have a shower.....

20th February 2012, 19:33
Ok folks.....this is grahamw48 not Mercedes, cos I forgot my password. :cwm3:

I have just found a great way of saving money.

I have just got a part-time job as a male stripper at a fun little club on EDSA in Manila.

I just have to dance and drink all night, and then I get paid as well. :REDancedancer08::REGamblMoney01HL1:

Will let you know all about it when I get back, just in case any of you other guys need to stretch your budget next time you're here. :D

stevie c
20th February 2012, 19:39
Hi Graham i may just well do that when im in the phils in june :D

Good to hear from you mate i trust you are having a fantastic time ook forward to your posts when you are back in blighty. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2012, 05:29
Hi Stevie...remembered my blinkin password this time. :rolleyes:

Anyway, yes we're having a great time and getting along fantastically. Spent some time at Baloy beach in Subic, and now back in Manila cos Mercedes has to attend a short course.
To be honest, we just don't seem to be able to get out of bed, so I hope I will have SOMETHING interesting to report apart from what goes on in the confines of a hotel room....and for a hell of a lot more time than I was anticipating. :Erm: hmm.:D

Mercedes is everything I was hoping for, and much more. :)

21st February 2012, 08:09
......but the UGGs came out and £225 later my head was spinning - My wife has a pair of the many varieties of imitation UGGs. But I know someone who bought genuine UGGs online direct from Oz and saved a lot of money........