View Full Version : Ilr

19th February 2012, 14:07
This ilr that most are going through this year,some will be paying the extra money for the quick return, i think they tell you the answer the same day but the cost is so much more, hundreds of pounds i think, or to put it another way a flight to the phils is the extra cost. To me what do they do in minutes that cost so much more, surely its the same questions or answers on the forms, so why take months to give you a answer if you are paying the postal way, yes i know it takes longer and so on and on, but why so long and why so much, no offence ment to anyone, just my thoughts

19th February 2012, 14:13
This ilr that most are going through this year,some will be paying the extra money for the quick return, i think they tell you the answer the same day but the cost is so much more, hundreds of pounds i think, or to put it another way a flight to the phils is the extra cost. To me what do they do in minutes that cost so much more, surely its the same questions or answers on the forms, so why take months to give you a answer if you are paying the postal way, yes i know it takes longer and so on and on, but why so long and why so much, no offence ment to anyone, just my thoughts

Exactly my question. If they can do it the same day, why on earth should it take 4 or 5 weeks? They have already proved it can be done in just a few hours. The application forms must spend 95% of the 4 or 5 weeks sitting in amongst a pile of other papers.

19th February 2012, 14:17
it must be there way of making us suffer and thinking i wished i paid the extra amount, daft buggers i say, the extra money is for a holiday:icon_lol::icon_lol:

19th February 2012, 14:20
The problem is that many folk will sweat / worry their way through that 4 or 5 weeks so for that reason it is out of order. It is okay if it is just a formality / foregone conclusion but it isn't totally. I know that it is said that ILR's are rarely refused but there is always the nagging doubt in ones head......and that would be the only reason why I would reluctantly pay the extra.

19th February 2012, 16:37
we paid the extra for the flr which was not bad , like you say there is always the first to be refused, but i am sure if you have done all that is requied and are paying tax and insurance ie in work i am sure all will be fine, i am still not paying the extra amount though

19th February 2012, 16:52
I fully understand your thinking Steve. Even though we are still a long way off yet, I am trying to weigh up in my mind what approach to take for the best.....

19th February 2012, 19:58
really dont get why it would cost more to do it in person, feels like you're required to pay to get a fast track answer.. :icon_lol: Reminds me of the time i needed to pay an extra 7,500 pesos :doh to get my english certificate in few days rather than a month or so. greedy people.. well i've managed to wait few weeks for FLR (sent through post) to be approved, i dont mind doing the same with the ILR (also sending it through post) when it comes around :) hopefully no increase with the cost :):):)

19th February 2012, 20:09
it seems to go up every year so expect to pay more

19th February 2012, 23:53
When is your ILR due Steve?