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19th February 2012, 18:29
looking for a book, culture clash, can you handle living in the philippines, anyone has this

19th February 2012, 19:32
Your chance to write one, Steve....

19th February 2012, 19:54
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:i dont have the time, or the sphelling:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

20th February 2012, 09:58
looking for a book, culture clash, can you handle living in the philippines, anyone has this

Are you sure it's 'Culture Clash' ? :Erm:

There is a really good book called 'Culture Shock! Philippines', could that be the one your thinking of?

That one's available from Amazon:-

There are quite a few similar books available. A quick search should pull them up for you.

20th February 2012, 10:00
What about "Culture Shock UK"....I think my wife needs it....:icon_lol:

20th February 2012, 10:08
What about "Culture Shock UK"....I think my wife needs it....:icon_lol:

Absolutely !!!

Get writing lastlid.

We came to UK in 2002 and my wife still doesn't quite get it sometimes.
She often says things like 'we don't do that in Philippines'.
Which is odd really because she hasn't lived in Pinas since 1984.

They do say "you can take the girl out of the Philippines, but you can't take the Philippines out of the girl." Which is just so very true!!

20th February 2012, 10:10
'we don't do that in Philippines'.

I have heard that so many times over the last few months.... :D

21st February 2012, 15:12
Steve I have this book called Culture Shock:-

Your very welcome to borrow it....i could post it if your interested. The content is more aimed at someone who has no experience of the philippines or its people ....so might not be what your looking for.... However let me know if your interested