View Full Version : Theresa May to split up UK Border Agency

20th February 2012, 19:27
According to a BBC News report here (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-17099143)
Home Secretary Theresa May has said the UK Border Agency will be split in two following revelations that hundreds of thousands of people were let into the country without appropriate checks.

20th February 2012, 19:29
We'll just have to wait and see what comes next.

With a bit of luck, this switch of focus may just delay those controversial changes expected in April.

Well, we have to think positive. :rolleyes:

20th February 2012, 20:20
No doubt the inept Managers responsible for exceeding their remit will retain their jobs and bloated Public Sector pensions in the new organisation

20th February 2012, 21:18
something has to be done, if your not a British citizen then your passport should be checked, if India can take biometrics of most of its population http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-16979875, then this country surely can take finger prints and Iris scans of everyone who enters.

20th February 2012, 21:26
:doh So instead of fixing the problem, they will now have 2 seperate units with twice the management and neither knowing what the other is doing!!! :crazy:

20th February 2012, 21:33
:doh So instead of fixing the problem, they will now have 2 seperate units with twice the management and neither knowing what the other is doing!!! :crazy:

also she will have 2 people to blame instead of one when she passes the buck :icon_lol:



20th February 2012, 21:49
..... then this country surely can take finger prints and Iris scans of everyone who enters.

Well, I would have thought so.
However, I did hear somewhere that the Iris scanning is not doing it's job. Not only is it taking far too long to process passengers (causing backlogs) but it's inherently inaccurate for at least 50% of all cases. What a waste of £millions. :doh

20th February 2012, 22:15
I've read that the Iris scanning is a failure and is being fazed out. As regards Fingerprints on that much vaunted Labour Govt sponsored programme UK Border Farce I saw a 2009 episode yesterday. It showed them raiding a scouse Indian Curry House and putting the suspects fingers in a portable scanner to see who they already knew either as an asylum seeker or someone (ie overstayers, illegals, failed asylum seekers, criminals) they foolishly let out on so called immigration bail.

I've emailed Mrs May asking for assurances that the inept public servants who "relaxed checks" and "exceeded their remit" will not be employed by UK Border Farce Mark 2

20th February 2012, 22:15
We'll just have to wait and see what comes next.

With a bit of luck, this switch of focus may just delay those controversial changes expected in April.

Well, we have to think positive. :rolleyes:

Nice idea...maybe switch the focus for a couple of years......