View Full Version : Man Drowns - Firemen won't go into 3.5 foot deep lake

26th February 2012, 01:01
The picture that shames Britain: As a man's body floats in three and a half feet of water, 25 999 workers stand and watch because they aren't 'trained' to go in water

MoS investigation into park pond tragedy and emergency services’ response reveals:

Rules that stopped firemen entering water were meant for fast-flowing rivers
Coalition ‘common sense’ report gives green light for heroes – but was ignored
Our reporter, in pair of waders, took two minutes to reach spot where body floated

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2106423/The-picture-shames-Britain-As-mans-body-floats-half-feet-water-25-999-workers-stand-watch-arent-trained-water.html#ixzz1nRPszlXx

The tragic result of Britains Health and Safety culture :cwm23:

26th February 2012, 01:04
You really cant make this up can you - common sense lost in Europe..

26th February 2012, 01:12
You really cant make this up can you - common sense lost in Europe..

Yet I've seen on BBC 999 Rescues or suchlike this outfit Hampshire Fire & Rescue have some specially trained Firemen Sam who's function is to get cats out of trees

26th February 2012, 01:13
not sure if you can blame the emergency workers, if they went in they probably get sacked for breaking safety regulations, but then how can you leave someone like that in the water :NoNo:

Arthur Little
26th February 2012, 01:15
You really cant make this up can you - common sense lost in Europe..

:iagree: ... poor show on the part of the Emergency Services!! :angry: But it nevertheless begs the question: What was the man doing in a shallow lake in the first place? Evidently not swimming! :NoNo:

26th February 2012, 01:21
not sure if you can blame the emergency workers, if they went in they probably get sacked for breaking safety regulations, but then how can you leave someone like that in the water :NoNo:

Maybe Hampshire F & R Service Chief Officer John Bonney ought to concentrate on running an outfit that is fit to rescue members of the public rather than spending time on this sort of crap :-

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service (HFRS) is dedicated to
embedding fair treatment and dignity into our working environment
and we value the contribution diversity brings to both the Service
and the community.
This Scheme helps to illustrate our commitment to eliminating racial
discrimination, promoting equal opportunities and developing good
relations between people of different ethnic groups. It will ensure
that we develop robust policies and strategies that recognise and respond to
the diverse and differing needs of our communities as we work towards
achieving our key priorities as a Service.
We have set up a structure within the Service to drive the implementation of
the Scheme and to help to ensure that delivering equality becomes part of
what we all do.
We have already implemented a number of key diversity initiatives including
equality impact assessments on our policies, fairness and dignity awareness
training for our staff; ethnic monitoring of job applicants; training of staff to
deliver future diversity training; the development of an access course for
under represented groups and the delivery of a bullying and a harassment
training programme is also well underway. This Scheme will help us to build
on these successes and guide every member of staff to make a positive
difference. Committing to diversity helps us all to provide a better service to
our whole community and in so doing makes Hampshire safer.


26th February 2012, 01:27
What an absolute disgrace.:cwm23:

Yes, if it had been a :censored: cat up a tree.:NoNo:

I hope these people can live with themselves.:angry:

26th February 2012, 02:11
the regulations were probably trying to prevent something like this :cwm24:

A rescue in the sea of A Corunna finishes in tragedy

Three of the victims are police that tried to help the fourth missing one


26th February 2012, 02:27
the regulations were probably trying to prevent something like this :cwm24:

A rescue in the sea of A Corunna finishes in tragedy

Three of the victims are police that tried to help the fourth missing one


Not so Joe - under Labour all of the public sector organisations were re-defined so that Diversity, Equality and Health and Safety became their reason for existence - serving the Public came about 50th on the list of reportable and measurable targets.

It will take years to re-educate or sack the self serving snouts in the trough apparatchicks running them

26th February 2012, 09:04
Lost for words...............except to say wheres the common sense and natural human instinct to help people in distress, you dont need rules and regs to dictate whether you should help someone who obviously needs it desperatly.......shame!!!

26th February 2012, 09:55
i bet if it was a dog in the lake, joe public would be in like a shot,all it takes is for 1 person to jump in and others will follow, i have done this twice in my life, everyone stands watching hoping someone else makes the first move, wha would you do go against orders and watch someone get killed or save them,

26th February 2012, 10:41
:doh:doh:doh 100% FAIL! :NoNo:

26th February 2012, 11:21
i bet if it was a dog in the lake, joe public would be in like a shot,all it takes is for 1 person to jump in and others will follow, i have done this twice in my life, everyone stands watching hoping someone else makes the first move, wha would you do go against orders and watch someone get killed or save them,

many people have died 2saving there dog :NoNo:

from just 2wks ago, and the dog got out ok :doh

i'm sure i remember from a while back, someone fell i think into a slurry pit and died, and someone who tired to rescue him and a police officer died to :NoNo: