View Full Version : Advisory of Marriage (CRS form 5) from NSO

28th February 2012, 04:25
Ok, been round the houses and I'm still unclear on this one if anyone has any experience.

We are applying for a British passport for our son (British father/Filipino mother born RP) and have applied for and received all the necessary security NSO documents except the above requirement which I believe takes the place of a CENOMAR if you are legally married.

My batch status was for 3 documents and although we have received both his BC and our MC the CENOMAR/AoM hasnt been delivered and the status shows my wife to have a positive result for a CENOMAR although they've just shipped our Marriage Certificate????

The contact us page has a drop down box with questions bundling CENOMAR/AoM together but as of yet no reply of three days..........

The only other option I can think is that I try to get a CENOMAR in my name instead of hers as there is no option on the ecensus site to purchase an AoM???? More money of course :NoNo:

Much appreciated if anyone can help.

28th February 2012, 08:54
When we applied for my son's british passport the UKBA checklist said about the CRS form 5. Everyone was getting confused with the CENOMAR but it is just another form/certificate and different. (to be honest it means nothing) Just go to your local municiple and get them to order it from the NSO, we needed ours quickly as I was running out of time so wegave 800peso to the lady and she got it for the next day.
As long as you have all your other papers in order this is just a formality to get.
We got our son's British passpoort in 4 weeks from application, should take up to 6 weeks, good luck :)

29th February 2012, 01:28
Thanks Steve

Finally got an email off NSO to say my wife's positive CENOMAR has ben dispatched which is slightly confusing as we already have our marriage certificate. Hope that doesnt come back to bite us in the future.

We will visit our Municiple Registrar this morning and try to order the CRS 5 as you suggest, hopefully she'll understand what we are talking about.

29th February 2012, 07:24
Well the local Civil Registrar didnt have a clue what we were on about, but after ringing NSO head office direct (and getting through pretty quickly) it would seem a CENOMAR is actually CRS Form 4 and an Advisory of Marriage is CRS Form 5. The CENOMAR that we've ordered through ecensus SHOULD list the marriage rather than no marriage so we wait with baited breath for LBC to deliver the package so we can process son's passport.

7th March 2012, 01:39
Well the CENOMAR for my wife that we ordered from NSO did arrive as a Form 5 Advisory of Marriage document listing our marriage in 2010. However they managed to get my wife's birthplace wrong :angry:

Waiting now as to how to get it reissued........no reply from them yet...