View Full Version : The illegal immigrants desperate to escape squalor of Britain

28th February 2012, 14:25
i was going to put this in the humor section :rolleyes:

They came to Britain illegally in search of a better life, but the reality turned out to be far removed from what they dreamed of.


28th February 2012, 15:18
Another reason for stopping aid and handouts to India

28th February 2012, 15:31
Another reason for stopping aid and handouts to India

India has told our govt so many times they don't want it :doh
Are we missing something here, or what?

There's got to be a trick somewhere for someone surely.

28th February 2012, 15:43
I was driving at cut out the nicities, trade delegations, tourism, exchanges, educational stuff. Let them know they are on their way to Pariah Status and they'll soon play ball

29th February 2012, 09:30
The U.K.B.A should act quick on this. Round them up and get them out of here. They should also confiscate all the assets of the people that are harbouring them.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th February 2012, 09:58
Part of me thinks maybe we should as a country have a whip-round. I bet the vast majority would stick in a pound, and with 50 million plus people, that would pay for a ferry back.

The other part thinks it's the other country - India in this case - not wanting their dregs back and dumping them on us, a bit like France and Sangatte - so we just simply can't get rid of them.

29th February 2012, 10:18
This should be posted worldwide. :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
29th February 2012, 12:07
:omg: ... it's like "Cowboys & Indians" in real life!

29th February 2012, 12:14
Part of me thinks maybe we should as a country have a whip-round. I bet the vast majority would stick in a pound, and with 50 million plus people, that would pay for a ferry back.

with the bung pulled out :icon_lol:

29th February 2012, 15:40
Its so sad to read this - the money to get here is ridiculous - its organised crime that needs sorting out - but for that intelligence needs to be done to find these traffickers and bring them to justice....

29th February 2012, 19:55
I've no sympathy for these law breakers they should be rounded up and dumped on the doorstep of the Indian High Commission or Air Indias check in desks

29th February 2012, 20:03
We can deduct their keep off any 'aid' to India and other such non-cooperative countries until they are welcomed home. :angry:

Our country is run by a bunch of morons.

29th February 2012, 23:58
Ok I have little sympathy but from a humankind point of view its a sad situation.
Half the problem is the trafficers are promoting these people with "land of gold" and prosperity and easy to make money here.

I know its not like that and its the scum that promote the transport here that are the villains first and foremost.
I agree these guys should be deported back to India - they have no right to be here and why the local authorities are not putting them on a plane is beyond me...