View Full Version : Yob tasered where it hurts

2nd March 2012, 23:36
Teenage thug, 16, Tasered in the testicles after attacking police officers while high on mephedrone

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2109372/Teenage-thug-16-Tasered-testicles-attacking-police-officers-high-mephedrone.html#ixzz1o09K7TID


2nd March 2012, 23:45

2nd March 2012, 23:58
Serves the druggy brat right.

His parents should be punished too for lack of supervision and correct disciplining of their CHILD. :angry:

3rd March 2012, 00:43
ouch :laugher::laugher::laugher: that'l keep his testostrone in check :icon_lol::icon_lol:

3rd March 2012, 01:10
Pity it didn't sterilise him :angry:

3rd March 2012, 01:10
Philippine National Police have a way of dealing with scumbags
He would have have got a bit more that a taser on his testicles
if he tried to fight the cops here.

3rd March 2012, 05:27
I know what you mean Tanga but it's different here because believe it or not yobs scumbags and every bit of Low life have rights under European Law. This piece of Rubbish could end up suing the Policeman and getting awarded damages. We even allow people to preach hatred and incite violence against us on our own streets......We still have much to learn.

3rd March 2012, 10:31
Absolutely right.

3rd March 2012, 10:43
I know what you mean Tanga but it's different here because believe it or not yobs scumbags and every bit of Low life have rights under European Law. This piece of Rubbish could end up suing the Policeman and getting awarded damages. We even allow people to preach hatred and incite violence against us on our own streets......We still have much to learn.

I think you should say that "we still have much to re-learn" - it all went out of the window due to soft liberalism and political correctness. Years ago criminals and scumbags got properly punished

3rd March 2012, 15:11
Well I don't know about Phils cops, but someone I know is an expat in Thailand. His Thai wife had her bag snatched by a mugger. The police soon caught him with the help of some passers by. They then held the mugger and invited her to give him a beating if she wished.

Here they'd probably be sued by the mugger for hurt feelings if they attempted to arrest him

3rd March 2012, 15:17
Look I've said this often enough - to anyone who is willing to be bored by me :D

There is one place in the UK, and one place alone where the majority belief is that crims should be pitied, and the householder somehow deserves it and woe betide them if they DARE to try protect themselves - and that is the House of Commons.

The laws in the UK (And other western countries) are only like they are, because WE allow it.
If instead of moaning about it down the pub, we got off our backsides and joined the political parties, and thus "normal" people outnumbered the present politicially motivated people who actually join - then overnight the parties policies would change.

It is because of apathy, and nothing more than apathy that the country is in a bit of a mess - but really no more of a mess than it's always been. Despite what some say, it really wasn't better in the "good old days", it was just a different mess.

3rd March 2012, 15:37
You may be perfectly correct, but that doesn't mean stifling debate on here.

Many thanks for your contribution though.:)

3rd March 2012, 15:50
Despite what some say, it really wasn't better in the "good old days", it was just a different mess.

1920's/1930's greater unemployment and social deprivation, poorer health, housing and education, no welfare state - would you care to point me towards any reports of rioting on the scale we have seen on occasions in the UK since the 1970's ?

Arthur Little
3rd March 2012, 16:01
Look I've said this often enough - to anyone who is willing to be bored by me :D

Say it as often as you like, Ian ... I'm not bored with what you're saying. :nono-1-1: ...
... because, :iagree:; at least partially!

And so too, would the vast majority of other decent, law-abiding British citizens.

The laws in the UK (And other western countries) are only like they are, because WE allow it.

However ... it's not so much a case of WE - as a nation - allowing it. :NoNo: It is, I believe, :rolleyes: more to do with the European Court of Human Sh1tes interfering with - and then, overriding - centuries' old judicial systems in favour of the wrongdoers. :angry:

3rd March 2012, 17:16
So, which political party with a fraction of a chance of getting into power is going to kick ECOHR into touch ?:Erm:

Looks like we're screwed. :angry:

3rd March 2012, 18:08
would you care to point me towards any reports of rioting on the scale we have seen on occasions in the UK since the 1970's ?

It's as I said fella, different mess. Regarding the lack of rioting back in the day, there was some of that. Regarding the scale though, well firstly you can be sure the lawmakers - police - of the time would have been in fists swinging, and secondly, back then the social makeup was different...........work it out ;) You know, that thing the BBC wouldn't say, but everyone witnessing the riots noticed.

3rd March 2012, 18:16
Nigel Farage and UKIP would be likely candidates if only more disgruntled Tory voters would change their way of thinking.

5th March 2012, 21:04
It's as I said fella, different mess. Regarding the lack of rioting back in the day, there was some of that. Regarding the scale though, well firstly you can be sure the lawmakers - police - of the time would have been in fists swinging, and secondly, back then the social makeup was different...........work it out ;) You know, that thing the BBC wouldn't say, but everyone witnessing the riots noticed.

Different mess, social make up different :icon_lol: pull the other one

I suppose you are going to tell us that those unfortunates in the Great Depression had hope and that you subscribe to the Margaret Hodge view that the 2011 criminal, thieving rabble "had no hope"