View Full Version : refused visit visa

4th March 2012, 01:32
hello! im new here. I applied for visit visa twice but they always refused me for the reason that i have no ties here in the philippines they did not accept my daughter and my sick father as my ties here they told me that i have worked in taiwan for a long time so i can stay in uk for a long time also as illegal. my boyfriend sponsor me to meet his family and friends in uk my annulment is on going and i have to attend schedule hearing. I am unemployed and my boyfriend is the one who support me here in the philippines. pls advice me what to do... thanks

4th March 2012, 04:14
Hi ate rhema, welcome here:Wave:

I'm sorry to hear about your two refusals, As many here have said, visit visa is a 'lottery' to obtain and you really need a BIG reason/ties to return in your country at the end of your propose visits. A daughter and a sick father are not somewhat what we call economical 'ties' for you to convince the ECO that you would return however there are members here who was granted a visa for giving such reason itself, they must be very lucky. What the ECO consider as economical ties are school, permanent job, properties, businesses and the like. I'm afraid you can't appeal but take note that your recent refusals won't affect your future visa application as every application should be base on its own merits, you might consider applying for fiancee or spouse visa later. I believe you have 99% for securing settlement visa so thats something to look forward to. We are not the ECO here so what we can give is just a piece of advice. What you can do for now is relax and try to gather all the evidence of your genuine relationship as much as possible for future references. Its ok ate, I also had 2 refusals before so trust me I know how you feel. Keep your head up and try to be optimistic. Goodluck on whatever route your taking and God bless! :)

4th March 2012, 10:20
thanks juvyjones. Im planning to register a small business (egg business) business permit it might help my 3rd time application for visit visa coz my annulment is still on going it might take a yr again to finish it and my boyfriend want me to meet his family and friends there. again many thanks...

4th March 2012, 10:36
rhema, sorry to learn that you have been refused visit visa for a second time.
The ECO was not convinced that you would return to Philippines before the UK visa expiry.

If you are actively considering a further visit visa application please be very sure that you can counter all the issues that created the past refusals.
For many people it's always going to be tough to provide sufficient evidence that will convince the ECO that on a balance of probabilities you will return.

I really don't want to appear negative, but having a newly formed small business will not be sufficiently strong enough evidence. Especially if you would plan to leave the country for say 3 months.

Also do not consider your daughter and sick father as ties to Philippines. The ECO will consider such issue as reasons to stay in UK.

4th March 2012, 10:44
thanks terpe.
what can i do to convince them and make them satisfy...

4th March 2012, 10:48
thanks terpe.
what can i do to convince them and make them satisfy...
What were the reasons for refusal last time?

4th March 2012, 11:14
my refusal stated that "i am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking to enter uk for a limited period as stated by you and not exceeding 6 months. I am not satisfied that you have demonstrated sufficient strong ties to the phil. to make you leave the uk. The fact that you have family in the phil. is not itself a strong reason for you to leave the uk after your visit. Many people have been known to leave their family at home, sometimes for long periods, whilst they gain entry to the uk and then find work there, such people do this for economic reason. I note that yu have been working for many years in taiwan even though your child was here in the phil."

4th March 2012, 13:07
thanks terpe.
what can i do to convince them and make them satisfy...

Sorry to say that no-one can really tell you that rhema.

I have to be totally honest and tell you that from what you have divulged already, it's going to be major complication for you to prove any non-immigrant intent.

The questions around the issue of just what constitutes "strong ties" certainly differ from country to country, city to city and individual case to individual case.
Typical examples could include employment, social and family relationships and possessions. Really it comes down to the various aspects of your life that really bind you to your country.

It's really not so uncommon to discover that you find it very difficult to provide convincing evidence.

I don't know if it's appropriate, but maybe the consideration of a settlement visa (finacee/spouse) needs to be done.

4th March 2012, 13:26
i have to wait for my annulment... thanks terpe....

4th March 2012, 15:31
if you've lived together for 2yrs you might be able to apply for an Unmarried partner visa.

they could refuse anyone for the no ties and on balance of probabilities that you will not return :angry:

5th March 2012, 08:05
if i will going to re apply again a visit visa and make a letter that i am a good law a abider citizen and i will attach nbi clearance and police clearance from taiwan where i used to work before and state on my letter that i only want to meet my boyfriend and his family and friends and not for work because if i only want to work i will go back to my past work in taiwan coz they still calling me if i want to go back working. all i want now is a family thats why i dont want to ruin my future application to permanently stay with my boyfriend as a wife in uk.