View Full Version : Happy Birthday, Doc Alan

Arthur Little
4th March 2012, 10:28
One of the forum's best~known stalwarts - and Trusted Member - has cause for celebration today ... :birthday:, my friend.

4th March 2012, 10:37
Many Happy Returns Doc :66:

4th March 2012, 10:39
Happy Birthday Doc Alan :birthday:

4th March 2012, 10:47
Happy birthday Doc Alan. :icon_sorry: :birthday:

Eyes O'Donnell
4th March 2012, 10:50
:birthday::xxparty-smiley-050: Doc Alan :xxparty-smiley-050::birthday:

4th March 2012, 10:50
Happy Birthday Alan :Hellooo:

4th March 2012, 11:53
All the best Doc Alan:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th March 2012, 12:54
happy birthday doc alan
hope you have a wonderful day

4th March 2012, 13:30
I know I have already greeted you on fb doc alan, but here wishing you a happy birthday :xxparty-smiley-050::66::Wave:, many thanks for your kind and professional advice here on the forum esp on health matters. you're truly a blessing for us here:xxgrinning--00xx3: have a great day and God bless! :)

4th March 2012, 13:40
hope the day goes very well, happy birthday Alan:):):)

4th March 2012, 13:45
Happy birthday doc alan.Hope you have a good one.:xxparty-smiley-050:

Doc Alan
4th March 2012, 13:53
Thanks Arthur, you can be relied upon to remember birthdays, and almost everything else about forum members :xxgrinning--00xx3:.
Thanks also Dedworth, Stevewool, Juvy , Mikey73, Mickcant, Steve.r, Eyes O'Donnell, Graham, Terpe, and Gladz ( in no order of preference ! ).
I still feel like a 30 year old :icon_lol:.
Juvy, I do appreciate your recent description of me as doctor and comedian :xxgrinning--00xx3: Some of the Humour section posts get more views than Health ( or other ) sections :).
So far this weekend - walk on beach, swim at nearby leisure club, Chinese meal, trendy bar, Casino ... forgot to count alcohol units ( where was that cheep booze, Ded ? ) :yikes:
As for " sunny Scarborough ", pouring with rain today :doh.
Good chance to get on Skype for distant friends and relatives :):)

4th March 2012, 13:56
oops...forgot you were from Scarborough Alan....no wonder you prefer it there (ref other thread). :icon_lol:

4th March 2012, 14:32
Best Wishes again Doc ,Alan & Lyn:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th March 2012, 15:32

4th March 2012, 15:40
Happy birthday doc.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th March 2012, 18:41
Happy Bithday Mate.
Hope you have had a good day:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th March 2012, 18:48
Many Happy returns Doc have a great day. :birthday:

4th March 2012, 20:01
Happy Birthday Doc Alan! God bless you

stevie c
4th March 2012, 20:34
One of the forum's best~known stalwarts - and Trusted Member - has cause for celebration today ... :birthday:, my friend.

I couldn't agree more
Happy birthday Doc :Jump:

4th March 2012, 21:41

Doc Alan
4th March 2012, 23:36
I could have added ( in the best possible sense ) that there are other, better, forum comedians than me :).
Thanks ( again ) to Alan and Lyn, Joebloggs, Andy, Tone, Bigmarco, Smileyangel, Stevie.c, and Rayna :). Just wish I knew you all personally !
STILL raining in Scarborough ( and Bridlington, and York, Graham :icon_lol: ), but I've had a great birthday, chilled out and lightened up, although my birthday cake had only ONE candle ( Health and Safety regulations ) :icon_lol:.

4th March 2012, 23:53
Many Happy Returns Alan, glad to see that you've had an enjoyable birthday weekend! :xxparty-smiley-050::birthday::raining:

Doc Alan
5th March 2012, 00:09
Thanks Rosie :).

Arthur Little
5th March 2012, 00:10
( Health and Safety regulations ) :icon_lol:.

:icon_lol: ... that'll keep Dedworth happy! :yeahthat:

5th March 2012, 00:44
Happy Birthday Doc Alan :birthday::xxparty-smiley-050:

Doc Alan
5th March 2012, 01:10
Thanks Imagine :)

5th March 2012, 04:06
:)Happy birthday Doc Alan :Jump::Jump::Jump:

5th March 2012, 04:23
HAPPY-HAPPY BIRTHDAY Doc Alan...I wish good health and happiness always....take care and God Bless

Davao lani
5th March 2012, 07:30
Happy Birthday Doc Alan!

Doc Alan
5th March 2012, 09:35
Thank you CAT, Marie and Davao lani :)

5th March 2012, 10:34
Happy Birthday! :Hellooo:

5th March 2012, 11:08
:birthday: Doc Alan.


Doc Alan
5th March 2012, 11:37
Thank you Scottishbride and Ann, the rain has gone, the sun is shining, so I'm going for a cycle ride, then tonight being treated to a free meal at my local bar ( for my birthday, not for frequent attendance :icon_lol: ) :).

5th March 2012, 13:44
Happy Birthday Doc Alan!! :Wave:

Doc Alan
5th March 2012, 14:42
Thank you aim_angel :).

5th March 2012, 14:54
happy birthday doc!
better late than never.....I hope!:icon_sorry:

Doc Alan
5th March 2012, 18:22
better late than never.....I hope!:icon_sorry:
Thanks Fred, you're not too late, I appreciate every message, and celebrations are going on all week ( 50 again ! ) :Hellooo::Hellooo: