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4th March 2012, 12:22
hello another newbie here just wanted to say a big hi to all.my name is marc im 39 years old.depressed as i have just got back from philippines leaving my lovely wife there :bigcry:

4th March 2012, 12:24
Welcome to the forum Marc. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Know how you feel....just got back on Tuesday after saying goodbye to my new fiancee. :cwm3:

Stick around...lots of good people on here who know what you're going through. :)

4th March 2012, 12:25
I know the feeling Marc :bigcry:

Welcome to the forum :Wave:

4th March 2012, 12:37
thank you for the quick replies and warm welcome,graham i got back on tuesday aswell congrats to you and your new fiancee :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th March 2012, 12:41
hello another newbie here just wanted to say a big hi to all.my name is marc im 39 years old.depressed as i have just got back from philippines leaving my lovely wife there :bigcry:

Hi Marc, welcome here to the forum :xxgrinning--00xx3:
It's so sad to be far from your wife. Be strong and stay focussed.

4th March 2012, 12:50
thank you terpe its good to be on this forum people understand what your going through,that helps yes i will stay strong for her :)

4th March 2012, 13:39
:meet-1:welcome to the forum marc:Wave:

I agree its so frustrating, depressing and stressful to be away from our partner, especially a newly wed couple. Thanks to the help of technology we are able to keep in touch with them everyday. I hope you can bring your wife to the UK asap:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th March 2012, 13:40
Hi marc.:welcomex: to the forum

I understand how you feel as i,myself has been away from my husband for over a month and it feels like its been ages.

Let us all be patient and stay positive that soon we will be reunited with our love ones and never be this far from each other.:)

4th March 2012, 13:42
welcome, work and save hard and before you know it , you will be together again:)

4th March 2012, 14:54
thank you all again for your lovely replies,,i have a question my wife has just emailed me and is worried my name is incorrect on our marriage certificate..let me explain now on my passport my first names are marc anthony and surname is armour(no middle name) but on our marriage certificate my name is marc first name anthony middle name and armour as surname,,my name is all spelt correct..will this be a problem when my wife applies for her spouse visa.thank you in advance

4th March 2012, 15:32
advise your wife to have it corrected before the civil registry submits your marriage certificate at NSO.

4th March 2012, 15:35
Agreed !

I had to go off to the British Embassy halfway through our civil ceremony to have differences in spelling on docs ironed out.

What a bloody pain ! :angry:

Make sure ALL documents have EXACTLY matching names and spellings !

4th March 2012, 15:55
thank you again,,,that is the confusing thing i always assumed that anthony was my middle name marc anthony armour so really it is correct,,all my names are spelt correct,,sorry to sound like a fool but im so confused :doh

4th March 2012, 16:20
Marc my husband had the same concern, on our NSO marriage certificate, his name were all spelled correctly, he also has Anthony as his second name, but the Anthony is placed as his middle name on the marriage certificate, I asked NSO and civil registrar officer about this and they said there shouldn't be any problem with that. I think Its ok as long as your full name are spelled correctly on the certificate. For you to be sure, better contact the embassy or the NSO about this conflict.

Do you already have a copy of your marriage certificate authenticated from the NSO?

4th March 2012, 16:27
Welcome to the forum Marc:Wave:
Hope you can soon be together again:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th March 2012, 16:33
thank you juvyjones28 that is what i thought and my wife is meant to receive the NSO certificate on march 8

4th March 2012, 16:49
thank you juvyjones28 that is what i thought and my wife is meant to recieve the NSO certificate on march 8

Yup no worries, did you do the 'advance endorsement' process?

4th March 2012, 18:54
Welcome to the Forum Marc and like you I'm apart from wife at the moment awaiting a decision on her spousal visa application. It's hard but lets all remain positive. :Hellooo:

4th March 2012, 19:56
welcome to the forum marc :Wave:
Be strong and be patient, soon you will be together again.....for good!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
4th March 2012, 20:25
Hi Marc & a warm welcome to the forum

Stay strong & before you know it you will be togethwr again.

Most members have experianced what you are experiancing but as the saying goes absence makes the heart grow fonder.

4th March 2012, 23:52
...................as the saying goes absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Yep, very true but also very tough.

Arthur Little
5th March 2012, 00:23
hello another newbie here just wanted to say a big hi to all.my name is marc im 39 years old. depressed as i have just got back from philippines leaving my lovely wife there :bigcry:

You're not alone there, mate :NoNo: ... as you've already seen. Here's to happier days. Meanwhile ... :welcomex: to the friendly, online filipino/uk site, Marc. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th March 2012, 00:42
and another welcome to you marc :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th March 2012, 22:17
hello all thank you again for all you kind welcomes,,sorry juvyjones i never got back to you my wife recieved our authenicated NSO marriage cert today and no advance endorsement just paid a little extra ;)

5th March 2012, 22:23
Hi there Marc, welcome to the forum and all that.

And yes, as others have said, tough one that. Keep focussed though, it's not forever, get that visa sorted :xxgrinning--00xx3: