View Full Version : Foreigner who 'dislikes' PH says sorry

Eyes O'Donnell
20th March 2012, 13:20
MANILA, Philippines – The Cebu-based foreigner who hosted the viral video “20 Reasons I Dislike the Philippines” has apologized after a Cebu City councilor reportedly moved to declare him persona non grata amid public outrage over his video.

In a video statement on ChannelFix.com, which uploaded his original video, James Sieczka appeared distraught in a 3-minute “official response and apology.”

“I’m deeply sorry that I’ve offended some of the people in the Philippines and the show was just made to point out obvious things that any other person probably would acknowledge and say to themselves and say to their friends, but obviously not take the steps that I took and put it in a video,” Sieczka said.

He said he did not intend to hurt Filipinos “in this wonderful and beautiful nation that’s been so great to me since I moved here 3 and a half years ago.” He added: “It saddens me that so many people took it to heart, took it too seriously… they just… kind of…,” said Sieczka.

For his video that generated a mix of positive and negative reactions on Twitter, a Cebu City councilor will file a resolution to declare Sieczka a persona non grata or an unwelcome personality in the area, according to The Philippine Star.

In his video, the foreigner criticized Filipinos for practices like littering or urinating on walls.

Sieczka declined Rappler's request for an interview, saying he needs to act on his "lawyers' wishes." "I need to rest a bit and then, in the near future, I'll be able to address the media on my terms," Sieczka said in a text message.

‘Hate’ a strong word

In his apology, the host of the viral video also clarified he doesn’t hate the Philippines, contrary to perceptions. “Hate is a strong word… It’s such a strong word for anyone, to think that I would stay here for as long as I have, and hate the place. It’s just not true,” he said.

In another written statement he sent to The Philippine Star and TV5, Sieczka said he made the video “in good faith and as a legitimate and reasonable exercise of my right, ‘freedom of expression.’”

“It's an honest observation and opinion that I myself think needs to be worked on not just specifically in Cebu. These are little things that we see around us as normal people and from the eyes of an ordinary man like me,” he explained.

Eyes O'Donnell
20th March 2012, 13:31

here's the link but unfortunately i don't know how to upload it. :Erm: Can anyone give me some help here please. Thanks:)

20th March 2012, 13:39

this is the link to the page, but your link only was for photo, is this what you wanted or just the photo?

20th March 2012, 14:06
Serves him right, they should throw him out and lock the door :cwm23:

20th March 2012, 14:30
he had a bad attitude the arrogant fool,
had he shown both sides the good and bad that would have been more acceptable,
his comments were rude and insulting , he should be kicked out of philippines

20th March 2012, 14:47
He's a moron - they should ignore the fake apology, stick him in the slammer for a couple of months on some trumped up charge and then ship him out

Arthur Little
20th March 2012, 15:01
So he SHOULD :rolleyes: ... although it's a bit late now!

Arthur Little
20th March 2012, 15:11
In his video, the foreigner criticized Filipinos for practices like urinating on walls.

Mind you ... just imagine :rolleyes: the public outcry there'd be if that :yeahthat: practice were to be adopted here!

Arthur Little
20th March 2012, 15:24
:anerikke: ... sometimes, of course, "needs must" :piss2: ...

Arthur Little
20th March 2012, 15:30
... littering ...

... there's NO excuse for! :angry:

20th March 2012, 15:34
he had a bad attitude the arrogant fool,
had he shown both sides the good and bad that would have been more acceptable,
his comments were rude and insulting , he should be kicked out of philippines

He is an idiot for making a public statement,as a foreigner on issues that critisise his host country. He is guilty of stupididity and has quite rightly apologised. Interestingly many comments on the video are from Filipinos who agree on the issues that he highlighted.
Leave matters of Philippines to Filipinos,as a visitor you will not change anything so do not attempt to do so.
Accept the country for what it is,there are many frustrations but get a balance there are also so many positive aspects to Philippines.
Foreigners have an advantage over most Filipinos. When life here becomes unacceptable the solution is easy...get to the airport with a one way ticket. You are free to leave

20th March 2012, 15:35
The presentation wasn't acceptable. Period. I mean fullstop.

20th March 2012, 19:39
A naive fool.

What reaction did he expect ?

He's lucky to be alive, let alone not banned from the country. :rolleyes:

21st March 2012, 07:08
Most comments regarding the video (that I have read by Filipinos) are ones that tend to agree with him which is a good sign IMO.
Even local government admin have taken notice in a surprisingly positive way.

Cebu Daily News
Cebu's Only Independent Newspaper

Video should spur us to action—Gwen

Posted on March 20, 2012

AN American’s viral video that criticized 20 things about the country should be taken as constructive criticism, said Cebu Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia.
In her regular press conference yesterday, Garcia said she hasn’t seen the viral video “20 things I dislike about the Philippines” that featured an American Jimmy Sieczka hanging out in Fuente Osmeña, Cebu City.

“We have never claimed to be a developed first world country. There are challenges that we must face. I guess the bigger question, are we doing something about this?,” she said.

As far as the province is concerned, Garcia said she has been addressing some of these concerns since the first day of her administration. “It’s been a long hard climb but we’re climbing,” she said.

Garcia said she understands the sentiments of some that voiced distaste over the video. She said she considers it a “call for action.”
“It’s either we get mad or we do something about it.

Let’s translate it into constructive action,” she said.

The governor said the province is far from perfect and local government units (LGUs) have a lot of work ahead to build their areas as tourism destinations.

“The video should challenge us further to work harder so that someday we could throw everything back everything he said about us,” Garcia said. Correspondent Carmel Loise Matus.

Beautification to silence critics like Jimmy–group

Once the beautification of Osmeña Boulevard and the rest of Cebu City is complete there would be no reason for foreigners like Jimmy Siezcka to criticize the city.

Philanthropist Mariquita Salimbangon and businesswoman Margie Lhuillier, co-chairpersons of the Beautiful Cebu Movement, said this in response to the “20 things I dislike about the Philippines” viral video of Siezcka.

Lhullier, who said she knew Jimmy worked as a lightsman for Bigfoot Productions like her granddaughter did earlier, said she thinks Jimmy loves Cebu and that everything “he said in the video was true.”

“But the problem is that we do not enjoy hearing it if (criticisms) come from a foreign national. Whatever he is criticizing, we are doing something about it,” she said.

Yeung said the movement raised its target P10 million during a Feb. 29 masquerade ball for the beautification of Osmeña Boulevard. Work there resumes after the Holy Week and is set to be completed in 60 days.

Yeung said Cebuanos shouldn’t take offense at what Jimmy said in his viral video.

She said they should take it as a wake-up call for them to cooperate with the city government in making Cebu City clean and beautiful.
“This is where we can come in. We can help in cleaning the city,” she said.

Lawyer Joje Dical, movement president, said while they work to beautify the city they also need the help of Cebuanos in keeping these areas clean and orderly.

“We are calling the public not to vandalize. We are also asking the support especially of establishment owners along Osmeña Boulevard not to make the sidewalks a parking area,” she said.

She said the bricks and pavings they used on the sidewalks are designed for pedestrian use. Dical said these aren’t durable enough to withstand vehicle use.

Yeung said they immediately report to Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama or to the Cebu City Integrated Traffic Operations Management (Citom) any vehicles that park on the newly paved sidewalks of Osmeña Boulevard.

Beautification of the boulevard from the Capitol to Fuente Osmeña rotunda was completed last year, said Yeung.

Phase 2 of their work from Fuente Osmena rotunda to Sanciangko Street is only 25 percent complete due to lack of funding and some “interruptions,” which include the Sinulog celebration last January.

Architect Tessie Javier, Beautiful Cebu Movement vice president for internal affairs, said they will install 175 lampposts worth P10,000 each along Osmeña Boulevard.

About 164 posts were already installed.

“We are just working on the electrical connections to light the lampposts,” she said.

Yeung said Rama asked the movement to extend their work up to Plaza Independencia area.

Cebu Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia also helped them tap cement suppliers for some donations of cement.

Next on their list is the beautification of sidewalks along Escario, B. Rodriguez and Sanciangko streets.

“We will continue even if there is a change in administration after the election. We are nonpartisan,” said Yeung.

“We have nothing to do with politics and we are not funded by the city government.” /Doris C. Bongcac, Chief of Reporters

21st March 2012, 08:37
i have never seen the video but whats new about it and what would the filipinos like me to expect. everyone has the right to say what they think is good and bad. Sensitivity wont make any change instead take those criticism for some good improvements

Arthur Little
21st March 2012, 15:15
Well ...:anerikke: ... from what I'm led to believe, prices, generally, have "sky-rocketed" since the Aquino administration took over!

21st March 2012, 17:41
Well ...:anerikke: ... from what I'm led to believe, prices, generally, have "sky-rocketed" since the Aquino administration took over!

Very true Arthur.
World oil prices are not something over which the Aquino administration have any control
but the high price of oil has a knock on effect on food,transport,lpg costs etc. Many
Filipinos find these increases hard to absorb and have no safety net. I sense a growing
dissatisfaction in the youth of the country who perceive the President to be uncaring and
out of touch. There are almost daily protests and there is a new fad "noynoying"
The impeachment trial is dragging on (9th week now) and important issues are sidelined.
The stock market is at an all time high but this is of no consolation to the millions who are
Interesting times ahead

21st March 2012, 18:15
freedom of speech is a wonderful thing,,and it means freedom of speech worlwide,,thats his opinions and he intitled to them if we agree or disagree its up to ones self,,for the record i agree and disagree with many of the comments but thats thebeauty of freedom of speech and we are all guilty of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and judging different situations ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, jay ............

21st March 2012, 19:23
....The impeachment trial is dragging on (9th week now) and important issues are sidelined.
The stock market is at an all time high but this is of no consolation to the millions who are
Interesting times ahead

Right on the mark there. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

The Philippines has a 'small window of opportunity' right now.
Especially with the stock market, their credit rating and the positivity of huge investments from Japan, China,Korea,USA and Australia.

But instead of 'exploiting' the opportunities the Pnoy govt continues to focus on this darned impeachement Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?

21st March 2012, 20:37
The rich and powerful there live within their own greedy and corrupt little soap opera, that's why. :NoNo: