View Full Version : Terms of Endearment

Maria B
20th March 2012, 19:29
In Staffordshire and the West Midlands both men and women use the term 'duck' when speaking to another person irrespective of their sex".

Shocking at first but it's now becoming endearing to me compared to the term "mate". So I will call my Filipino family & friends "hellow duck" lols! I bet I will have a lot of backslapping if they are here.

How about in your area. Do you have any funny/ peculiar/ unique terms of endearment aside from flower, honey, love...?":Wave:

C'mon duckies, spit it out!:icon_lol::Wave:;)

20th March 2012, 19:45

20th March 2012, 19:49
yep duckie is what i say, to females, or ducks, to blokes i work with its t---ts:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

stevie c
20th March 2012, 19:52
Down here its

Hello guvner
hello love
hello mate
hello geezer
hello me old china

Maria B
20th March 2012, 22:28


20th March 2012, 22:29
different areas have their own, mine from west yorks was allright luv,

theres alright chuck,, pal,,, mate,,,, cock,( pardon the expression),,,

peterhead is , my loon or queenie, mostly say fit like,

there are many more that i cant think of at the moment, but there all different from location to location

Maria B
20th March 2012, 22:29
Down its

Hello guvner
hello love
hello mate
hello geezer
hello me old china

guvner? geezer? which area are u from again stevie c if u don't mind me asking? geezer sounds cute:D

Maria B
20th March 2012, 22:31
different areas have their own, mine from west yorks was allright luv,

theres alright chuck,, pal,,, mate,,,, cock,( pardon the expression),,,

peterhead is , my loon or queenie, mostly say fit like,

there are many more that i cant think of at the moment, but there all different from location to location

:omg: cock (ooopps pardon) that sounds harsh than a duck :icon_lol: interesting especially from scotland. wondering what's it like if anyone from wales, belfast, south end......:)

20th March 2012, 22:37
luv is commen too, or free luv is bette:Sex:r, well before i met my beautifull wife:hubbahubba:

20th March 2012, 22:40
luv is commen too, or free luv is bette:Sex:r, well before i met my beautifull wife:hubbahubba:

love is never free , its an illusion,, one way or another you pay in full , a lifes lesson :icon_lol:

20th March 2012, 22:42
:omg: cock (ooopps pardon) that sounds harsh than a duck :icon_lol: interesting especially from scotland. wondering what's it like if anyone from wales, belfast, south end......:)

that one isnt from scotland its from down south somewhere , maybe leeds , liverpool or maybe london , not sure, but i heard it a lot years back in yorkshire

20th March 2012, 22:50
me old cock, sheffield area,yorkshire

20th March 2012, 22:50
love is never free , its an illusion,, one way or another you pay in full , a lifes lesson :icon_lol:

i am more then happy now:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Maria B
20th March 2012, 22:55
me old cock, sheffield area,yorkshire

:icon_lol: just imagine long time ago, they used to name their daughters as 'fanny':Cuckoo::icon_lol:

21st March 2012, 00:07
:icon_lol: just imagine long time ago, they used to name their daughters as 'fanny':Cuckoo::icon_lol:

victorian times , i know a street called fanny street, old st titus salts village saltaire

21st March 2012, 00:08
me old cock, sheffield area,yorkshire

thats it guess your right its them areas i heard it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st March 2012, 00:14
that one isnt from scotland its from down south somewhere , maybe leeds , liverpool or maybe london , not sure, but i heard it a lot years back in yorkshire

My original hometown is Pontefract in West Yorkshire, and 'cock' was a very common form of greeting there.
Very common anywhere between Sheffield/BarnsleyWakefield/Pontefract area.

Remember Charlie Williams the comedian ? (from Upton near Ponte')...always used that expression as well as 'Flower'. :)

21st March 2012, 00:16
me old flower :icon_lol:

21st March 2012, 01:43
am from lincoln we used duck all time but here in leeds its love /luv my uncle used to say how are you ducky or my ducks every city has there own sayings up north they say marrer as in my mate or whats the crack the list goes on

Arthur Little
21st March 2012, 13:36
In Glasgow - where I was born - it's "hen" ... as in:

"Haw, hen ... howzitt gaun?" ("Hello, dear ... how ARE you?")

Alternatively, when introducing oneself to others:

:meet-1: "Ah'm Ina ... Isa's china!" ("I'm Ina ... Isa's friend!")

- from which, it may be deduced that the former is a customary term of endearment (usually ... though not exclusively!) used by the male on addressing a member of the "fairer" sex - while the latter can just as easily be utilised by a female when announcing her own presence to another person of the same gender. :crazy:

Arthur Little
21st March 2012, 13:54
So ... ducks ... hens ... whatever ... :anerikke: ... maybe that :yeahthat: would explain WHY women are often [derogatorily] referred to as "birds"!!! :Bolt:

21st March 2012, 18:47
So ... ducks ... hens ... whatever ... :anerikke: ... maybe that :yeahthat: would explain WHY women are often [derogatorily] referred to as "birds"!!! :Bolt:

so true:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: as proud as a peacock:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

21st March 2012, 18:47
:icon_lol: just imagine long time ago, they used to name their daughters as 'fanny':Cuckoo::icon_lol:

fanny cradock:icon_lol:

21st March 2012, 18:48
It's all 'me duck' around Northampton area

stevie c
21st March 2012, 18:56
guvner? geezer? which area are u from again stevie c if u don't mind me asking? geezer sounds cute:D

Thurrock just outside of london:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st March 2012, 19:45
luv is commen too, or free luv is bette:Sex:r, well before i met my beautifull wife:hubbahubba:

I'm just down the road from Steve in deepest leicestershire so its duck and luv for us as well. A bit of a shock for the wife when she first arrived in the uk and it actually started quite a arguements, especailly when I said it to someone of the female type!!