View Full Version : Devil dog shot after it mauled Police Officers

22nd March 2012, 23:16
Five police officers mauled by crazed dog as they raid suspect's home - and it took four shots to finally kill it

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2118774/Five-police-officers-mauled-pit-bull-type-dog-raid-suspects-home.html#ixzz1pt0ihNkc

They should have shot the knuckle dragger who owned the dog :cwm23:

22nd March 2012, 23:41
its usualy drug dealers that have dogs of that and similer kind, gives them time to get rid of the gear, when they getting busted , i dont know maybe the dog then eats it

22nd March 2012, 23:41
I agree ! :angry:

Most of these animals are owned by brain-dead idiots.

22nd March 2012, 23:48
:NoNo: shocking.. 5 cops hurt :angry:


23rd March 2012, 00:25
WHY do these people care more about a damned out of control predatory animal than the human it has severely injured ? :NoNo:

They should be ordered to receive psychiatric treatment and banned from being responsible for any living creature. :angry:

I have been interested in all animal life since a very early age, and indeed had my own pet store for 5 years, but I cannot even bring myself to watch Crufts on TV because of the totally obsessed bunch of weirdos who seem to gravitate towards the breeding and showing of dogs of any description. :crazy:

23rd March 2012, 10:52
i was waiting to get some petrol 2 days ago and there was something going on near the door when i looked it was one of these dogs it wouldnt let go of this girls bag it was shaking it and wouldnt let go the guy was kicking it hiting it 2 still nothing the girl had to go with the guy till the dog lets go of her bag not sure if it did had to go pay these dogs should be put down what if it was a childs arm instead of a bag maybe the law might do something now one of there owns been hurt

23rd March 2012, 11:24

Can any of us bear to think about it being one of our children ? :NoNo: