View Full Version : Boom in Sham Weddings

24th March 2012, 22:43
My big fat gypsy bogus wedding fixer: The 'marriage' organiser who kept cropping up at ceremonies... as Mail investigation reveals boom in sham nuptials
This special investigation reveals the horrifying growth in sham weddings so illegal immigrants can claim benefits – and, yes, it’s all thanks to human rights

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2119579/Its-boom-time-marriage-bogus-kind-is.html#ixzz1q4Zg2n6o

Sickening insanity :angry:

24th March 2012, 22:49
Yep, these are the people who are screwing up the system for the rest of us. :cwm23:

24th March 2012, 22:54
and its all these :censored::furious3:that prevent us from having our partners here and have to fight 2 bring our real wifes to uk at alot of money that these:censored:dont pay

25th March 2012, 09:14
If those in authority won't do anything, despite having reasonable doubts, and if the UKBA don't have enough enforcement staff then .........

25th March 2012, 09:18
If those in authority won't do anything, despite having reasonable doubts, and if the UKBA don't have enough enforcement staff then .........

We know from my case that is seems the UKBA just cannot be botherd:NoNo:
Unless they are being filed perhaps for one of the TV shows:crazy:

25th March 2012, 09:20
We know from my case that is seems the UKBA just cannot be botherd:NoNo:
Unless they are being filed perhaps for one of the TV shows:crazy:

Quite right too Mick. :NoNo:

25th March 2012, 10:16
Yes it seems once you do get here you are ok. Getting here is the problem for us now.