View Full Version : Theresa May 'planning new clampdown on immigration'

25th March 2012, 13:36
Home secretary Theresa May is planning a new crackdown on immigration designed to reduce the number of people who arrive in the UK on family visas, it has emerged.

the coalition government pledged to reduce annual net migration to less than 100,000 by the end of the parliament, but saw it rise to 250,000 in the 12 months to June 2011.

In a leaked letter seen by the Sunday Telegraph, Ms May outlined proposals that would help to cut the number of immigrants by around 15,000 a year and 'reduce the burdens on the taxpayer, promote integration and tackle abuse'.

Her plans include increasing the minimum income requirement for anyone wishing to bring a spouse, partner or dependent to the UK from outside the European Union from £13,700 to £25,700.

That figure could climb to up to £62,600 if they wanted children to join them in Britain.

Ms May also suggested the probationary period before spouses and partners can apply to live in the UK permanently should rise from two to five years.

The letter, which was sent to deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, talked of the need to 'differentiate between genuine and non-genuine relationships', which is an indication of a desire to crack down on sham marriages.

Liberal Democrats traditionally take a softer line on immigration than the Conservatives and it is not known what Mr Clegg's reaction to the proposals was.

The Home Office refused to comment on the matter.

Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk/news/894150-theresa-may-planning-new-clampdown-on-immigration#ixzz1q8CBRusw

25th March 2012, 13:48
this country cannot carry on the way it is being run,get out sooner the better, there will be nothing but the rich and the poor, and more poor pensioners when its time for many to retire, thats if you can afford to retire living here

25th March 2012, 13:51
if it's true £25,700 will cause many problems for many people, especially if you have step kids to :NoNo:
i can see lawyers getting ready to challenge this in UK courts and the Courts of Criminal Rights.

25th March 2012, 14:07
this gets worse..

In a leaked letter obtained by The Sunday Telegraph, Mrs May proposed almost doubling the minimum income requirement to £25,700 for anyone wanting to bring a spouse, partner or dependent into Britain from outside the European Union.

She is also suggesting a longer probationary period, from two to five years, before spouses and partners can apply to live permanently in Britain.

The moves, to take effect from June, were set out in a letter to Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in his role as chairman of the Cabinet home affairs sub-committee.


25th March 2012, 14:32
What I want to see is a "clampdown" and deportation of failed so called "asylum seekers" and all the maggots here illegally :angry:

25th March 2012, 14:40
What I want to see is a "clampdown" and deportation of failed so called "asylum seekers" and all the maggots here illegally :angry:

human rights protect them, they dont protect Brits, crazy my stepson will need to earn £50k+ a year to bring his wife and 2 kids here :doh

Brits are easy targets, European and Illegals are not so easy :NoNo:

25th March 2012, 14:52
Oh well it looks like taking Mrs MAY to the small claims court to get my wifes english test money back.:yikes:

25th March 2012, 15:12
well thats :censored:me for getting my wife to be here i will never get that type of money philippines here i come better start packing now get some pige and chickens bought maybe a rice field too as am not going to be with her in this .... hole in near future :censored::furious3::furious3::furious3:

25th March 2012, 15:29
Well I saw the writing on the wall and sold up lock,stock and barrel. i just feel sorry for the millions of decent,hard working people who have been betrayed by successive governments. To think that some of our forefathers fought in two world wars for the country,it is nothing less than betrayal

25th March 2012, 15:57
this country cannot carry on the way it is being run,get out sooner the better, there will be nothing but the rich and the poor, and more poor pensioners when its time for many to retire, thats if you can afford to retire living here

Yes 3rd world rings a bell.

25th March 2012, 16:02
This is all very depressing. :NoNo:

Sham marriages could easily be sorted out by a simple interview and the application of common sense. In fact most of this immigration nonsense could be. :rolleyes:

I think I'll just go and live out the few years I have left in the Philippines, now that REAL Brits are second-class citizens in what WAS our proud and independent country. They can send me the pittance of a pension I've earned by being an honest tax-paying citizen for 40 odd years, rather than having a litter of illegitimate kids, living off the state and robbing houses. :angry:

25th March 2012, 16:30
and yet you try to tell friends or other family members back in Phils that our lives in the UK are not as good as they think... and they laugh at you because they still think you are rich and have great lives!!! I beg to differ!!

25th March 2012, 16:45
and yet you try to tell friends or other family members back in Phils that our lives in the UK are not as good as they think... and they laugh at you because they still think you are rich and have great lives!!! I beg to differ!!

Spot on Steve.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th March 2012, 16:46
This is all very depressing. :NoNo:

Sham marriages could easily be sorted out by a simple interview and the application of common sense. In fact most of this immigration nonsense could be. :rolleyes:

I think I'll just go and live out the few years I have left in the Philippines, now that REAL Brits are second-class citizens in what WAS our proud and independent country. They can send me the pittance of a pension I've earned by being an honest tax-paying citizen for 40 odd years, rather than having a litter of illegitimate kids, living off the state and robbing houses. :angry:

Proud to be british? I dont think so. I have felt like that for a long time.

25th March 2012, 16:57
wha i am reading is getting worst for month to month, yes before when i was not involved with Emma i did not understand or to tell the truth if it did not bother me i was not intrested, but now what a mes this country is in, like its been said lets all live like many dont care bang out kids and dont work, i am o saying everyone is like tat, but look around you, there seems to be many more then you thought,most of our partners who come to this country do work, pay tax insurance and are a credit to there employes,this year another £1000 to keep emma here but the people from europe well its free again, i dont call myself europe, i call myself english and yes still proud too, but proud for my parents and the age we all are the young ones dont think its proud to be english i feel,

25th March 2012, 17:58
I'll be honest and admit that if this is genuine leaked communication, I'm shocked.

It looks like we'll have to be creative and find ways to use the EEA family permit route to our advantage.

You're right joe the lawyers are going to have a field day.

25th March 2012, 18:23
as again only the rich will be able to do what they want and the poor sod on minimue wages are told to :censored:off were not aloud to have a good life anymore

25th March 2012, 18:30
people say the most important thing here is the nhs, yes we all need health, but better living, sun on your back and ot to much stress, i hope,

25th March 2012, 18:41
i will never be able get a job that pays £480 a week thats what is amounts to

25th March 2012, 18:42
people say the most important thing here is the nhs, yes we all need health, but better living, sun on your back and ot to much stress, i hope,

And it's true.................to an extent.
But what will the NHS be like in 3years/5years/10years?
No-one can say, but it's clear that the current funding model is not possible.
Will it need some private intervention?
Will there be restrictions or conditions.

At what age will 'policy' restrict allowable costly treatments?

Just food for thought?

Healthcare is important to us all, but how many really know the treatment the get in UK when you're 'old' (whatever that age is).

I have some recent experience and it doesn't make good reading.

stevie c
25th March 2012, 19:08
This is shocking & worrying news :omg:

My Flors is due to apply for her ILR in october but it looks like we shall have to move to the Phils if these new rules are passed:NoNo:

But how do i explain & tell her that after 2 yrs here she has to move back to the Phils :doh

What happens if a spouse has been here for 2 yrs but she is deported & has no home to go to or empoyment to go to back in the Phils in other words she has nothing back in the phils only a suitcase with what she arrives with..... What will the goverment do about this situation? :Erm:

25th March 2012, 19:12
I don't think it will apply to those already here. :)

25th March 2012, 19:19
nhs, well soon we all will be taking out insurance to cover us for ill health, just like america and if you have not got insurance you will be entiled to free but it will be a means test, so england of the future will be, if you have savings , a house they all will come in handy for your old age just like a care home but not privatise, but being run by the goverment

25th March 2012, 19:21
This is shocking & worrying news :omg:

My Flors is due to apply for her ILR in october but it looks like we shall have to move to the Phils if these new rules are passed:NoNo:

But how do i explain & tell her that after 2 yrs here she has to move back to the Phils :doh

What happens if a spouse has been here for 2 yrs but she is deported & has no home to go to or empoyment to go to back in the Phils in other words she has nothing back in the phils only a suitcase with what she arrives with..... What will the goverment do about this situation? :Erm:

Even if these leaks are accurate I can't see this being applied retrospectively

stevie c
25th March 2012, 19:36
I hope not guys

How can the goverment expect working class people to be earning this sort of salary when most jobs available are just at the minium wage or slightly above.

The empoyers hold all the cards at the mo what with the current employment situation it's either take the job at the wage or bog off.

My hearty goes out to all those applying for fiance,spouse or dependant visa in the near future it certainly looks bleak :cwm23:

25th March 2012, 19:36
This is shocking & worrying news :omg:

My Flors is due to apply for her ILR in october but it looks like we shall have to move to the Phils if these new rules are passed:NoNo:

But how do i explain & tell her that after 2 yrs here she has to move back to the Phils :doh

What happens if a spouse has been here for 2 yrs but she is deported & has no home to go to or empoyment to go to back in the Phils in other words she has nothing back in the phils only a suitcase with what she arrives with..... What will the goverment do about this situation? :Erm:

Worsed sinario is Steve is you will be working your ass off over here and be supporting your wife in the phils just like I will have to until we retire.:doh

stevie c
25th March 2012, 19:41
Who knows Andy it could be an early grave bofore then :doh:omg:

25th March 2012, 19:44
There will be a way round it I hope.

stevie c
25th March 2012, 19:55
There will be a way round it I hope.

Don't hold your breath Andy not with this shower of s**t in office :angry:

25th March 2012, 19:58
My Mrs says always think positive . Sometimes its a challenge to do that.:NoNo:

stevie c
25th March 2012, 20:04
That is one of my wifes sayings but i always say there is nothing to be positive about :NoNo:

25th March 2012, 20:10
There will be a way round it I hope.

my stepson will need to be on £50k a year to get his wife and 2 kids here, and on £50k a year for the next 5yrs by the look of this 'leak' if it is true.

3yrs time he can apply to be a British citizen, if this does happen and the Cons are still in gov ( maybe labor will win the next election - who is going to vote for the libs now ? , maybe labour will scrap it)

I'm thinking the only way is for him to go to southern Ireland get a job after a few months, apply for a family permit for his wife and kids (cost nothing) stay there a few months and use the 'Surinder Singh' route to get him back to the UK with his misses.

family permit as a British citizen he has a virtual legal right for his wife and kids to join him and it cost virtually nothing.

25th March 2012, 20:14
You cant just blame 1 government for this. Labour were too lenient and the tories would sell their own grandmother if they could. But either way we are the losers.

25th March 2012, 20:18
The 'usual suspects' from the Indian Sub-continent will not be affected by this because as usual, they will club together and come up with the usual cock and bull stories/fraudulant use of 'shared' property and family names etc etc to scam their way through the system as they have with mortgages and finance and every other aspect of life in this country that involves rules and laws. :angry:

25th March 2012, 20:28
You cant just blame 1 government for this. Labour were too lenient and the tories would sell their own grandmother if they could. But either way we are the losers.

:laugher: from one extreme to another, at least under labour you could bring your wife here, now under the tories many can't. yes you can blame the tories, it's the tories who are doing it, sure labour should have deported the illegals quicker, stopped visa abuse and dodgy colleges. but this is going too far, yet Europeans can bring their wife and kids and claims benefits freely :crazy: and some here will be married to non europeans and they are paying taxes for these europeans and they cant bring their wife here :laugher:

25th March 2012, 20:39
maybe we might be able to find something in human rights around this surely they cant just do this without some retubution

25th March 2012, 20:44
some one on drugs no job can marry anyone they want have as many kids they like get paid to sit on there ass al day have more rights than the one who want to have the choice to marry whoever they pick there is no such thing as fair justice in uk

25th March 2012, 20:44
Want a bet Hawk? We will just have to see. I think its best to get legal advice and see where we stand.

25th March 2012, 20:57
well lads and lasses, i cannot imagine my life without Emma, and i will do what ever it takes for us to have a good life, yes we lucky i have a good job and emma is working too, but if it came to it and emma was in the phils and the only way we could be together was for me to stay here and her there, then thats how it will be,

25th March 2012, 21:03
well lads and lasses, i cannot imagine my life without Emma, and i will do what ever it takes for us to have a good life, yes we lucky i have a good job and emma is working too, but if it came to it and emma was in the phils and the only way we could be together was for me to stay here and her there, then thats how it will be,

What kind of marriage is that Steve? I understand what you mean but its ridiculous.

25th March 2012, 21:11
could be the only marriage what is avalible to many, i dont mean to offend anyone but my years before Emma came into my life was lonely and then we had over 2 years talking on the com then we meet and life is jut as wonderful then as it is now,if i did not have what i have now well maybe the next best thing is what i have said

25th March 2012, 21:18
Poor Mercedes seems to be having a crap time in Singapore...being treated as a bloody slave, just as I had anticipated. :angry:

They confiscated her mobile phone, no days off, and the poor little thing has to lift around this heavy old woman.

Only had about 3 brief Facebook messages since she's been gone there. :cwm3:

25th March 2012, 21:21
Your not offending anyone steve your just saying what comes from your heart.. In reality it could be different. Believe me I am married my wife is over there and I will admit I get lonely. Hoping that we will be together one day keeps me going,

25th March 2012, 21:25
Poor Mercedes seems to be having a crap time in Singapore...being treated as a bloody slave, just as I had anticipated. :angry:

They confiscated her mobile phone, no days off, and the poor little thing has to lift around this heavy old woman.

Only had about 3 brief Facebook messages since she's been gone there. :cwm3:

It must be hard for you mate.

25th March 2012, 21:30
Your not offending anyone steve your just saying what comes from your heart.. In reality it could be different. Believe me I am married my wife is over there and I will admit I get lonely. Hoping that we will be together one day keeps me going,

yes i am lucky i know, and like you say it could be differant, you have to live with what you have, this site helps, it helped me

25th March 2012, 21:33
I'm sick as a dog, because when she asked me if she should 'put in her papers' for a job in Singapore, as we hadn't met at that time I just said 'yes', not wanting her to miss out on an opportunity. :rolleyes:

If I'd realised they'd ship her out there so quickly (meanwhile holding her passport), I'd have said no, stay in the Phils at the job you already enjoy and I'll take care of you. :Brick:

Again they have taken her passport until her contract is completed.

It's nothing more than :censored: slavery !

25th March 2012, 21:35
...............Again they have taken her passport until her contract is completed....

Is that legal? :Erm:

25th March 2012, 21:37
Well, it's supposed to be an approved agency.:rolleyes:

Sounds more like people trafficking to me.:angry:

By the time I'd met Mercedes the deed was done, as it were. The agency had her passport, booked her ticket (so they said) and she was committed to doing the 'training' and going. :NoNo:

25th March 2012, 21:39
just put this on terresa mays facebook page probly get arresed :laugher:and on camarons as well equality you dont know the meaning weres my equality to have my wife come here from philippines and be told that i need to earn over £25000 just another abuse to my human rights to a familey life i should be able to have who ever i want as my wife

25th March 2012, 21:43
They're all a bunch of damned crooks.

The Tory party Treasurer has just had to resign because of the corrupt practices he was recorded suggesting....ie....buying influence. :NoNo:

25th March 2012, 21:54
How did you get that on there hawk?

stevie c
25th March 2012, 21:58
Graham my heart goes outr to you & mercedes surely there must be someway of cancelling this contract due to no days off & taking of passport

25th March 2012, 21:58
just looked up her name and that came up

25th March 2012, 22:31
Graham my heart goes outr to you & mercedes surely there must be someway of cancelling this contract due to no days off & taking of passport

Thanks mate.

Nothing I can do.

I'd already offered to 'buy her out' of going, but at the time she felt obliged to them and looked upon it as a new experience for her.

If Mercedes decides she wants out, then it will simply be a matter of money. It will be her decision, and I'll be happy to pay.

stevie c
25th March 2012, 22:41
Well mate i can only sympathise with you & hope mercedes situation improves & knowing that if don't you will be there for her & will do everything to get her back home.

25th March 2012, 22:50
Thanks Stevie.

25th March 2012, 22:59
from Davies Khan (immigration adviser)

the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), in their consultation report, conclude that a minimum income threshold of £25,700.00 pa would prevent 64% of spousal settlement visas succeeding. That by itself indicates that two thirds of the British working population is paid below the average.

Those married to foreigners who vote Tory might as well be turkeys voting for Christmas.

stevie c
25th March 2012, 23:09
:UOTE=joebloggs;349202]from Davies Khan (immigration adviser)

the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC), in their consultation report, conclude that a minimum income threshold of £25,700.00 pa would prevent 64% of spousal settlement visas succeeding. That by itself indicates that two thirds of the British working population is paid below the average.

Those married to foreigners who vote Tory might as well be turkeys voting for Christmas.[/QUOTE]


25th March 2012, 23:14
KHAN ? :doh

25th March 2012, 23:16
so 2/3rds of working pop is below the 25k average, this must be seen as unfair by uk and Euro courts.

25th March 2012, 23:17
KHAN ? :doh

:yikes: no he's a decent guy, he's helped people out on this forum and many, many others :doh

25th March 2012, 23:39
You cant just blame 1 government for this. Labour were too lenient and the tories would sell their own grandmother if they could. But either way we are the losers.

graham remember ' The Primary Purpose rule' :NoNo: one of the first things Jack Straw scrapped when he became Home Secretary.


The Government has scrapped one of Britain's toughest immigration laws. The Primary Purpose rule, which has barred entry into the UK for thousands of people married to British citizens, has been dropped.

Home Secretary Jack Straw said it was being ended because "it is arbitrary, unfair and ineffective and has penalised genuine cases, divided families and unnecessarily increased the administrative burden on the immigration system."

The move was described as "hugely welcome" by Claude Moraes of the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, who said it would be beneficial, both practically and symbolically.

Previously, the Primary Purpose rule required foreign nationals married to British citizens to prove that the primary purpose of their marriage was not to obtain British residency.

If those wishing to take up residency in the UK could not prove this to the satisfaction of immigration officers, they were denied entry into the United Kingdom. The change in the law is expected to place the burden of proof on immigration officials rather than those applying for residency.

In abolishing the rule, Labour is honouring one of its election manifesto commitments. The abolition of the rule will bring immediate benefits to more than 1,000 couples who were barred from the UK on the basis of the rule in 1996 alone.

Mr Straw said he was determined to build an immigration and asylum system that was "fairer, faster and firmer". He stressed that the other rules on married partners applying to enter Britain - such as those saying the marriage must not be one of convenience and not place a financial burden on the state - would remain.

Mr Straw said the rules would be amended from Wednesday and added, "Entry clearance officers are being instructed not to refuse entry clearance applications where the refusal depends solely on the primary purpose rule."

Mr Straw's announcement came in a written reply to a question from Keith Vaz, the Labour MP for Leicester East, who was quick to welcome the change.

Mr Vaz said, "This is an historic decision. Jack Straw should be congratulated on this move. Thousands of people separated under this cruel and malicious rule will now be treated with the respect they deserve. Today's announcement is the first step towards restoring justice to Britain's immigration policy."

25th March 2012, 23:58
I hadn't read that report at the time Joe. :Erm:

'Seeking economic advantage' was traditionally the biggest hurdle, and one that still seems to be used.

Actually 1996 was an important year for me and the visa system, because that was the year me and the ex applied (successfully) to bring her 2 children to the UK, though I had actually been working in Hong Kong for about 3 years at that time, with the rest of the family living in the Phils. I later brought them all to Hong Kong while the visa application for the kids was being sorted.

The ex had obtained her own settlement visa back in 1991 of course.

At the time of applying for the dependants visas I had neither job, home nor income in the UK.
Didn't take me long to have all those in place on paper though.

26th March 2012, 00:07
also from Khan, maybe some hope..

Any legislation has to be 'compatible' with the terms of the Human Rights Act 1998. If it's incompatible, that legislation can be struck out by the courts. The HRA provides a national remedy to the European Convention on Human Rights, which was signed by the UK eons ago. Previously, if someone wished to assert that their 'human rights' had been infringed, then remedy would have to have been sought through the European Court for Human Rights - so costly as to generally not be worth it.

Should a sponsor's minimum income proposal be introduced to the Immigration Rules, it could be perceived as a disproportionate interference in the right to a private and family life (Article 8), as well as discriminatory, and thereby 'incompatible' with the HRA. After all, it is 'not fair' that one person can have their foreign spouse settle simply because they earn x amount, whereas the bloke next door can't because he falls shy of an arbitrary threshold.

but i think the tories have been talking about scrapping the HRA or changing it :angry:

26th March 2012, 00:13
Thanks mate.

Nothing I can do.

I'd already offered to 'buy her out' of going, but at the time she felt obliged to them and looked upon it as a new experience for her.

If Mercedes decides she wants out, then it will simply be a matter of money. It will be her decision, and I'll be happy to pay.

sad to read about mercedes with the contract, job, taking her phone ect, im so sorry to hear this,

i hope its easy enough to do if she needs out,

i can only imagine how you must feel,

26th March 2012, 00:15
Some interesting points there Joe, and definitely applicable I'd have thought. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Although there are certain elements of the HRA I'd be happy to see the back of, the Tories are part of a coalition and I don't see them having an easy time with something as major as the HRA....especially when the hand-wringers in the Liberal and Labour parties get their feathers ruffled over it.

26th March 2012, 00:19
sad to read about mercedes with the contract, job, taking her phone ect, im so sorry to hear this,

i hope its easy enough to do if she needs out,

i can only imagine how you must feel,

Thanks Stewart.

I just feel frustrated, because there's basically sod all I can do about it. :NoNo:

Time will tell, but I'll help how ever I can to prevent her having to put up with the situation any longer than she needs to.

26th March 2012, 00:20
i've always voted labour - i must be in one of labours safest seats, but i think you should have a legal right to bring your wife and step kids to the UK, money shouldn't come in to it,
we all remember what tony went thru, he struggled but got her here in the end, i bet his wife is working and not claiming public funds, but if that minimum limit is set, many will have no chance, and that's wrong. :NoNo:

stevie c
26th March 2012, 00:30
This is a very worrying,sad & desperate situation many genuine couples will find themselves in me included if this also apllies to those spouses already here in the uk & who are about to apply for ilr.....i pray there will be a satisfactory outcome for all of us.

Arthur Little
26th March 2012, 03:45
:cwm23: ... "May" be better setting an example by clamping down on those illegal curry houses she opened in her constituency.

26th March 2012, 07:17
WOW. Its all been kicking off while I have been away. Its been a bit like a sleeping dragon, this. I was wondering when it would rear its ugly head again. ( Ooops I wasnt talking about Theresa May ) ......

26th March 2012, 07:25
From the telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/telegraph-view/9164667/Migration-moving-in-the-right-direction.html

"As we report today, Theresa May, the Home Secretary, plans to change the law to make it harder for new immigrants to bring in members of their families. At present, immigrants need to be able to show that they will have a minimum income in Britain of £13,700 to be given permission to bring in a spouse, partner or dependant. Under the new proposals, that sum will increase to £25,700. Anyone hoping to bring in three or more children would have to demonstrate that they have a minimum income of £62,600. She also hopes to reintroduce some form of investigation that would allow the authorities to distinguish sham marriages from genuine ones – although that proposal may well fall foul of the judges, who ruled that previous attempts to investigate the basis of a marriage were “discriminatory” and so illegal"

26th March 2012, 07:49
Thanks Stewart.

I just feel frustrated, because there's basically sod all I can do about it. :NoNo:

Time will tell, but I'll help how ever I can to prevent her having to put up with the situation any longer than she needs to.

Presumably she doesn't have access to the internet Graham? I was in contact with a Filipina nanny in China and she used to have to "sneak" about a bit and go on the internet when her employers were out of the house or late at night. It seemed to work to a degree.

26th March 2012, 08:56
She appears to have very limited access, via a phone....perhaps one that she's managed to hide away, but of course probably unable to top it up if she's being kept a virtual prisoner. :rolleyes:

26th March 2012, 09:01
From the telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/telegraph-view/9164667/Migration-moving-in-the-right-direction.html

"As we report today, Theresa May, the Home Secretary, plans to change the law to make it harder for new immigrants to bring in members of their families. At present, immigrants need to be able to show that they will have a minimum income in Britain of £13,700 to be given permission to bring in a spouse, partner or dependant. Under the new proposals, that sum will increase to £25,700. Anyone hoping to bring in three or more children would have to demonstrate that they have a minimum income of £62,600. She also hopes to reintroduce some form of investigation that would allow the authorities to distinguish sham marriages from genuine ones – although that proposal may well fall foul of the judges, who ruled that previous attempts to investigate the basis of a marriage were “discriminatory” and so illegal"

Seems to be some confusion there...but what can we expect from the halfwits who report on these things ? :NoNo:

26th March 2012, 09:05
Seems to be some confusion there...but what can we expect from the halfwits who report on these things. :NoNo:

Yes. Well spotted. Just the odd word or two makes a lot of difference to the meaning of the report.

26th March 2012, 11:32
Poor Mercedes seems to be having a crap time in Singapore...being treated as a bloody slave, just as I had anticipated. :angry:

They confiscated her mobile phone, no days off, and the poor little thing has to lift around this heavy old woman.

Only had about 3 brief Facebook messages since she's been gone there. :cwm3:

Sorry to hear this Graham - no doubt you will be genning up on things - I've just come across this


26th March 2012, 11:41
Sorry to hear this Graham - no doubt you will be genning up on things - I've just come across this


Good find there Dedworth :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hope it will help you Graham

It must be frustrating not being able to talk to each other and gauge how things are.

Arthur Little
26th March 2012, 13:38
She also hopes to reintroduce some form of investigation that would allow the authorities to distinguish sham marriages from genuine ones – although that proposal may well fall foul of the judges, who ruled that previous attempts to investigate the basis of a marriage were “discriminatory” and so illegal"

:rolleyes: ... surely it's not as discrimatory - nor illegal - as splitting up families whose income falls below a certain level. :NoNo:

26th March 2012, 17:50
Interesting Guardian article.....

"Theresa May's immigration plan is a one-size-fits-none fix
As a US-born citizen married to a UK national, I don't see how my income is correlated to my ability to fit in here"


stevie c
26th March 2012, 19:45
Thnks for posting lastlid

A very interesting & informative read :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th March 2012, 20:00
Thnks for posting lastlid

A very interesting & informative read :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes. Seems to sum things up quite well. Interesting for the likes of yoursleves and ourselves, what she says about ILR.

stevie c
26th March 2012, 20:06
Yes it seems the 2 to 5yr rule will definatley be implemented......Remains to be seen if this will affect those already here on spouse & fiance visas will there be a transitional period for the likes of us & yourselfs who knows we wait with baited breath :doh

26th March 2012, 21:45
Just had a very hard conversation with my g/f about this. Without going into specifics, there is absolutely no chance I could increase my income to over that amount in the current climate.

So should we finish, on the basis we could never be together? I can't move abroad because I have children from a previous marriage.

Don't want to go all melodramatic and all that, but I just feel like everything I have to look forward to has gone

26th March 2012, 21:53
time goes very quickly, so just hold on about breaking up with your girlfriend, your children will grow up and you will be alone, myself and emma was talking for a few years before i even went out to the phils, we all have to deside what is best for ourselves and our future partners, dont let this goverment deside for you, where theres a will theres away

26th March 2012, 21:55
Just had a very hard conversation with my g/f about this. Without going into specifics, there is absolutely no chance I could increase my income to over that amount in the current climate.

So should we finish, on the basis we could never be together? I can't move abroad because I have children from a previous marriage.

Don't want to go all melodramatic and all that, but I just feel like everything I have to look forward to has gone
Join the club mate.:doh

I wonder if this cash for access has anything to do with it? Makes you wonder.:omg:

26th March 2012, 22:10
wait and see what happens, its not going to be easy for May, there will definitely be court cases, and the gov record is pretty poor at winning them :rolleyes:

27th March 2012, 06:58
Just had a very hard conversation with my g/f about this. Without going into specifics, there is absolutely no chance I could increase my income to over that amount in the current climate.

So should we finish, on the basis we could never be together? I can't move abroad because I have children from a previous marriage.

Don't want to go all melodramatic and all that, but I just feel like everything I have to look forward to has gone

There has been some leakage of what? Pretty much what was already published.

Before anyone starts making life changing decisions much better to wait a while until the government actually comes out officially with the proposed new immigration rules.

For all we know there may be a number of 'if's' and 'but's', 'get out of jail free' clauses so to speak.

At this time we just don't know the full story.

I know it's easy for those of us here in UK with our loved ones, but it doesn't make sense to finalise any decisions based on what we don't know.

27th March 2012, 07:30
Yes. Hopefully, if / when the newer Spousal route measures are brought in, they are brought in a diluted fashion. That could still happen yet.

27th March 2012, 08:50
There has been some leakage of what? Pretty much what was already published.

Before anyone starts making life changing decisions much better to wait a while until the government actually comes out officially with the proposed new immigration rules.

For all we know there may be a number of 'if's' and 'but's', 'get out of jail free' clauses so to speak.

At this time we just don't know the full story.

I know it's easy for those of us here in UK with our loved ones, but it doesn't make sense to finalise any decisions based on what we don't know.

I fully agree ....................ties in with Steves post (Doom & Gloom) http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/37162-doom-and-gloom

27th March 2012, 10:59
i think its more than just hear say, the letter was sent to Clegg i believe, and it was not so long ago the libs wanted an amnesty for illegals , was it a lib who leaked it :Erm:

27th March 2012, 18:00
Well if it was (bound to be) then they should have the political nerve to say "no way, this isn't workable, think again".

Totally putting aside any personal emotion about this, if all immigration was stopped, then the country would stagnate, and frankly we don't have to look far to find home grown examples of "don't it make you prowd to be British innit".

Introduce the harder English test, introduce say a ban on benefit entitlement for - ummm - 5 years of working and paying into the pot - and we're talking about people who want to work and would contribute to the economy.

Introducing some new rule purely aimed at meeting some tory proposal of cutting immigration, and aimed in a scattergun fashion, well that is frankly barking. Yes we know immigration has got crazy in the last few years, and we also know where many of the real problems are. Everyone makes fun of towns becoming "Little Poland", but really, few actually have reason to seriously complain about them. No-one cares about Aussies coming over, few care if a few hundred thousand Chinese students are here - we all know who actually cause problems.

Plus, frankly, if it was this easy - put up the salary needed to bring in a partner - then surely someone would have done it already. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about this proposal which says both "unworkable" and "illegal".

Plus, we all know the biggest immigration is from within the EU - and there's not a rats ass they can do about this. Well if they think it's bad now, wait until Turkey joins :Cuckoo:

Can't we have a general election :cwm23:

27th March 2012, 19:49
If this £25000 limit does come into play. Is it worth putting a visa application in and fighting the refusal. Thats my question to you guys,?

27th March 2012, 19:53
If this £25000 limit does come into play. Is it worth putting a visa application in and fighting the refusal. Thats my question to you guys,?

If you can afford it, maybe. Thats the answer from my gut, but not an experts answer.

27th March 2012, 20:08
"May claims raising the support level will "differentiate between genuine and non-genuine relationships". But forced marriage won't be prevented by these rules. It is also rare: about 400 cases a year. High incomes and long waits are no guarantee against sham marriages either, despite what the tabloids claim".

This has been extracted from the article that I made the link to in my earlier post. I think this sums the governments approach up well.

27th March 2012, 20:16
If you can afford it, maybe. Thats the answer from my gut, but not an experts answer.

The way I look at it is I have come this far I might as well give it a go even though I am the wrong colour.

stevie c
27th March 2012, 20:32
:cwm23:Visa applications, Appeals, FLR's ILR's, Citizenships all way overpriced...they won't be happy until all the genuine applicants are bankrupt :angry::cwm23:

Forgot too mention english tests , life in the uk tests..... Disgracefull

27th March 2012, 20:34
the trouble is stevie, what choice have we

stevie c
27th March 2012, 20:37
No Choice Steve our women PAY OR STAY as simple as that :doh

27th March 2012, 20:40
I predict a riot, :laugher::laugher::laugher:

27th March 2012, 20:42
The way I look at it is I have come this far I might as well give it a go even though I am the wrong colour.

Hopefully it wont be necessary Andy. But if it gets that far I genuinely wish you all the best. I know you know we would be with you all the way.

stevie c
27th March 2012, 20:44
I predict a riot, :laugher::laugher::laugher:

Reminds me of the Clash song White City Riot....But seriously where will all these expenses & red tape end for genuine marriages maybe when they have made almost impossible to bring your wife/fiancee here :cwm23:

27th March 2012, 20:53
Yes I tried to explain to the wife today. Its not easy as she has just passed the english test. All the studying and expense for nothing.:doh

stevie c
27th March 2012, 21:07
Andy when will you be submitting the visa application?

27th March 2012, 21:10
Fella, ok I am not the one to talk, as I am a right miserable :censored: , however saying it's all for nothing, well we really don't know yet.

I've had the worst day after upsetting my g/f last night over this, and I've had a 24ct telling off from just about everyone I know.

Don't make the same mistake and upset her just yet if you can.

It's just - we really don't know what the government are planning, or more to the point, what they can really get away with.

As for this, well even if they do get it in place, remember what happened when they put in the rule on age for spouses...........that had to be scrapped not so long after. If they do this, they might be forced to U-turn.

Or of course, this could be it, game over, but we don't know. Easy to say, hard to do (impossible for me) but it's not worth worrying until the facts are there.

27th March 2012, 21:16
wise words iani, that the trouble with men they say, we all jump at the first thing and our ladies just take it in there stride

27th March 2012, 21:32
Hopefully it wont be necessary Andy. But if it gets that far I genuinely wish you all the best. I know you know we would be with you all the way.

Thanks lastlid I know that you guys will provide information you are a great crowd.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th March 2012, 21:34
Andy when will you be submitting the visa application?

I was hoping october time mate to get them here for christmas.

stevie c
27th March 2012, 21:36
Andy what a fantastic christmas present that would be....I trully hope this happens for you & your'e good lady:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th March 2012, 21:37
Cheers mate we can only do our best.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
27th March 2012, 21:40
Yes Andy thats all you can do & no one can ask for more

27th March 2012, 21:50
can you bring the date forward andy, to bring your wife here

27th March 2012, 21:56
I worked it out i had paid over £4,000 for visa fees and tests for the misses and 2 kids and that was years ago.

only hopes are the judges and courts, if that fails, labour get back in power and scrap it.

move to a European country and exercise your treaty rights and use the family permit.

am sure they will be ways around this anyway.. dont give up hope , look at Tony and Simm they got their wives here.

also what happens to retired people, disabled people ? will it apply to them or will there be exceptions ???

27th March 2012, 22:02
can you bring the date forward andy, to bring your wife here

Yes. What are the chances of slapping in an application before June 1st?

28th March 2012, 10:01
No chance mate. If i could i would.

28th March 2012, 10:57
Theresa May :cwm23:

google Teresa May 4th one down is an eye opener :yikes::omg:


28th March 2012, 11:25
Theresa May :cwm23:

google Teresa May 4th one down is an eye opener :yikes::omg:


You mean the ghoulish picture or the Landsley sulk or the rebellion or......government braces for legal fight.....

28th March 2012, 13:13
You mean the ghoulish picture or the Landsley sulk or the rebellion or......government braces for legal fight.....

not THeresa May , but Teresa May - without the 'H' :yikes:

4th one down - Teresa May, strip tease by EARLYDOORS :laugher:

i'm not posting the link becuase i would have to ban myself :doh:icon_lol:

28th March 2012, 13:24
not THeresa May , but Teresa May - without the 'H' :yikes:

4th one down - Teresa May, strip tease by EARLYDOORS :laugher:

i'm not posting the link becuase i would have to ban myself :doh:icon_lol:

My "Family Filter" is on at work here. :icon_lol:

28th March 2012, 13:26
If i could i would. Andy's comment on Theresa May :icon_lol:

28th March 2012, 13:35
My "Family Filter" is on at work here. :icon_lol:

good job it is :laugher: twice this week i've stumbled :rolleyes: across :Sex: i was hoping it was may :D, but Tulisa admits it was her in her :Sex: video :doh after denying it :doh

28th March 2012, 14:37
Blimey, I'm working away for a couple of days and there's another 3 pages of thread ! :cwm24:

Anyway, slightly off-topic, but previously mentioned in the thread, it seems that Mercedes' employer is actually treating her pretty well, and she's also posted some happy-looking pics on Facebook, so hopefully things will turn out ok.
However she has also mentioned that if she does become unhappy there it's also ok for me to pay off the agency and get her back home.

Let's see how things progress.

I've sent her that link on Singapore labour laws (thankyou to Dedworth for posting it :xxgrinning--00xx3:).

28th March 2012, 14:56
I've sent her that link on Singapore labour laws (thankyou to Dedworth for posting it :xxgrinning--00xx3:).

Cheers Graham - talking of laws she might like to keep you informed of any no nonsense type punishments handed out in Singapore to drug dealers, muggers, perverts and other assorted pondlife :D

28th March 2012, 15:45
Yes, I reckon that would be our ideal job, sitting on the Magistrates' bench there. :icon_lol:

28th March 2012, 19:02
Yes, I reckon that would be our ideal job, sitting on the Magistrates' bench there. :icon_lol:

If we had their sort of punishments here I'd have sentenced that Twitter Racist Maggot to a serious thrashing rather than the 2 months inside that let Big Bubba think Christmas had come early

28th March 2012, 19:59
Yes, I reckon that would be our ideal job, sitting on the Magistrates' bench there. :icon_lol:

Hehe can imagine having your own black hat for the time of sentencing

"You shall be taken to a place of execution, where you shall hang by the neck...etc etc"

Blimey m'lud, all I did was jaywalking........

28th March 2012, 20:05
Huh....hung drawn and quartered for drug pushing, rape, murder, child abuse etc, if they were in my court...oh, and maybe if caught not using their indicators ! :xxaction-smiley-047

29th March 2012, 07:04
Blimey, I'm working away for a couple of days and there's another 3 pages of thread ! :cwm24:

Anyway, slightly off-topic, but previously mentioned in the thread, it seems that Mercedes' employer is actually treating her pretty well, and she's also posted some happy-looking pics on Facebook, so hopefully things will turn out ok.
However she has also mentioned that if she does become unhappy there it's also ok for me to pay off the agency and get her back home.

Let's see how things progress.

I've sent her that link on Singapore labour laws (thankyou to Dedworth for posting it :xxgrinning--00xx3:).

Glad to hear all's going well so far.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th March 2012, 07:11
Blimey, I'm working away for a couple of days and there's another 3 pages of thread ! :cwm24:

Anyway, slightly off-topic, but previously mentioned in the thread, it seems that Mercedes' employer is actually treating her pretty well, and she's also posted some happy-looking pics on Facebook, so hopefully things will turn out ok.
However she has also mentioned that if she does become unhappy there it's also ok for me to pay off the agency and get her back home.

Let's see how things progress.

I've sent her that link on Singapore labour laws (thankyou to Dedworth for posting it :xxgrinning--00xx3:).

Out of curiosity Graham, can I ask how much it would cost to pay the agency off?