View Full Version : paying to park your car at work

1st April 2012, 12:10
well what ever next, over £300 a year per car to park at your works carpark, nottingham is the first area that are charging the company to park there employers cars, the first 10 are free but after that £300 per year per car,surely if the company owns the land and pays rates then how can they charge, soon will it be the same for us being charge for parking our car at home too,, the council says its to get people to use the public transport and to pay for the new tram service that is being put into servicein the coming years, if it comes to derby well, the bikes coming out:doh

1st April 2012, 12:49
........ if it comes to derby well, the bikes coming out:doh

Don't forget there's a new tax for cyclists in designated urban areas effective April 2012.

Better learn how to ride the unicycle which is tax exempt.

1st April 2012, 12:52
Don't forget there's a new tax for cyclists in designated urban areas effective April 2012.

Better learn how to ride the unicycle which is tax exempt.

so if i pulled a wheely and rode my bike like that all the way to work could i avoid this new tax:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

1st April 2012, 13:02
When I worked at our local hospital and retired in 2009 We all paid to park:cwm23:
And on low wages, I expect the high paid bosses had a scam way round it:crazy:

1st April 2012, 13:17
I'll be buying a horse :xxgrinning--00xx3: :kngt:

1st April 2012, 13:20
we all may end up using a hola hoop and stick to run to work

1st April 2012, 14:51
Is this an April Fools?

1st April 2012, 14:54
we all may end up using a hola hoop and stick to run to work

I had one of those one time. But somebody stole my hoop and I couldn't get back home :D

1st April 2012, 16:26
Price of petrol (when you can actually buy the stuff due to some incompetent in the government making a stupid remark about readycans) being so high, it won't be too long before no-one can afford to drive to work anyway

1st April 2012, 17:23
I work at home so I couldn't care less :icon_lol:

1st April 2012, 18:49
I work from home too. :D

Anybody who lives in Nottingham Council area has my deepest sympathy though. :NoNo:

My stepdaughter is at Uni' there.

York has horrendous parking charges compared to other towns. Just leave it at Morrisons like everyone else does, or park on my drive for a small consideration. :)

1st April 2012, 18:56
I work for the NHS and i have to pay to park when I am at work.